
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs


Two weeks have passed since Donna returned to the lands of men for the first time in years. In this time, she has become a titan and now takes residence in Titans Tower, but not every superpowered person is treated like her. Some are seen as only freaks to the public. We will see one of these so-called freaks now. Currently, in a lab in New Mexico, a scientist stares at a giant black beetle in a large tube. He holds a clipboard and writes down the signals and stats of the specimen.

"It has been the same for years now. What is up with you?" said the scientist.

"I don't know, doc. Maybe it just needs a host," said a boy.

"Too dangerous. We need to know everything about this thing before we allow it to attach to a human," said the scientist.

"What do you think could happen?" asked the boy.

"I don't know. Maybe it will give the user superpowers," said the scientist.

"Or it can take over their bodies and turn them into their slave for their alien empire," said the boy.

"Be serious, Jaime for once," said the scientist.

"Sorry, doc. I'm just bored," said Jaime.

"Then, get unbored. We have made little to no progress in the past two weeks and we are in danger from thieves and goons. We have to finish this," said the scientist.

"Let's finish this then," said Jaime.

"Jaime, look. I know that you want to find out stuff about this scarab as well, but you make me move slower. Go home and I'll see you tomorrow. I'll finish up and lock up by myself," said the scientist.

"What about the goons and thieves?" asked Jaime.

"They won't come tonight. I have a good feeling. Now, get some rest. That's an order," said the scientist.

"Fine. Hasta luego, Ted," said Jaime as he walks away.

"Hasta luego," said Ted.

Jaime grabs his phone on the way out of the door. He looks at his phone as he walks down the dark hallways. He presses an app to look at his messages and he has received many from his amigos. He looks at some.

"Where u at?" said one.

"Hurry up. Don't be a puss," said another.

"I'll be there. Don't rush me," texted Jaime as he exits the lab.

Twenty minutes pass. We now cut to a groovy house party in a moderately sized house. Music can be heard from the house into the entire neighborhood. Many teens enter and exit the house. Jaime arrives via taxi and stands in front of the house to just look at it.

"Cool digs," said Jaime.

"Cool digs? Is that all you have to say about my crib?" asked Jaime's amigo.

"No disrespect, bro, but it's nothing too special," said Jaime as he turns to his amigo.

"It's better than your cramped house," said Jaime's amigo.

"I wouldn't live there if I could choose. I like to live near the science," said Jaime.

"Yeah. Yeah. You say that all the time. How's Dr. Kord?" said Jaime's amigo.

"He's good. Just paranoid," said Jaime.

"Don't blame him. You guys get attacked and robbed all the time," said Jaime's amigo.

"It didn't use to be like that. I blame that scarab," said Jaime.

"The giant bug?" asked Jaime's amigo.

"Yes. The giant bug," said Jaime.

"It will be fine. Once your little experiments are over, you will send it to Star Labs and it will now be their issue," said Jaime's amigo.

"Hopefully, we have no more distractions. I want to live," said Jaime.

"Me too, holmes, but we need to have fun to live. The party is already wild and we need to experience it. Let's enter," said Jaime's amigo.

The dos amigos enter the house and immediately feel the shift in the environment. Teens are the only thing that occupies the house. They either dance, chat, smoke, drink, or do other provocative activities. Jaime's amigo grabs his arm and guides him through the crowd of hyperactive teens. They make their way to a couch and sit down.

"Why are we sitting? Aren't we supposed to be having fun?" asked Jaime.

"Relax, bro. The girls will come to us," said Jaime's amigo.

"What are you talking about?" asked Jaime.

"The two main things people go to parties for is to have fun and get laid. We will do both of those things," said Jaime's amigo.

"Paco, you set this up just to get laid?" asked Jaime.

"Duh. Why would I have a party for any other reason?" said Paco.

"For some reason, I'm not surprised," said Jaime.

"I am a ladies man at the end of the day," said Paco.

"Whatever you say, pal," said Jaime.

"Look. Here they come," said Paco.

Jaime turns his head and sees two babes walking towards them. They are fine girls, one black and the other Hispanic, and obviously intoxicated. This should be an easy catch for the two friends.

"My. My. My. Look who we have here," said Paco.

"Don't flatter us. We don't deserve it," said the black girl.

"You do. Don't be coy," said Paco.

"Nice party. You know how to make a great time," said the Hispanic girl.

"It was all my bro's idea. He's the party animal here," said Paco.

"Really?" asked the Hispanic girl.

"Of course. I like to party. Even more, than I like science," said Jaime.

"You're a scientist?" asked the black girl.

"In training. I'm still young and inexperienced," said Jaime.

"You're smart. I like smart guys," said the Hispanic girl.

"Nice. We smart guys deserve some loving," said Jaime.

"Well, they sure do. You guys seem to have chemistry, so me and your beautiful friend shall dip. We have things to talk about," said Paco.

"Yes we do," said the black girl.

Paco throws his arm over the black girl's neck and escorts her towards the back rooms. The Hispanic girl takes a seat next to Jaime and he gulps in nervousness.

"You scared?" asked the Hispanic girl.

"Me scared? Never," said Jaime.

"You just gulped," said the Hispanic girl.

"I just do that. It's my quirk," said Jaime.

"You're quirky? Odd," said the Hispanic girl.

"Everyone has their quirks. That is what makes us special," said Jaime.

"Have you ever been with a girl?" asked the Hispanic girl.

"I've been with many. Many come to MY parties," said Jaime.

"So, you're a ladies man?" asked the Hispanic girl.

"Yeah and just like my boy. We go way back. Insider tip: your friend may not walk straight for a little bit," said Jaime.

"She's sadly used to that," said the Hispanic girl.

"Ummm. Cool," said Jaime.

"Not cool. She's a little disturbed. A little cooky. I brought her here to have fun, but she may be relapsing," said the Hispanic girl.

"Paco is a cool guy. She will be fine," said Jaime.

"He seems like all talk and no game," said the Hispanic girl.

"He has a lot of game, but an even bigger mouth," said Jaime.

"I knew it," said the Hispanic girl.

"Your friend will be ok. Trust me," said Jaime.

"How can I trust you if I don't know you?" asked the Hispanic girl.

"Then, come and get to know me," said Jaime.

Jaime and the Hispanic girl start to make out on the couch. The partying teens don't know or care. They continue to make out until the Hispanic girl pulls back and gets up.

"What's wrong?" asked Jaime.

"Follow me to the back. We need to talk," said the Hispanic girl.

"Why can't we talk out here?" asked Jaime.

The Hispanic girl gives him a look and he instantly figures out what she's talking about and gets up. The girl walks to the back while Jaime starts to follow her until he digs into his pocket. His keys are not there.

"Are you coming?" asked the Hispanic girl as she looks behind her.

"Umm. My keys aren't here. I'll go check outside. Wait for me," said Jaime.

"Just don't make me wait for long. I don't like to wait," said the Hispanic girl.

Jaime immediately runs out of the house. He then jets back in the direction of the lab. How could he make such a stupid mistake? Especially when he could be getting laid right now. He reaches the lab in only ten minutes. Out of breath, he walks up to the door and opens it. It is still dark and empty as always.

"Dr. Kord may still be here. He probably has my keys," said Jaime.

Jaime walks back up the stairs and makes his way back to the lab. He opens the closed door to the lab, but he doesn't see the scientist. He sees an explosion and is sent flying out of the window before everything goes dark. He doesn't wake up for a little while until he just does. He quickly opens his eyes but does not see the lab or the street. He only sees sand.

"Where am I?" asked Jaime as he shakes his head.

He gets up and rubs his face, but notices something strange. His hand is now blue and black. He jumps in shock and starts to look all over his body. His body is all blue and black.

"What is going on! I'm an alien!" exclaimed Jaime.

"Relax, boy. You're not an alien. I'm an alien," said the alien.

"Who said that!" exclaimed Jaime.

"Me," said the alien.

"Where are you?" asked Jaime.

"On you," said the alien.

"You're in me? Get out!" said Jaime.

"I'm on your back, idiot," said the alien.

Jaime feels his back and the alien is on his back. It's not just any alien. It's the scarab from the lab.

"You're the scarab," said Jaime.

"Yes. I am," said the scarab.

"How did you get on my back?" asked Jaime.

"I landed on your back after the lab exploded," said the scarab.

"Yeah. The lab exploded. Where's Dr. Kord?" said Jaime.

"He was turned to ash by the explosion. We won't be seeing him ever again," said the scarab.

"How did it happen? How did he die?" asked Jaime sadly.

"More of those goons came. He couldn't defend himself and me, so he decided to take them with him. He blew the building up to prevent the scarab from falling into the wrong hands. He died a hero," said the scarab.

"What do we do now?" asked Jaime.

"Staying here would be the smart idea, but you have a family. We should return to your home. You need to hide me," said the scarab.

"I will, but how do we get out of here? I can't fly," said Jaime.

"Yes we can," said the scarab.

The scarab creates a jetpack and Jaime is launched into the air and sent into the direction of his family's house. He screams in fear and shock, but at least he is not dead. Always better to be alive than dead. Jaime returns home in less than five minutes and lands in the backyard. He stumbles once he hits the ground.

"Tell me when you're going to do that next time," said Jaime.

"Maybe," said the scarab.

Jaime starts to walk towards the door, but the scarab removes the suit before he exposes his secret to his family. He opens the sliding door and enters the house. He then tries to walk towards his room, but the light in the living room is suddenly turned on.

"Where were you?" asked his father.

"Hey, pa," said Jaime.

"Don't 'hey' me. Where were you? Do you have any idea what time it is?" said his father.

"Late," said Jaime.

"Nice guess. You must be a genius," said his father sarcastically.

"Look. I was at a party with Paco and I lost track of time. My bad," said Jaime.

"Your bad? Me and your mother were worried sick. It's four in the morning, It may be the weekend, but there is no excuse for a sixteen-year-old boy to be out this late," said his father.

"I'm sorry, pa. I mean it," said Jaime.

"Your punishment will be decided in the morning. Get to your room now," said his father.

Jaime makes his way to his room without any lip that would anger his papi more. He reaches his room, opens his door, and slowly gets on his bed, and looks up at the dark ceiling of his small room.

"If this will make you feel better, I will explain my origins," said the scarab.

"Go ahead," said Jaime.

"I am an alien technology created by a species of alien called The Reach. They are a mean bunch as you humans say it. They created me to use as a weapon, but I was deemed ineffective and sent here. I crash-landed here in Roswell and was found by Ted. He studied me and did experiments on me, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be safe from everyone who threatened me," said the scarab.

"That's rough, amigo," said Jaime.

"Yes, the life of a scarab shaped as a beetle is tough," said the scarab.

"I'll protect you. No one will get their hands on you. We will honor Teddy by not just surviving. We will become a hero," said Jaime.

"A hero? I want to avoid danger, not run towards it," said the scarab.

"Teddy always loved superheroes. He always wanted to be one, but he was drawn to science instead. He would love this," said Jaime.

"Maybe," said the scarab.

"Teach me how to use you and we will be unstoppable," said Jaime.

"Only if you agree to not do anything dumb," said the scarab.

"I guess we have a deal," said Jaime.

"Good. Also, did you forget something?" said the scarab.

"No," said Jaime.

"A party and a girl," said the scarab.

"Joderme!" exclaimed Jaime in realization.

Jaime doesn't have time to worry about the girl that he could have had a bedtime spar with. He has superhero training to attend. For the next three weeks, the scarab trains Jaime while Jaime trains the scarab on how to be human. They become as close as two beings occupying the same body can become. Now, they walk down a row of businesses, trying to catch some air.

"So, how are you enjoying Earth?" asked Jaime.

"It's nice," said the scarab.

"Nice to hear. I try my best," said Jaime.

"Don't flatter yourself. You're just the average boy," said the scarab.

"Average? Bro, you're crazy," said Jaime.

"No, you're too cocky. I have all the power, remember?" said the scarab.

"Tomato. Tomahto," said Jaime.

"Help! He stole my purse!" exclaimed a woman.

"Crime?" asked the scarab.

"Yes," said Jaime.

"Then, let's get moving," said the scarab.

Jaime dives into an alley and transforms into his Blue Beetle form. He then runs towards the woman to see what is going on.

"What's wrong?" asked Jaime.

"He took my purse. I need it or I won't be able to get home," said the woman.

"I'm on it," said Jaime.

Jaime blasts into the air with the help of a jetpack and chases after the mugger. The mugger runs into an alley, but he has a hero right on his tail. Jaime lands behind the mugger and scares him.

"I'm Blue Beetle and that isn't your bag. Hand it over or you may get hurt," said Jaime.

"Bring it, freak!" exclaimed the mugger.

The mugger pulls out a gun and fires at Jaime. Jaime doesn't need to dodge the bullets because he just tanks them. His hand is then turned into a cannon and he fires a small blast at the mugger. This blast knocks him out and forces him to drop the bag. Jaime walks over, picks up the bag, and flies back towards the woman. He reaches the woman in seconds and gives her the bag.

"Thanks, hero. How can I repay you?" said the woman.

"Maybe a little-," said Jaime.

"No!" exclaimed Scarab.

"Nothing. Helping you is all I need. Have a good night," said Jaime.

Jaime blasts into the sky as the woman watches. Her smile disappears and becomes a scowl.

"The plan worked. He's real," said Donna.

"Good. We'll see if he wants to become a Titan. We are looking for young talent," said Jordan.

"Next time, you will be the damsel in distress. This is so embarrassing," said Donna.

"Note taken," said Jordan.

From a sleek black car parked on the other side of the street, someone sits in it. He watches Donna walk away and continues to watch her. The man pulls out a communicator and places it in their ear.

"Ms. Al Ghul, please come in," said the man.

"What is it?" asked Talia.

"I found the scarab. It's in the possession of a kid named Jaime Reyes," said the man.

"Bring him in. We need that bug," said Talia.

"Yes, ma'am," said the man.

In the Reyes home nearly an hour later, the Reyes family sits at the dining table. Many Mexican dishes lay on the table. His other family members pray, but Jaime wants to dig in. This angers his parents.

"Pray before you eat, idiota," said his mother.

"Sorry, ma. Muy hambre," said Jaime.

"Show some respect," said his father.

"I'm sorry. Just been working out a lot lately," said Jaime.

"Working out on how to become stupider," said Jaime's brother.

"Shut up," said Jaime.

"He isn't completely wrong. You haven't been at home as much as you used to," said his mother.

"I need to explore and find things that I like. I'm growing up," said Jaime.

"I know, but just be safe," said his mother.

"Don't know how these freaks will act. That new freak in town that calls himself Blue Beetle is someone to be looked out for," said his father.

"He's just trying to help," said Jaime.

"How do you know? Not every superpowered freak is like Superman or those Titans in Jump City," said his father.

"You just don't understand," said Jaime.

"He's not your boyfriend or something?" asked his father.

"What?" asked Jaime.

"You never know. There are way more maricones now than back in my day," said his father.

"Not everyone's an asshole like you," said Jaime under his breath.

"What was that?" asked his father.

"Nothing important," said Jaime.

The Reyes start to eat until the windows in their house are smashed and broken. Smoke bombs are then thrown into the house then explode, releasing smoke that quickly fills up the dining room. In the smoke appears many assassins ready to take back the scarab.

"What are these people?" asked Jaime's mother.

"They're going to pay for breaking my windows," said Jaime's father.

"How will that happen? You guys don't seem to have powers or the skills necessary to press us," said the man.

"Who are you?" asked Jaime's father.

"Black Spider and my men and I have come for the scarab. Hand it over," said Black Spider.

"What is a scarab?" asked Jaime's father.

"Don't play stupid. Your son has it. Tell him to give it to us and we will peacefully leave," said Black Spider.

"Jaime, do you know what these guys want?" asked Jaime's father.

Jaime is no longer there. He is probably readying to take down these intruders.

"Jaime. Jaime!" said Jaime's father.

"It seems that he has snaked by. Too bad that you will never see him again. No prisoners," said Black Spider.

"If you want the scarab, come and take it!" exclaimed Jaime.

Jaime blasts all of the assassins with powerful shots from his cannon. He then grabs Black Spider by the neck and slams him on the ground. He tries to blast him too, but his cannon is hit with some webbing.

"What's wrong? Can't take some balls?" asked Black Spider.

"Want something better?" asked Jaime.

"What?" asked Black Spider.

"Bigger sonic cannon," said Jaime.

Jaime creates a bigger sonic cannon and launches the blast. It nearly completely eviscerates Black Spider, but he survives only due to Jaime allowing him to live. Jaime retracts the sonic cannon and walks towards his family. They are shocked by his appearance.

"Jaime?" asked his mother.

"Yes," said Jaime as he reveals his face.

"Cool," said his brother.

"Not cool. Why didn't you tell us about this?" asked his father.

"You called me a freak a few minutes ago," said Jaime.

"Well, I didn't know that you were Blue Beetle," said his father.

"You should've been able to tell," said Jaime.

"What's the scarab?" asked his father.

"This thing on my back. It's alien technology that has chosen me as its host. Cool, right?" said Jaime.

"No! You have to get that thing off of you! My son won't be a freak!" exclaimed his father.

"I'm not a freak. I'm a hero," said Jaime seriously.

"You can call yourself what you want, but they will only see you as a freak," said his father.

"Doesn't matter. I'm doing this for Ted," said Jaime.

"Forget about him. He's dead," said his father.

"I will never. He died a hero and I will honor his legacy. Either you're in or I'm out," said Jaime.

"I'm out," said his father.

"Fine. Let's go scarab," said Jaime.

"Where?" asked the scarab.

"Far away from here," said Jaime.

"Jump City then?" asked the scarab.

"Great choice," said Jaime as he blasts off.

I'M BACK! Sorry for being gone for a couple days. My internet was filth and I couldn't upload anything. Now that it is stable again, I will be uploading once more. Same schedule so don't expect a flood of chapter uploads. I hope that this doesn't happen again, but if it does, I will be ready. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

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