

A soul wakes up in darkness, waiting to enter the cycle of reincarnation, but a lazy god decide to make the soul reincarnate in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Tony Stark in the year 2009. This is the story of how this Tony Stark will do better and will become the strongest Avengers. English is my 2nd languages this is my first Novel and Fanfiction

WRITERMH200 · Phim ảnh
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 - PLAN

The two smiled at each other, appreciating the confort silent 

Tony then break the silence by saying,

« So then let's prepare for the closure of the weapons branch of Stark Industries »

(3rd POV) 

« Tony ? I think I heard the wrong thing, can you repeat what you just said for me please ? »

Pepper look at Tony dead in the eyes while saying so 

« let's prepare for the closure of the weapons branch of Stark Industries, you heard me right the first time you know »

Pepper looked at Tony before sighing 

« It's officiel you are crazy, I should have know when seeing you awake before 2 pm »

« Pepper I am clearly not crazy, how could someone as smart and exceptional as me be crazy. My decisions has been made after careful consideration and reflexion you know. »

« Lets hear what 'careful consideration' you've made then, tell me Tony »

« My 'careful considerations' are the results of two ways of thinking about Stark Industries. First of all, Morally, I don't exactly like selling weapons of mass destruction, initially it didn't bother me much before but recently I started having dreams of battlefield full of death and blood and in the middle of it all lies a STARK bomb who didn't explode, if I'm being honest with you pep these dreams terrify me they keep me awake when I need to sleep and it is one of the reasons I woke up so early this morning. I know that the entire Stark Industries relies on weapon manufacturing to stay the multibillion dollars company that it is, that lead me to my second point witch is that financially I find a better option than arm dealing to stay a multibillion dollars company. »

« Ok I get all of the talk about the morality of weapons manufacturing and I agree with you up to a certain point but that still doesn't explain to me what is the better option »

« Be patient I'm coming to that, do you remember the Arc reactor who is exposed inside the main building of Stark Industries ? »

« Yeah I walked by every morning, but we both know this is a technology that is impossible to use »

« That's the thing that we think but it's not entirely true, the arc reactor is one of the project that my father abandoned, but he didn't abandoned it because it was impossible, he abandoned it because the technological advance of 1980 and early 1990 wasn't enough, do you understand where I am going with this »

Pepper looked at him shocked while murmuring 

« Dont tell me you completed it, that's completely crazy, we could revolutionize the entire Energies industry »

Tony smirked and winked at her while saying 

« Exactly and that's why I am confident enough to close the weapon manufacturing branch of Stark »

Pepper frowned and said 

« But Tony, the shareholder are certainly not letting that pass and you know it as well »

« I know and that's why I am not gonna talk about it with them, I owned more than 51% of the shares anyway so it's not like I am doing anything illegal, after the announcement, the price of the share at the stock market will drop and I will rebuy everything. The Shareholders will try to evict me and I will let go of the CEO position and will transmit it to you while saying to the public that I took a rest at home while you slowly took control of Stark industries. I know that they will underestimate you, thinking that you are nothing but a secretary and you will use that and take advantage of it, 2 or 3 month after the announcement you will announce the ouverture of the Energy branch of Stark Industries and set in motion the arc reactor, this will make the price of the stocks rise up and stabilize »

 Pepper looked at Tony completely in shock at his schemes, he continued

« After the stocks stabilize I will completely step back to a position of creator and inventor and will continue to regularly fed the company with new technology, but this time the aim of my inventions will be to improve the daily lives of Americans, as well as the health and industrial sectors of the country. You will have prove yourself capable as a CEO while managing the company during its downfall and the employees will trust you while the remaining shareholders will not be able to say anything against my decisions. So how do you find my plans ? »

Pepper couldn't say anything for 10 minutes before looking up and staring in his eyes while asking,

« It will work but why are you trusting me so much ? »

Tony looked at her for a while before laughing and saying

« If I couldn't trust you pep, who could I trust ? »

Pepper's eyes widened at this moments before she slightly blush and looked away without responding to Tony.

Tony continued 

« There is just one question who need to be answered »

« Yes ? »

« When do we start everything, I suggest waiting a little while you're getting used to the CEO position »

« That's a good idea, if we do that I could at least discreetly start preparing things for the closure of the factories »

« It's settled then, but we need to remain under the radars about all of this plan. I will also need some materials to create something I have in mind, I will give you a complete list during the week »

« Yes Tony, i will take my leave then »

Pepper walked away and leave the mansion while Tony start rethink and improve some details of his plan.

'I think that went quite well considering how uptight pepper can be about anything that touch to Stark Industries'

Tony then start pacing around the living room 

'My first objective has been achieved, I can start my own plan for the Iron Man Armor as soon as I received the materials form pepper »

(1st POV) 

While thinking I kept having a weird feeling 

Like I was forgetting about something really important 

Something that I shouldn't forget 

What is it 

Ohh yess of course 

How can I forgot about it 

« System are you here »