
The new god in the multiverse and this god I

The young guy died while walking to the village to his parents, he was killed by a strangely shaped lightning, after his "death" he fell into a dark space, and as according to the scenario he should be met by ROB, but is it really so? Note: English is not my native language so there may be mistakes, I will try to remove it, but I do not promise anything, if you don’t like it, just don’t read it, there is also no exact time for the chapter to be released, since I’m very lazy, don’t expect anything over and above because disappointed expectations are the most unpleasant

Endday · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Tuk tuk, who's there?

Guys, I read the comments, and they asked me that the first world was the DC world, but I thought about it a bit and realized that, although it is very cool, there is not much growth in strength, an example in the same naruto has chakra, I want to slow down the start a little  tell how yy will get power, etc.  Therefore, I hope for your understanding, especially since I am at least familiar with the DC universe, but not so much that it is direct wow, and by the time he gets there, I want to gain knowledge.

I chose Naruto, although it is dangerous there, but this is one of the best starts, I know the canon, especially since it is in a sense completed.


After I entered the door, a sign appeared in front of me, the first thing that was written was the "main world" with + next, and below the "parallel world" and was also next to +.

Kai-Olivia, I understood a little, but still, explain in more detail.

| Host each world is divided into parallel worlds and the main, parallel worlds are those worlds that were created based on the main world, in your concept of fanfiction and a mirror image of the universe |

Kai- I understand, that is, the main world is a canon in my understanding, right?

| That's right host |

Kai- Then this "+" means that I can keep more than one world open?

| That's right, after leaving the world, time stops in it, and you can drink without any gaps in another |

Kai- Got it, thanks for the explanation.

|  This is my robot host |

After completing his monologue with Oli and began to choose.

(Hmm so, I will choose the main one because I know more events that will happen)

Pressing the text on the plate, another plate came out in front of me, on it there were several different empty stripes.



Clan / Family

Age- (8 to 18 years old max)

Year- (for those who do not know the exact years of certain events, labels of certain events were created)

Other- (F / A don't know what else to add, so for now)

(Hmm, I see, then let's do it)

Kai began to think about how to do the right thing and not make mistakes, so as not to regret in the future.  After an indefinite period of time, the table looked like this.


Village - Konohagakure

Clan / Family - orphan

Age - 8 years

Year-Canon, 4 years before the genin exam.

Other is empty

I will explain why this is so, firstly, all the most delicious happens in Konoha, and secondly, I don't want to get attached to anyone on this and chose an orphan, since the minimum age is 8, then I chose him the maximum time to become stronger, which will find why  not an Uchiha, then it's a little strange, in my memory it already happened at that time, and what consequences will be from the choice of this pedigree is unknown, but even if I do not choose it, thanks to my ability, I can copy the Sharingan, also with other pedigrees, too  a lot of trouble and uncertainty.

(Well, like everything, if I was wrong then it's my fault)

Just finishing his thought, Kai pressed the "accept" button at the bottom of the sign.

After that, I heard the voice of the system.

|  Confirmed host has completed introductory phase, proceed to phase 2 |

Hearing this, my consciousness began to fade.

After some time there ...

Konoha or as it is called, the village of the hidden leaf.  Today the second semester at the ninja academy began, almost all the students gathered in class A1, this class was led by a chunin named Umino Iruka, he was sitting at the teacher's table and writing something in his journal, suddenly he closed the journal, put his pen on the edge of the table and  got up from the table, standing in front of the class, Iruka decided to arrange a roll call, 5 minutes after the roll call he noticed that two students were missing from his lesson, the first was his headache Uzumaki Naruto, oh, how much trouble this boy brought, and the second was an orphan named  Inoi Kai, this boy was quite quiet and was never late unlike the one named above.

Iruka-Taks, class today we will pass ...

Before Iruka had time to finish, a fair-haired boy ran into the class and shouted to the whole class.

Naruto- Sorry sensei for being late, I overslept ahah.

He told the reason for his lateness to Naruto.

Iruka- I no longer have the strength to explain to you, today after school you take the whole class, sit down in your place.

Naruto- Oh damn bad luck.

The boy said with a bad mood, but suddenly he saw her ...

Naruto- Sakura-chan, how are you.

Naruto was already in a good mood.

Sakura- Leave me alone, you moron.

Then there were the lessons, in principle, they went pretty well.

Iruka was sitting in his class and filling out a magazine, all of a sudden his pen stopped at one name, Inoi Kai, why did he not come to the academy today, it will be necessary to check, such thoughts were true for Iruka.

The room was dark and quiet, there was no rustle, a boy of about 8 years old was lying on the bed, apparently asleep, suddenly his eyes opened and the boy lifted his body and got out of bed.

Kai- Mmmm as not usual, the body is so small oh why is it so dark here.

Kai turned his head to the side and noticed the closed curtains, in the same second he opened them and light hit his eyes.  He stood for a while until he got used to the sunlight.

Kai-Tux, I think I'm in my dormitory for orphans.

Approaching the mirror, Kai began to examine himself.

Kai- Not bad not bad, I look bombastic, although a little thin, well, let's see what's down there.

Pushing his pants a little in front, Kai looked into the well.

Kai-Huh everything is in place, so now let's take off our T-shirt.

Kai took off his shirt and expanded his torso, there was no perfect abs or muscles, only a slightly toned body.

Kai- Well, it's not bad for a child, but he will work on it.

Having said this out loud (schizophrenia is a problem), he put on his T-shirt back, suddenly a sharp pain in the head area surged.

Kai- What the hell ...

Before he could say he fainted.

2 hours later.

Kai- Mmm damn these are the memories of this body, well, damn it lay on the floor, figs knows how long, and you can get sick.

Kai spoke as he stood up from the floor.

Suddenly he heard a knock at the door.

(Damn, I have guests? If you are visiting old Inoi Kai, then he is not there, but if you came to me I did not expect you)

Thoughts by thoughts but still it is necessary to see who is there, God forbid it is some kind of Hokage, this has not been enough yet.

Approaching the door, he reached for the door handle in order to open it, opening the door he saw ...

And who he saw you will recognize in the next chapter, I repeat, I am writing this without any plan, that is, on the go, I am waiting for your comments because I love to read them, everyone + in karma for positive comments, everyone until we meet again.