
The new god in the multiverse and this god I

The young guy died while walking to the village to his parents, he was killed by a strangely shaped lightning, after his "death" he fell into a dark space, and as according to the scenario he should be met by ROB, but is it really so? Note: English is not my native language so there may be mistakes, I will try to remove it, but I do not promise anything, if you don’t like it, just don’t read it, there is also no exact time for the chapter to be released, since I’m very lazy, don’t expect anything over and above because disappointed expectations are the most unpleasant

Endday · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

I have an idea.

Kai decided to take the initiative and attacked first.  Kai and Shino clashed, although Kai tried to attack it looked rather clumsy, on the other hand, Shino was advancing with greater force.

(Damn, I have knowledge of taekwando and fist that breaks water / stones, but I cannot fully use them, my weak body does not allow me to do this, damn I also have no experience in battles)

In his thoughts, Kai tried to find a way out of the situation and defeat his opponent.  Suddenly Shino opened up for an attack, Kai didn't blink this chance and directed his fist into Shino's face, but he didn't take into account the fact that he himself opened for a blow at these moments, Kai's fist hit Shino's face and Shino's fist hit the torso.  Kaya, two having received a strong blow, stumbled and parted.

Kai- You're not bad, Aburame Shino.

Shino- Mutually, Inoi Kai

After a small discussion, they again faced in taijutsu, again a series of punches from Shino and again Kai blocked them all, the situation began to repeat itself, they did not even notice how they came too close to the edge of the "ring".  Suddenly Shino opened up again to strike and Kai with all his might directed his fist towards Shino's body.  Shino got hit and was about to go over the edges of the "ring" but suddenly he grabbed Kai's hand and pulled him along.  Bam both landed on the edge of the "ring", when Kai realized what had happened, he looked under him and saw Shino, it was an awkward incident, Kai immediately got up and walked away.  From the outside it probably looks strange.

Kai- Sorry.

Shino- It's okay.

Iruka - The fight ended without a winner, both opponents are outside the "ring"

After our fight with Shino, there were a few more, but I did not pay much attention to them, I thought more about how I could improve my result, because if you think about it, I was not even on a par with Shino, his physical indicators are superior to mine and Taijutsu too.  Then I came up with an idea, but what if you create your own fighting style.  I caught on to this idea and started thinking about how my fighting style would work.  Until the end of the lessons, I could not get this idea out of my head.  Going home, I still had to distract myself from my thoughts and buy food to drink.

After 20 minutes.

Kai walked home with two bags of different groceries, there were fruits and vegetables for salads and much more.  But he spent a lot of money, almost half of the allowance that he is given every month.

When he came home he put all the products in their places and ran for a pen and a piece of paper to write down his ideas, otherwise he would suddenly forget.

He wrote down and planned all this right up to the evening, it must be understood that he came from the academy at 14:00, and finished his notes at 18:00.  Kai walked around the apartment and muttered something.

Kai- I will need to copy both the Sharingan and the Byakugan for my plan, then I will need to raise my physical form and of course the chakra, the reaction and processing of information in the brain will also need to be increased.  And then I can create my own adaptation technique hahah ah !!!!

Kai started laughing like crazy but stopped quickly.

Kai- It's time to practice chakra as well.

Having said this, he sat down on the bed and began to concentrate to feel the chakra, he felt it quite quickly, then he began to move it all over his body, but suddenly he heard a ringing in his head.

|  Attention was learned the skill: manipulation of the chakra [newbie] [+], important information: this skill includes all other passive effects of the chakra, such as controlling the chakra quality, etc. |

Kai stopped circulating chakra through his body and paid attention to the message from the system.

Kai- New skill hmm, Oli, please explain to me what it depends on whether I get the skill or not, because during the fight with Shino I didn't get something like a fist fight.

|  I explain to the host, whether you get the skill or not depends on the action performed, an example from the fact that the host had chakra for quite some time, you got the "skill: chakra manipulation" so quickly, if you want to get the skill of hand-to-hand combat, you have to carry out this melee  fight, not just an exchange of blows, but hand-to-hand combat, it does not matter with a real enemy or with imitation of hand-to-hand combat, you can get other skills in this way |

Kai-Hah thanks for the explanation, but I have one more question, what about the skill level, well, that is, a beginner level skill, can I raise its level somehow other than for system points?  For example, through training.

|  There is one more way to raise the skill level, this way of the mission, there are no others |

Kai-Damn then how I quickly get stronger if my skills do not grow.

|  Host you apparently did not understand how skills work, I will explain to you, there are two types of skills, the first one is skills that enhance and the second one is skills that give some kind of ability, for example "skill: hand-to-hand combat" enhances your combat skill in hand-to-hand combat, and the second example is  your "skill: Eyes of God" this skill gives you a unique ability, does not enhance the existing ability, but gives a new |

Kai- Does this mean that with a beginner level skill, I can even fight a god?

|  Yes, it is quite possible |

Kai- Now I understand how it works, okay thanks again for the explanation

|  This is my robot |

When Kai digested all this information, he continued to circulate chakra throughout the body.  He finished 4 hours later and was pleased with the result, his chakra, although not much, increased and his control over the chakra increased, looking at the fact that the time was already late and he did not want to sleep, he decided to walk around the night Konoha.  Kai went to the wardrobe, put on a completely black suit (black is one of his favorite colors), grabbed the phone and headphones, closed the door to the apartment from the inside, turned off the light in the house, opened the curtains, opened the curtains, at which moment the whole room was illuminated by the light of the moon.

Kai- It's so beautiful

Having said that, Kai put on the music, put on his headphones and opened the window, and now he was completely ready to do a park of rum on the roofs of Konoha ...

Hahah, how do you like the atmosphere?  I tried to write the fight as best I could, in the future I hope to improve my staging of the fight.  Write your comments and good luck to everyone, swami was me End of the day