
The new god in the multiverse and this god I

The young guy died while walking to the village to his parents, he was killed by a strangely shaped lightning, after his "death" he fell into a dark space, and as according to the scenario he should be met by ROB, but is it really so? Note: English is not my native language so there may be mistakes, I will try to remove it, but I do not promise anything, if you don’t like it, just don’t read it, there is also no exact time for the chapter to be released, since I’m very lazy, don’t expect anything over and above because disappointed expectations are the most unpleasant

Endday · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Hot night

Jumping out of the window to the music "I'm dangerous", he grabbed the balcony of a neighboring house and with his help climbed to the roof, and then he did everything on instincts, since in a past life he was not fond of this, so without the memories of old Kai, rather  he would not have succeeded.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3zYwmViZIw8&t=22s (song link)

From the beginning he did not succeed, to put it mildly, but every time it got better.  And now, after 10 minutes, he jumps on the roofs as if he has been doing this since childhood.

Bang, Kai stopped on one of the rooftops and looked at night Konoha.

Kai- This village is really beautiful, I feel like Batman.

Kai closed his eyes and jumped down, he opened them exactly a couple of meters above the ground and quickly grabbed the balcony railing, doing a somersault and landed with such grace that any aristocrat would envy.

Kai- This, this is just awesome, I'm happy like a little kid.

Suddenly in front of him he saw several silhouettes, Kai came closer and heard their conversation.

Unknown- Hey look what a beauty, can we have some fun?

One of the silhouettes said while laughing.

Unknown 2- Come on, why not?

Unknown 3- Haha, only you are softer with her.

At the same time, the girl tried to scream, but one of the silhouettes kept her mouth closed.

Kai quickly used the score on them without thinking.  And suddenly four windows floated up in front of him.


Name - Sitori Han (I will give them random names)

Age- 31

Skills - Craft [Advanced]

Descriptions- [An ordinary civilian, although a pretty good farmer, does not pose a threat to the host, just rubbish in the multiverse]


Name - Huzen Ran

Age - 30

Skills - Crafting [Novice], Hand-to-Hand Combat [Novice]

Descriptions- [An ordinary civilian, has little success in anything, only a little engaged in hand-to-hand combat, does not pose a threat to the host, just rubbish in the multiverse]


Name - Nooru Hizo

Age - 32

Skills - Craft [Apprentice]

Descriptions- [Regular civilian, talented craftsman, no threat to the host, just rubbish in the multiverse]


Name - Fu Ashi

Age - 19

Skills - Trade [Apprentice], Golden Hands [Master]

Description- [Daughter of a famous merchant, a good merchant, possessing a special skill of "golden hands", does not pose a threat to the host, just rubbish in the multiverse]

(P / A in the future I will add something, since I already said that I am writing this fanfic on the go, without a plan, I hope you understand heh)


Seeing that he was not in any threat, Kai immediately attacked them from behind, this is certainly not cool, but what to do, even if they do not pose a threat alone, this does not mean that Kai will be able to lay down three healthy men at once.  Kai first decided to neutralize the enemy with the skill of hand-to-hand combat, coming from the back he used the dirtiest technique, hitting the balls, from such a blow the man screamed and almost fell to his knees, Kai immediately hit the carotid artery instantly knocking out the man, like races in this  the moment two other men turned their heads to where the scream was coming from, and when they saw that their friend was licking on the ground, they began to attack Kai while screaming.,

Shitori Khan - Oh, you little bastard.

Nooru Hizo- We'll fuck you.

They shouted trying to strike, Kai dodged and shouted at the girl.

Kai- Run faster, I'll delay them.

The girl stood for another second and then, realizing everything, began to run away.

Nooru Hizo - Stop Slut !!!!

Shitori Han- How dare you little bastard.

Hearing these words, Kai became very angry.  He lowered his head and began to repeat.

Kai- How dare I?  ... how dare I? ... how dare I say !!!!  AND HOW DARE TO BOOST THE GIRL AAaa !!

Saying this, Kai raised his head and in his eyes you could see the thirst for murder, he wanted to kill these two, he quickly got to the first men and kicked him in the knee, so that his leg went numb, but then a blow came from the second opponent straight  Kai in the face, threw him back a little, but he did not stop and rushed at the offender, a blow to the stomach, face in the groin and head, the man was also drunk, so he fell to the ground and after so many blows he fainted at all, but Kai did not  stopped, he turned to another man ran up to him and knocked him to the ground.  A blow to the face, another and one more, four blows, ten blows, suddenly Kai stopped and came to himself, quickly believed the pulse of both and when he was convinced that everything was in order he sighed.

Kai- I don't regret doing it at all, if I could have done it again.

While saying this, Kai looked at his bloody hands, looking at them for a couple of seconds raised his head and saw the mountain hokage, put his hands in his pockets and walked away.  After almost 2 hours, he reached the mountain hokage, sat on the head of the second and looked at Konoha, he sat and looked for another hour and pondered the situation that had happened recently.

Kai- I still can't stop saying it, but Konoha is really beautiful.

Taking out his phone, Kai looked at the time, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, he thought a little and decided to go to make a daily mission, the mission became more and more difficult and the reward did not increase, well, thanks for that.  Getting up from the head of the second, he wandered to the 8th polygon.

After another hour, he completed the only mission and decided to practice the mountain fist and taekwando techniques.  Performing all the exercises with Kai, sweat poured, when he finished his practice it was already beginning to dawn and he went home.  He got home the same way he left, through the window, he immediately went into the bath and began to wash off the blood from his hands, it dried out a little but was removed, suddenly for a second he looked in the mirror and saw several abrasions on his face, after washing his hands  he took a cold shower and after the shower he took a plaster and put it on the abrasion.  Then he put on other things and lay down on the bed, looking at the ceiling, he pondered the situation whether he did the right thing or it was necessary to do something differently.  Suddenly, out of nowhere, he found the answer.

Kai- I will do what I want, it will be right for me, no rules will stop me, I will be who I want.

At this moment, Kai has a new goal, a goal that cannot be completed to the end, but this goal will never, again, never be stopped by some rules.

Hi, this is me, as a chapter for you, comment in the comments, and I will read them, in this chapter who did not understand I tried to correct his childhood trauma a little, who remembers what happened in the earlier chapter, the moment when a woman was killed in his eyes  , yes, that's exactly this childhood trauma I'm trying to fix, as you can see at the end of this chapter, Kai is a little depressed, he wondered if he did the right thing and everything in this spirit, he will grow as a person, not like other gg immediately kill to the left on  right there is no such thing here do not expect, well, good luck to everyone and see you soon)))