
The new god in the multiverse and this god I

The young guy died while walking to the village to his parents, he was killed by a strangely shaped lightning, after his "death" he fell into a dark space, and as according to the scenario he should be met by ROB, but is it really so? Note: English is not my native language so there may be mistakes, I will try to remove it, but I do not promise anything, if you don’t like it, just don’t read it, there is also no exact time for the chapter to be released, since I’m very lazy, don’t expect anything over and above because disappointed expectations are the most unpleasant

Endday · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Don't scream, I can't hear

Opening the door, Kai saw a man on the doorstep, not tall with a scar on his face, a bandage on his forehead that proved that he was a ninja, as well as a green vest.  Kai understood from his memories that it was Umino Iruka, from the memories of the old owner it was clear that this was his teacher at the ninja academy.

(Hmm why is he here)

Kai- Hello, Iruka Sensei?

Iruka- I came to check on you, since you weren't at the academy today, what happened?

He asked Kai with concern

(Oh yes, damn it, I don't even know how long it is, I think I was already late to the academy today)

Kai- Yes, forgive me, I don't feel very well today, so I decided to stay at home, but now I feel good.

Iruka- Nothing, the main thing is that everything is normal

There was an awkward silence.

Kai-Iruka Sensei, you go through this, I seem to have tea I can treat.

Iruka- No, I'll probably go, there are still things to do, can you be at the academy tomorrow?

Kai- Yes, I guess.

Iruka- Well, if anything, go to the doctor, well, I went.

Having said that, he used shunshin and disappeared from my field of vision.  I closed the door and rolled down the door.

Kai-Huh, this is the first person I met, I was so worried, well, we need to figure it out, Oli are you here?

|  Yes host, what do you want |

Kai- What functions do you have, please explain.

While saying this, Kai got up from the floor and walked to the bed.

|  Yes of course host, Status, Inventory, Missions, Multiverse travel, special function "two ways to solve the problem", also a special function active only in the world dula douluo |

Kai- Hmm well then show me my status.

|  Yes host |


Name: Inoi Kai

Age: 8 years old

Chakra: Chuunin (from passive influence of bloodlines)

Bloodline: Titan 0%, Dragon Fafnir 0%, Phoenix 0%, Dead Phoenix 0%, Basilisk 0%, Devil 0%, Fallen Angel Lucfer 0%, Ghost Rider 0%, Symbiote 0%, Archangel 0%, Alucard, wolf  Fenrira 0%, Otsutsuki 0%, Fairy King 0%, Dragon Luinor 0%.

Abilities: Evaluation [Monster 10] [+], Rune Master [Monster] [+], Eyes of God [!!!!!], Reality Editor [!!!!], My Power [!!!!], Guro  guro [newbie] [+], Advanced Taekwando [newbie] [+], Mountain fist crushing stones [newbie] [+], Mountain fist crushing water [newbie] [+], I want to become like you [monster, cannot be raised higher  ], Reborn's finest clock [!!!!].

Balance: 0 os (system points)


Having studied his status a little, Kai decided to continue drinking.

Kai- Show me the mission section.

|  Yes host |


Basic: [Become a God] (????) [you were given the opportunity to become a god of the multiverse, exactly 1,000,000 years later a battle for the title of god will take place, prepare yourself 120%]

[Goal]: Win the Battle of the Gods

[Awards]: Becoming God, ?????????

[Punishment]: Final death, loss of everything, ?????


Daily: [Become stronger] (E / D) [you are in a new world for you, here you are just a cockroach without strength, well, fix it, become stronger]

[Goal]: x3, 0/10 push-ups, 0/10 abs, 0/10 squats, 0/10 pull-ups, lift 0/50 kg, run 0/2 km

[Rewards]: 10 system points, skill: bodies [beginner] [+].

[Punishment]: No


Side: No


Kai read everything carefully and decided to ask one more thing.

Kai-Oli show me my inventory

|  Now |


[Inventory]: Spiritual Spear Chestifol (Can't use), iPhone 8, Wired Headphones


Kai-Uh-huh, as expected the phone and headphones in the inventory.

Having said this, Kai thought about the fact that the phone and headphones were in his hand and the boom happened at the same second, he examined everything and asked the system.

Kai-Oli, what about charging?

|  Host you have nothing to worry about, God Yami gave you a bonus in the form of endless phone charging |

Kai- Yes, yes, I did not foresee this when choosing desires

|  We all do something wrong host |

Kai-Haha, thanks

After Kai turned on the phone and saw the time, oddly enough it seems the time was quite correct, because he checked it with the clock on the wall of the apartment, that on the phone that on the clock on the wall it was six o'clock in the evening.

Kai- Yes, it's quite late, maybe I should take a walk, I'll do it for one and daily task.

Just saying it his body was near the wardrobe, choosing clothes, there were not many things in the closet, but it was clear that old Kai was watching his clothes.  After 10 minutes, he opted for black pants, a white T-shirt, black socks.  Putting it all on himself, he went to the mirror, looked closely, straightened his hair and smiled.

Kai- Just super, I look my best, how do you Oli?

|  The owner completely agrees with you |

Kai- Thank you, well it's time to leave.

Not forgetting to take his phone and headphones, he left his apartment, locked the door and put the key under the rug (p / a is corny)

Kai- Hmm, what kind of Mouzon to include for such an atmosphere?  Hmm, I don't know, but I'll put what I like.

Kai turned on his phone, went to the "music" app, and typed the song title and author into the search, plus added a 10 hours tag.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4lybYIMlP4A (p / a yy not 10 o'clock but still)

Having found the desired piece, I put my headphones on and pressed play.  Walking around Konoha and listening to such music is something, he walked and saw a lot of people, shops and even the Legendary Ichiraku ramen, but promising to somehow go in, he went on, walking around Konoha for an hour, he went out to the gate where two chuunin were on duty, in  At this point, Kai got the idea that if he ran around Konoha around the perimeter, how would he get to the 8th polygon (p / and if he knew that from the memory of old Kai), well, Kai did not sit for a long time and began his run with  thoughts about how a race will fulfill one of the daily requirements.

After 10 minutes of running, he did not feel anything, after another 10 minutes his breathing was only a little lost, suddenly someone called out to him but Kai did not hear (p / a good headphones huh) the man called him again and, having received no reaction, decided to run closer and  put his hand on Kai's shoulder, while calling out again, meanwhile Kai felt that someone touched his shoulder, tensed a little, but then calmed down and decided to see who it was so brave, turning his head he saw someone whom he did not expect to see at all ...

Whom did Kai see?  I look forward to your suggestions in the comments, I think it's not so difficult, I will sometimes leave links to the songs that I listened to when I wrote fanfic, like in this chapter, thank you all, I look forward to your comments, I really like to read what you write.