
The necromancer and the demon queen

just an op girl, with a yandere god after her

Scathach_ · Khác
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39 Chs

chapter 16

"is that really what you are going to call it," Nero asked.

"It's a fitting name isn't it," I asked.

"Whatever you say," vel said as we went out and completed a guild mission.

the lizard wasn't anything compared to the dragon. I just stabbed its head with the tip of my umbrella and it died.

it usually wouldn't be so easy however the materials used for the umbrella of justice were top notch. it was made out of different metals, one for offense, one for defense.

the defense was mainly for spells however it could be used for weapons, although not as well.

"is this really how you are going to spend your days," vel asked as she saw me look for another quest.

"a couple more quests and then I can meet the leader and we can leave," I told her.

"well at least you are training most of your magic, so I can't say anything," she said as she went and grabbed some chicken.

I left and I made my way towards where the quest was, when suddenly... I was lost.

I was in the middle of the forest and everything looked similar. I continued walking looking up when someone got reflected.

I looked up to see a girl around the age of 20, with blonde hair, and she was wearing a white outfit that made her breast larger.

"you dropped something," I said reaching to grab her arm.

I felt something off about her and I jumped back, just in time because she swung her sword.

it would have been reflected but I had to be sure. I looked into her eyes, and I could tell something was off about her.

"wave of judgment," the girl shouted and a blade of air came towards me.

I rolled towards the right and watched as the blade cut through multiple trees. I looked at the girl and she tried slashing me.

I used my umbrella and I whacked her in the face. I then used the umbrella and wrapped her wrist and pinned her to the trees.

I looked into her eyes again and I found out why she acting weird. she was being controlled.

I pulled off the cuffs and placed her hands above her head while pinning her feet so she couldn't attack me.

I put the cuffs on her and her magic power was instantly sealed. not only hers but the Pope's.

"I...," she said as her face buried itself into my neck.

"Not Interested," I said flinging her to my left.

she was passed out on the floor, and I started a mini campfire and was eating.

I was eating some fried chicken with Dr pepper when a little wolf pup made its way towards me.

"here you go," I said putting some chicken in front of it.

he sniffed the chicken and tried desperately to pick it with his mouth. he started nibbling at the chicken, slowly eating it.

meanwhile, I was on my fifth one. the girl that attacked me began to move her foot slowly.

"you waking up," I said nudging her

"ngh," she grunted as she opened her eyes.

I could see that the thing controlling her was gone, however, it was still lurking behind her here.

"it's gone," the girl said as she tried getting up but she had her hands behind a tree.

I pulled out the book of magic and placed a soul-binding contract In front of her.

"if you swear not to attack me, I'll let you go, however, you will not be released from the handcuffs because that's the only thing that's keeping you out of the control of whoever is controlling you," I said as I unlocked one of the cuffs and put her hands Infront of her.

she immediately signed it with no hesitation.

"the pope. you have to kill the pope," she said desperately.

"oh don't worry, when the time comes the Pope's death will not be peaceful," I said thinking of all the great tortures I was going to place him under.

"Are you the necromancer," the girl said as she looked at me with her beautiful golden eyes.

"whoa," I said taken aback by them.

they were like staring into the sun but like a better version. I mean I could stare at the sun, I'll just have to do a lot of science stuff and then I could stare at the sun without going blind.

"um, yeah I am the necromancer," I said regaining my composure.

"I need to tell you about the church before it's too late," she said grabbing my hands.

"what about them," I asked.

"they were experimenting on the other heroes, and using their blood to strengthen their soldiers for the evil gods," she said out of breath.



wuzz up. might be delayed, but I updated it.

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