
"The Evolution of Skeleton Soldiers: Gun skeleton soldiers"

The three magic powers Alex now has are necromantic vision, spiritualism, and bone spurs. He can also practise three magic tricks. Even if his [Spirituality LV3] has achieved its peak, there are still methods to make it better, such enabling summoned skeletons to appear inside a five-meter sphere. The bone spur method is equivalent. Alex fully utilised the bone spur method to help Lelisa and was startled to find that it upgraded from [LV5] to [LV6], extending its assault range. The strength of the bone spur method exceeds that of first-ring magic and is even more than certain second-ring magic that is less potent.

On the day after the fourth day from now, there was a series of loud gunshots coming from the training ground behind GOLDERT Castle. Alex observed a skeleton soldier holding a rifle with a bayonet, shooting it. Though the rifle did not appeal to Alex aesthetically, it was powerful and accurate.

The old one-eyed had sent it to Alex to test, and he was pleased with the results. The rifle was enchanted with magic runes that were specifically designed for knights' fighting spirit, making ordinary bullets have the ability to break laws. It was a weapon used by the Kingdom Knights to suppress those with extraordinary abilities and was the latest model available in the capital. Alex had paid a high price of fifteen gold pounds for it, but it was worth it.

Alex found that using enchanted rifles with skeleton soldiers had some drawbacks, such as poor shooting accuracy and difficulty reloading bullets. Despite this, the skeleton soldiers were able to retain some of their combat instincts, allowing Alex to teach them basic aiming and shooting skills.

Alex was abruptly informed in the cemetery that the skeletal troops' description had altered. Gun skeleton soldiers, first-level elite troops with a fighting power of 6.3 and a cost of ten psychic power, received a new entry.

The price of these new firearm skeleton soldiers doubled but their fighting efficiency was substantially increased. Excited by this discovery, Alex grabbed the skeleton soldiers and checked out the alterations to the cemetery's gun-toting skeleton warriors.

When Alex inspected the advanced Firearm Skeleton soldier, he saw that its armour had been updated to a leather-steel hybrid light armour, comparable to that of a gun knight, and that its weapon had developed corrosion.

He also realized that he could recruit these soldiers directly from the cemetery for only ten psionic powers but recruiting ordinary skeleton soldiers and then upgrading them with rifles would only take five psionics plus £15! Alex was pleased with these changes and made a mental note to negotiate a better price with the old one-eyed for future purchases of the enchanted rifles.

Alex sees gold pounds as insignificant and values psionic energy more, as it is a rare and valuable resource. He even wonders if it would be possible to upgrade his gun skeleton soldiers to lance skeleton soldiers by giving them undead warhorses to ride. However, he realizes that this idea is not currently feasible as horses are living creatures and cannot be brought into the cemetery.

The next day, Alex visits the old one-eyed shop and orders thirty enchanted rifles for a total of 450 gold pounds. His ability to pay for the rifles is thanks to his recent rescue of Lelisa, for which Viscount Ashby was extremely grateful and rewarded Alex with both a hefty sum of gold pounds and a small manor in Alex thinks little of gold coins and places a higher value on psionic energy because it is a scarce and precious resource.

He even considers giving his gun-wielding skeleton troops undead warhorses to ride in order to convert them to lance-wielding skeleton soldiers. He understands that since horses are live things and cannot be transported into the cemetery, this proposal is not now viable. The following day, Alex goes to the old one-eyed store and purchases thirty enchanted guns for 450 gold pounds. Because of his recent success in saving Lelisa, for which Viscount Ashby was incredibly thankful and gave Alex a substantial number of gold pounds and a modest property in the city outskirts.

When he finally received the money, Alex was relieved and went right to the one-eyed to buy thirty illegal military weapons. The elderly one-eyed agreed to deliver the products within three days after being pleasantly astonished by the size of the transaction. First underestimating Alex as a meagre aristocrat, he had initially thought him to be.

The elderly one-eyed recalled something as Alex was about to depart and offered to sell him some broken magic objects. Alex was interested because he had recently been lacking psychic ability. The elderly one-eyed offered to sell the magical goods to Alex in exchange for a favour since Alex was said to be able to estimate the worth of magical item pieces.

Alex stayed to listen to the old one-eyed explain further. It turned out that the old one-eyed had a friend who used to be the captain of the Kingdom Knights. The friend had reached the peak of apprentice knights but had fallen on tough times due to his addiction to gambling and drinking. He had sold off most of his possessions and was left with only scraps that nobody wanted.

The old one-eyed was trying to help his friend by offering these scraps to Alex, hoping that he might be interested in them. Alex was excited about the possibility of finding fragments of spiritual energy in items that had been used on the battlefield. He considered this a wonderful opportunity and decided to purchase the scraps.