
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

you were right queen

a year has passed since then and now the king in the world she was living in before noticed she was right and the plantsare dying so he sent someone to go bring her back. because you know why would he go in person if he did it might have went differently who knows what she would have done.but it would take him forever to convince her to let him into the woods because the trees would stop him but eventually she came out to meet him. the reason why he knew she was in the woods was people from her land can track you by your power its kinda like a gps if they know your power "frequency" tehn they can find you but their are loop holes like you can train and hide it so its likey you turned your gps off or you can constantly drink posion it doesnt matter what kind it could be a harmless one where you get sick for a few days where in those few days you wont be able to be tracked but as soon as the posion wears off they can find you again.

but back to the story on how this interaction went."please devika the king says sorry he banished you and that he wants you to come back home he will treat you better than before he will treat you like the queen you are and have a castle and live in luxury" says the person the king sent."no i will not go to the world that everyone abandoned me because i was different things might have been different if the king treated me better i did save his life but no one listened to me i was not and will not be a seer i hear gossip from the plants i didnt mind helping him but if i say i cant i mean i cant why couldnt i get a better accomations is that how he treats people who saved his life? i wish i could nevermind no i dont i dont wish i could go back and not save his life because i wuld have never been able to be here" says devika."but out food is scarce and the plants are dying people are dying" pleads the guy the king sent.she then hands him two viles and says"until i am dead you will have to come and get these two viles from me every six months in one vile it has my blood and the other has my tears you need to put both on the worst spot and then the plants will come back and the food will be plentiful because they will know i am helping you ungratful brats and they cant go against the queen so they will put aside their hate for you and help you its like a direct orfer from the queen"

"so what do we do when you die we wont be able to get your help then" said the guy the king sent"you will do nothing at all i will go back to the world of the plants and they will have their queen back so you wont have to worry about it when i die but until there you do so here" says devika. she hands the viles and then walks back into the woods to go back home,later the guy the king sent arrived back to his world and is standing in fromnt of the king.before you ask how i know this i will tell you devika put a bug on him you know the top secret police gagets they call a bug oh its top secret oops i guess you wouldnt devika told us about them and how to make them since she heard the police talking about it. so she put one of these bugs on him before he left and since this one is infused with magic she made it be invisable until he talks to the king and then it will disenagrate so this is how i know what was said.

so the king says"she wouldnt come back?" and the guy the king sent says"no i am sorry your majesty but she gave us this(shows viles) she said to put this on the worst sopt and we will have to do this every six months until she dies and after she dies we wont have to worry about it anymore" the king lays his head on his desk like he has lost all hope and says"i guess i deserve this i treated her like trash and never listened to her and she was the person i trusted the most in this world and i betrayed her the whole time and blamed her for everything when it was my fault but at least she is willing to help us thats all that matters now".

so that was the story everyone and this story happened four hundred and twelve millennia.it feels strange for us humans to be this old when we started to get in the hundreds everyone was staring at us so we started to stock pile food that can be stored for later and then we all started to live with devika in the woods since her house was huge and she would make more houses for us which she did eventually because it was not a healthy lifestyleto have everyone under the same roof its not any better being neighbors but it bets living with every single person,every once in awhile we will venture out and buy new foods because we get bored with the food we stored and the crazy thing is she stopped aging at eighty-nine so we look eighty-nine not over a millennia years old.devika tells us when we go to her world we will age backwords so we will look like the day she did the blood pact but still age in the millennia years if that makes since we will get older but our bodies will look younger man i forgot what we looked like years ago.devika even has a old witchy look to her which is creepy and cool at the same time.