
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

4 years later

its been four years since then and the kids from our school spread across the whole town we had a witch living in our town they didnt go as far as to burn her at the stake but she went to town to get food they would sell food to her or they would try to give her rotten food so eventually she stopped going and made edward to go to town since no one knows he is now a 'witch'like devika and we are hoping no one ever finds out she already had to change her kitchen just alittle for him to use the sink without help.how do you think she will feel if they find out he is like her? but they do look at him funny time to time because he does talks to the plants but they take it as devika put a curse on him and now he went crazy so they feel sorry for him so they give him the best foods.

also around this time a new challenge broke out,groups of people would storm into the woods(by not stepping on my property they found another entrance to use) to get in the woods. the challenge was if you can get to the house of the witch or you can see her walking around you take a selfie to prove it and post it and you can become famous overnight but if it was a photoshoped photo you get blasted with alot of hate so eventually no one did fake videos or photos.they just posted their journey online,but no one has ever found her yet so i asked her one day why no one could find her and she smirked at me and said" im not letting them find me"

of course stupid me, but i had to ask more questions and her response was" because with me around the trees are not normal trees they hold.my magic in them so if i want to move the trees around i can and it wont mess up the ground.it would look like the trees have been there the whole time. i can make your 'land markers' look like you went a totally diferent direction. or i can move the trees away from me and make you think you are getting close to me but arent.my favorite one is i can move them in a maze formation and either get them lost for awhile or make them walk right back out the woods." i shutter at this she is moving the trees around to keep the people out.