
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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who is the narraror

so now you get to meet devikas kight and shinny armor,her only friend at the time.yes i am talking about me, so i am a boy and yes i am close to her age.i am a year older than her to be exact,well enough about me well i think i lied im sorry anout that.one more thing about me is devika lived with me and my family when she arrived on earth. one because she landed in my backyard and we have acres of land so no one saw her land in the yard we are in the middle of nowhere that only a few people know we are here ao the government doesnt know she arrived. and before you say satilites at this time the government havent thought about stuff like that yet. and two my parents are hard core alien lovers,and well to them devika was a alien and they loved it so much that they took her in and raised her as their own so technically im her stepbrother.

now the part you have been waiting for well i hope you are at least.the night devika comes to earth, the night devika arrived to earth was like any other day. its funny how that always happens in books or movies.why cant it be the worst day of your life and then BAM! your life is changed forever. but no it was normal a normal freaking day,since i was seven that makes devika six. i went to school and played with my friends ate lunch learned some shit that i probably dont remember and came home see a normal day. mom was making dinner, dad was outside fixing moms car because mom didnt pay attention to the fluids and they were either bone dry or about to be empty. she also had a flat tire and a few parts needed to be replaced.

he was cursing under his breath when he found out how she treated her car.but what do you expect she knew nothing about cars,her knowledge of cars went as far as drive from one stop to another and put gas in the car. so it was dads duty to take care of them.he also knew she knew nothing of cars so i am not sure why he was upset when he saw her car.he must have forgotten to check the car for awhile. so that is probably why he was cursing under his breath, who knows?