
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


two days later he finds out that devika told the council this would happen a week before the assassination atempt.i would like to note she is still four years old. so she was taken from her family and made the kings pet and i mean an actual pet she was treated more like livestock then a human.she was beaten when she wouldnt tell them something they wanted to hear or if they didnt like what she told them.she told them she cant see the future like the seers she just hears the gossip from the plants.that the plants tell her all the things she knows but they never listen,they never lelieve her,she was also kept in a small room and chained to the walls until they needed her but the room she was in was close to the plants so they would come and go easily because there were cracks in the walls and floor.

they tried to get her out but she stopped them and said "i will take the punishment for speaking out" she knew they dangers of speaking out about her powers because she was teased when she told everyone plants talk to her and she would talk back to the plants.so she knew how people normally reacted to her 'abilities' but she thought this was worth the risk to take and save a life and not just any life a royal like at that. but it didnt matter,so she was willing to take her punishment so the plants hesitantly let her stay they hated their queen being hurt but it was the queen who said she would stay so they had to listen to her. that is until one day two years later the king asked her "could i win the war?" and she replied"what war my king?" he replied back" the war that i want to start" snd she replied with" my king im not a seer i do not know if you could win this war or not". he always asked her questions you would ask a seer because he didnt beileve that the stuff she knew was just gossip from the plants.

"i have no answer my king because the war hadnt started yet and the plants cant tell me what is happening so i cant tell you if you will win the war or not my king" she told the king. yah he didnt like that answer so he bet her and put her back in her room. he decided to start the war anyway because he was the king and he had confidence that he would win the war because he had more soliders and weapons than the other party.so he thought it was an easy battle to win but he was wrong completely and utterly wrong. he lost over half of the soliders and most of the weapons were destroyed. because the sixe of the army doesnt matter the other party had stronger soldiers and weapons and better armor, and more over was just better than the king and the king lost he was not happy with devika.

he brought her in his office and asked her"why didnt you stop me from going to war why didnt you tell me i would loose?" she replied back i told you i didnt know the outcome i told you i am not a seer i just listen to the plants they are the ones that hear people talking and he most interesting topics they tell me. its just gossip." well he was to pissed off to listen to her, he believed she was a seer and didnt tell him not to go to war because she wanted him dead.yah he was delusional wasnt he? now he felt betrayed by devika the one person he trusted. so he had his most powerful black magic user send her away from him and where she was sent was earth. but before she was sent away she told the king"if i leave this world all the plants will die because i am the queen of the plants i have lived with the plants for thousands of years and i wanted to experience life outside of the plants so the plants let me leave so if i leave here todsy the plants will die slowly and the food would start to become scarce because they will be pissed you took their queen away and this is not a curse that i am putting on the land. i am the only one that makes this land beautiful you will need me to make it beautfil again." he laughs at her and tells the black magic user to go ahead and send her away.