
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

what just happened

i am guessing my pleas and begs worked because the plants let her go and i backed away to show my good faith.after i am a good foot away from her i see the plants circling around her feet in case i break my promise and dude you never break a promise to plants its right up there with demon kings and assassins. so i csll out to my statue friends"hey edward" he looks at me and i continue" can you get devika out just hold your hand out and walk her to the house mom wants to talk to her" he looked puzzled but di what i asked he walks up to her and holds his hand out for her to take.when she does take it the plants move away and off they go to the house. afterwards my friends come and find me in my room because that is where i went when i entered he house so i dont accidentally touch devika because a touch is a touch and it will break my promise and i will never have the plants trust again,and they are staring at me standing in my doorway with a what the hell just happened look.

after i tell them the truth about devika its an understate me of the hurt,amazement,and confusion they are shocking me on their faces right now. after ten mintutes of them standing like statues and trying to process what i just told them they turn around and walk out my door and walk down stairs to talk to mom and devika.it been a whole month since my friends found out about devika and that week was torturous. its not like i crave to touch her or anything. so you know how hard it is to actively avoid someone,because you cant out run or hide anything from plants.so i mainly stayed in my room because my friends stopped talking to me for a good two weeks because not only did i lie about devika i didnt tell them about devikas real story i guess thats the same thing but they didnt see it that way.