
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

the plants protect me

when she was the age of three she stsrted to act differntly,she claimed that the plants taked to her. she would stand in front of the trees and talk to them for hours.when she would want to play with others and they gave in and let her and some how she got injured the plants around her would wrap themselves around her like a cocoon and protect her from the 'danger' that was lurking around her.she would have to convince the plants to let her go,that she was not in real danger that she just fell or she was running to fast and got a cramp or she ran to much and sprained her ankle or she got a cut she would have to explain its just alittle blood nothing life threatening.then they would slolwy let her go to make sure she was telling the truth and you can see them swirling around her feet for a bit longer in case real danger showed up after letting her go.they could protect her faster than if they completely left her alone. so eventually no one wanted to play with her.

by the age of four she told the council that the trees told her that one of the royals most trusted servants was going to try and assassinate the king a week from the day she was telling them. of course they laughed at her because one she was four and two trees cant talk(unless you are devika that is) and three 'most trusted servant' means they are trusted and wont betray the royal family so they called her family to come and get her because she snuck out of the house and the plants helped her sneak into the building and told her how to find the council members. what do you know a week later the kings guard the one handpicked to be his bodyguard, the one he entrusted his life daily,the one that followed him around the castle like a lost puppy tried to kill him one morning with poison.

luckily the guard was a dumbass and chose a poison that could be tasted so when he took a bite of his food he knew something was wrong so he spits it out.four weeks later he finds out that it was his guard that tried to kill him and what is worse it was the queen who put him up to it.why you might ask?because the queen was in a secret relation with the guard and she wanted the king gone.so she could choose the next king and she was going to choose the guard because he would be considered royality after the kings death because not only did the king handpick him but he was the kings personal guard so that means he has promise to do great things because it was extremely difficult to be a guard for the king and extra difficult to be his personal guard at that so if you was handpicked and was the personal guard the other royals would look at you and wonder what the king saw.

so the queen could marry him and she wanted to fuck him without getting caught.she was always afraid of someone finding her fucking the guard so she came up with the plan to kill the king but it backfired and the king killed not only the guard but also the queen.