
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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i get it i really do i hurt the queen i hurt devika once by hugging her to tight i thought we were passed this but i guess not.i guess they still hate me just a little,or it might be and i forgive you but i wont forget type of thing. a year has went by and devika married edward and everyone including the plants were so proud she found love and with a human none less.she did a normal human wedding for edward and his family and ours and the nshe did a wedding people in her world does.she cut her palm with a knife and he cut his then they held hands for four minutes to let the blood mix together making a blood bond.

after that she was married to him,we decided to tell his family devika was not human and at first they didnt believe us until edwards sister accidently hurt devika and we had to hurry and apologize to the plants for them to not put her in a coma after that they believed us.they asked alot of questions like would my grandkids have powers and devika said yes but they would be half breeds they will be half human and half either a god or goddess depending on gender.the reason is because devika was orginally a goddess and a goddess of plants to be exact.so when devika dies on earth she will end up in the world of plants with the guardians of plants. by that i mean all the things we consider nature has a different guardian so the trees and flowers have a different guardian if you havent figured that out. devika says"that if the plant guardian is assigned to protect the nature they are assigned to and for example if it was a flower and they flowers were dying off then they would personaly save it .sometimes they get bored and make a new thing of their kind so if you are the flower guardian than they will randomly make a new flower. its fun watching humans go bat shit crazy ti try and figure out why a new species exists".

she also did a blood pact which was different then a blood bond but she did it with the family and friends were we had to cut our finger and have the blood mix in a cup the nat the end she mixed hers in it then the next part was not just shocking but also gross.she had us drink some of it.she also drank it after we asked what that was about and she said our lifes are now connected to hers so as long as she was alive on earth we will be alive until she dies well dies on earth that is. so when she does die we will also die immediatly after her last breath. then everyone would be taken to her world of plants but upon arrival the blood pact would be null and void.we get to live as individuals again so thats exciting we get to live with her in a different world. she also made edward king of plants when they got married.thats why the plants forgave him that one time after the dance because they wanted him to be king they were just waiting for devika to fall in love with edwaed but the crazy thing is he can now hear the plants talk. he told us"it was strange the first time i heard it i had to ask devika if this was what she hears all the time.she said yes and i took me awhile to get used to it but now i like it i get to hear all the lastest gossip.about my friends and family and know what devika is doing without having to go and search for her and i can even know the gossip that is happening to complete strangers around the world i get lost in talking to them sometimes i forget its not normal and sometimes people stare at me and look at me funny at the stores my family was shocked to know i can talk to plants now they didnt believe me so i ended up telling them what they ddi the night before and thats what made them believe me because i was nowhere near them so i had to way of knowing what they would do.i also learned if i want to surpise devika i have to tell the plants to not tell her or they will tell her and ruin my surprise."