
The Nascent Bloodline

Read to the 10th chapter The Infinity Era brought about a drastic change in humanity, reducing their primacy as a species due to a decrease in an unknown Energy.  Bloodline abilities such as Mind Control, Matter Manipulation, and Multi-dimensional Telepathy, were once wielded by humans. But due to the decreased energy, lesser abilities like the four natural elements- Paranormal abilities were now the dominant among humans. However, the discovery of ruins left behind by an alien race enabled humans to grow in leaps and bounds, allowing exploration of the quantum universe and creation of quantum devices.  But as human potential peaked, mysterious races of higher intelligence appeared, with an inexplicable hatred for humanity, were barred by barriers in their dimensions. As time went by, loopholes appeared, enabling them to transverse to Earth realm. Who will save the Earth realm?  Egon's lifeless body......... His skin was nearly ripped off........ Blood had no longer gushed out due to lack of it...... Then he was fully enveloped within a golden light...... Egon's eyes burst open with power emanating from them like fire.......... A beam of light descended from the heavens and shot straight towards his body - causing him to glow even brighter than before....... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" He is the Nascent Human!...... Please, I'm new to writing if you spot any mistakes just drop a comment. I might not be that good at writing system, but please I would get better..... Check the auxiliary chapters out!

Paul_Okito · Khoa huyễn
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99 Chs

Continuation of Chapter 1(2)

Egon approached his new school with a heavy heart, feeling the weight of his mother's recent passing. The moment he stepped onto the school bus, he couldn't shake off his feelings of sadness and anger. The other students on the bus avoided sitting next to him, casting strange looks his way. He resigned himself to sitting alone at the back with his backpack in tow.

Upon arriving at the school, Egon noticed the other children eagerly disembarking and heading towards the school building, brimming with happiness. However, Egon's own experience was far from joyful.

Reluctantly, he entered the school building and made his way to the principal's office for the necessary administrative tasks. Once completed, he was guided to his classroom.

"The new student is here. He will be joining our class," the teacher announced.

Egon glanced up at the teacher but remained quiet. Then the teacher shared, "He recently lost his mother, which has been very emotionally challenging for a young boy like him. Let's ensure he feels welcomed among us."

Egon's gaze turned hostile, though he kept his words to himself. He felt infuriated by the teacher's announcement, as it only seemed to paint a target on his back for mockery. Making his way to his seat, Egon slumped down, silently seething with anger.

"In a few days, we will have the awakening ceremony," the teacher explained. "Today, we will learn about Visceral Energy and explore various elements of the paranormal world."

As the teacher launched into the lesson, Egon's mind drifted away. Consumed by the pain of losing his mother, he felt detached from the classroom atmosphere.

"Paranormals have the incredible ability to absorb Visceral energy, even while in their mother's womb," the teacher began, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "But before that, they must create a Visceral channel, a pathway for the energy to flow through. This channel can only be formed during development in the womb. Those who haven't developed it from birth are not considered Paranormals, but rather normal humans or languids."

the teacher continued, eager to enlighten his students further. "Once the channel is created, it becomes imperative to comprehend the laws surrounding Visceral energy before attempting to absorb it. Abilities can only be inherited from parents, meaning that the knowledge of specific elemental laws is passed down from parent to child. This inheritance is a result of human evolution, which established a trend of passing down elemental knowledge through generations."

The teacher proceeded to explain the four main elemental laws: "Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind," he said. "Each with countless sub-abilities such as Lightning, Ice, Psychic, Clairvoyance, Speed, Strength, and many more. Paranormals can possess a main elemental ability along with different sub-abilities. However, some individuals may struggle to grasp their main element, limiting them to manifesting only their sub-abilities."

As the complexity of the Elemental laws became apparent, the teacher introduced the ranking system for Paranormals. "Paranormals are ranked based on their level of mastery," he explained. "The ranking system encompasses various levels, from Visceral essence, to Rudimentary Evolver, Rim Breaker, Combat Intensifier, Overlord, Quintessence, and finally, Cosmic Manipulator."

He further elaborated on the significance of each ranking level. "The Visceral essence is the first level attained at birth. It's a level where the individual gathers all the essence from their surrounding element and studies the essence of elemental laws, which are the natural laws bound with nature for the optimum survival of Earth.

Rudimentary Evolver level 1-10 is the second ranking level where Paranormals can understand their individual elemental laws. They are now able to distinguish more about their powers.

Rim Breaker level 1-10 is the third level where Paranormals undergo bodily strengthening. Without strengthening their bodies, the rate at which the mind would acquire more knowledge would be reduced.

Breaking into the next level requires absolute knowledge of the Elemental laws."

The teacher continued, "Combat Intensifier is the stage where the individual grasps their main element or sub-ability to a stage where it can cause great havoc in battle. The damage rage at this stage is comparable to that of 12 nuclear bombs.

The Overlord level 1-10 is the stage where the Paranormal has grown to a certain peak and can become a known existence. Their intervention can change the tide of battle in seconds.

They are immediately transported to a different plane for seclusion, to restrict them from generating a natural disaster on Earth.

Quintessence is an existence that has only been attained by a few, with only 50 individuals worldwide. It occurs when the Paranormal has been able to cleanse their energy of all impurities, enabling them to achieve their maximum capacity of the elemental laws.

Cosmic Manipulator (Universe Level) is the Paranormal ability at the peak of Earth realm's energy that only a select few can attain. Individuals at this height can venture out of Earth to explore the universe. To date, there is only one person who has achieved this summation."

The maximum attainment an individual can undergo is usually attributed to their great accumulation of Visceral Energy before birth. "Some Paranormals were able to absorb close to 90% of their bodily energy, giving them the divine insight to achieve Overlord strength," the teacher explained.

Returning his focus to the classroom, the teacher engaged the class, eager to gauge their understanding. He singled out Egon.

Egon was lost in his thoughts and hadn't been paying attention.

Nevertheless, when asked a question about Paranormals, Egon instinctively answered, surprising both the teacher and his classmates with his accurate response.

The teacher, eager to gauge the understanding of his students, turned his attention to Egon, a recent addition to the class. He looked at Egon and asked with a warm smile, "Now, Egon, can you tell me what it means for a Paranormal to create a Visceral channel?"

Egon, still lost in his own thoughts, finally snapped back to attention as the question was directed to him. With a brief pause to collect his thoughts, he raised his hand, clearing his throat before answering confidently,

"A Visceral channel is a pathway created in the womb by a Paranormal to allow the flow of Visceral energy. It is necessary for the absorption and utilization of the energy that defines our abilities as Paranormals."

Impressed by Egon's accurate response, the teacher nodded approvingly. "Excellent, Egon! You've captured the essence of it quite well," the teacher commended, a genuine smile gracing his face.

The teacher then shifted his attention to Leo, another student in the class. Wanting to ensure everyone had the opportunity to participate, he asked Leo a question related to elemental laws. "Now, Leo, could you enlighten us about the significance of the Elemental laws and how they relate to Paranormals?"

Leo, feeling a bit anxious with all eyes now upon him, hesitated for a moment, struggling to come up with a clear answer.

"Emmmmm....." He stammered, trying to gather his thoughts but couldn't articulate a cohesive response.


Sadly, Leo struggled to provide the correct answer, which prompted laughter from his peers. Though the classroom erupted in laughter, the teacher quickly intervened, redirecting the focus.

"Don't worry, Leo. Take your time. We're all here to learn together. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes. Learning is a journey, and we're here to support one another."

"Leo try your best next time"

Egon approached his new school with a heavy heart, feeling the weight of his mother's recent passing. The moment he stepped onto the school bus, he couldn't shake off his feelings of sadness and anger. The other students on the bus avoided sitting next to him, casting strange looks his way.

"Today we are going to try that....." The students discussed among themselves without caring for Egon.

Egon felt a sense of isolation, however he resigned himself to sitting alone at the back with his backpack.

As he sat down as he fiddled with the collar of his sleeves.

Upon arriving at the school, Egon noticed the other children eagerly disembarking and heading towards the school building, brimming with happiness. However, Egon's own experience was far from joyful.

Reluctantly, he entered the school building and made his way to the principal's office for the necessary administrative tasks. Once completed, he was guided to his classroom.

"The new student is here. He will be joining our class," the teacher announced.

Egon glanced up at the teacher but remained quiet. Then the teacher shared,

"He recently lost his mother, which has been very emotionally challenging for a young boy like him. Let's ensure he feels welcomed among us."

"Great, now everyone knows. They'll pity me " he thought bitterly as he clenched his fist under the desk as he made his way to his seat.

"In a few days, we will have the awakening ceremony," the teacher explained. "Today, we will learn about Visceral Energy and explore various elements of the paranormal world."

As the teacher launched into the lesson, Egon's mind drifted away. Consumed by the pain of losing his mother, he felt detached from the classroom atmosphere.

"Paranormals have the incredible ability to absorb Visceral energy, even while in their mother's womb," the teacher began, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "But before that, they must create a Visceral channel, a pathway for the energy to flow through. This channel can only be formed during development in the womb. Those who haven't developed it from birth are not considered Paranormals, but rather normal humans or languids."

the teacher continued, eager to enlighten his students further.

"Once the channel is created, it becomes imperative to comprehend the laws surrounding Visceral energy before attempting to absorb it. Abilities can only be inherited from parents, meaning that the knowledge of specific elemental laws is passed down from parent to child. This inheritance is a result of human evolution, which established a trend of passing down elemental knowledge through generations."

The teacher proceeded to explain the four main elemental laws: "Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind," he said. "Each with countless sub-abilities such as Lightning, Ice, Psychic, Clairvoyance, Speed, Strength, and many more. Paranormals can possess a main elemental ability along with different sub-abilities. However, some individuals may struggle to grasp their main element, limiting them to manifesting only their sub-abilities."

As the complexity of the Elemental laws became apparent, the teacher introduced the ranking system for Paranormals. "Paranormals are ranked based on their level of mastery," he explained. "The ranking system encompasses various levels, from Visceral essence, to Rudimentary Evolver, Rim Breaker, Combat Intensifier, Overlord, Quintessence, and finally, Cosmic Manipulator."

He further elaborated on the significance of each ranking level. "The Visceral essence is the first level attained at birth. It's a level where the individual gathers all the essence from their surrounding element and studies the essence of elemental laws, which are the natural laws bound with nature for the optimum survival of Earth.

Rudimentary Evolver level 1-10 is the second ranking level where Paranormals can understand their individual elemental laws. They are now able to distinguish more about their powers.

Rim Breaker level 1-10 is the third level where Paranormals undergo bodily strengthening. Without strengthening their bodies, the rate at which the mind would acquire more knowledge would be reduced.

Breaking into the next level requires absolute knowledge of the Elemental laws."

The teacher continued, "Combat Intensifier is the stage where the individual grasps their main element or sub-ability to a stage where it can cause great havoc in battle. The damage rage at this stage is comparable to that of 12 nuclear bombs.

The Overlord level 1-10 is the stage where the Paranormal has grown to a certain peak and can become a known existence. Their intervention can change the tide of battle in seconds.

They are immediately transported to a different plane for seclusion, to restrict them from generating a natural disaster on Earth.

Quintessence is an existence that has only been attained by a few, with only 50 individuals worldwide. It occurs when the Paranormal has been able to cleanse their energy of all impurities, enabling them to achieve their maximum capacity of the elemental laws.

Cosmic Manipulator (Universe Level) is the Paranormal ability at the peak of Earth realm's energy that only a select few can attain. Individuals at this height can venture out of Earth to explore the universe. To date, there is only one person who has achieved this summation."

The maximum attainment an individual can undergo is usually attributed to their great accumulation of Visceral Energy before birth.

"Some Paranormals were able to absorb close to 90% of their bodily energy, giving them the divine insight to achieve Overlord strength," the teacher explained.

Returning his focus to the classroom, the teacher engaged the class, eager to gauge their understanding. He singled out Egon.

Egon was lost in his thoughts and hadn't been paying attention.

Nevertheless, when asked a question about Paranormals, Egon instinctively answered, surprising both the teacher and his classmates with his accurate response.

The teacher, eager to gauge the understanding of his students, turned his attention to Egon, a recent addition to the class.

He looked at Egon and asked with a warm smile, "Now, Egon, can you tell me what it means for a Paranormal to create a Visceral channel?"

Egon, still lost in his own thoughts, finally snapped back to attention as the question was directed to him. With a brief pause to collect his thoughts, he raised his hand, clearing his throat before answering confidently,

"A Visceral channel is a pathway created in the womb by a Paranormal to allow the flow of Visceral energy. It is necessary for the absorption and utilization of the energy that defines our abilities as Paranormals."

Impressed by Egon's accurate response, the teacher nodded approvingly.

"Excellent, Egon! You've captured the essence of it quite well," the teacher commended, a genuine smile gracing his face.

The teacher then shifted his attention to Leo, another student in the class. Wanting to ensure everyone had the opportunity to participate, he asked Leo a question related to elemental laws.

"Now, Leo, could you enlighten us about the significance of the Elemental laws and how they relate to Paranormals?"

Leo, feeling a bit anxious with all eyes now upon him, hesitated for a moment, struggling to come up with a clear answer.

"Emmmmm....." He stammered, trying to gather his thoughts but couldn't think of a response.


Sadly, Leo struggled to provide the correct answer, which prompted laughter from his peers. Though the classroom erupted in laughter, the teacher quickly intervened, redirecting the focus.

"Don't worry, Leo. Take your time. We're all here to learn together. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes. Learning is a journey, and we're here to support one another."

"Leo try your best next time"

I'm doing my best to meet up to you guys standard, please support me. it must not be gifts or golden tickets or votes. A little GIF is ok... Thanks

Paul_Okitocreators' thoughts