
Chapter 1

"Jane, drop the baking soda and Jake put on some pants, you're already late for school. Okay everyone just get in the car" I said while pushing them towards the car.

"Wait, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7....., Where's Jill?" I asked.

" I don't know, probably eating some cookie dough" Jane said.

I ran back into the house and looked for Jill and expectedly I found her in the cupboard eating some cookie dough.

"Jill, I've told you to stop eating cookie dough, you'll have a tummy ache"

"But Mom, I can't, it's just so yummy"

I let out a long sigh, knowing she would never listen.

"Come on, let me get you cleaned up" I said while picking up a towel and wiping her mouth.

When I went back outside, I saw Joseph playing in the mud and I almost broke down in tears. There wasn't time to get anyone cleaned up so I just put them all in the car and went to the driver's seat and I turned the ignition, but unfortunately the car didn't start.

"Come on, not today" I said while praying inwardly, and luckily for me it started and I drove them to school. As I was lost in my thought, Jill called out to me.


"Yes sweetie"

"My tummy hurts"

"That's what happens when you eat cookie dough. I keep telling you but you never listen"

"Okay, I'll stop eating cookie dough"


Okay, you might be wondering how many children I have. Well I have Eight. Their names are: Judith, Jayden, Jasmine, Jane, Jordan, Jake, Joseph and Jill. (From the oldest to youngest). Having eight kids and being a single mother is very stressful.

I pulled up in the school's driveway and they all got out and I waved them goodbye. I was about to leave for work, when I saw the woman I despised the most in that school, Gulia, walking towards my car. With the look on her face, I knew she only came to me to cause trouble.

I didn't have the time to deal with her, so I changed the gear and I sped out of there. I saw from the side mirror, the surprised and angry look on her face and I couldn't help but let out a wide smirk on my face.

When I got to work,I was already fifteen minutes late, so I hurriedly put on my apron and got to work.

"Khloe!!!!" The sound of my boss yelling echoed in the room.

I gulped. This was the third time in a row I was late to work.

"Good morning Mr. Tod" I said.

"Don't 'good morning' me. If you're late tomorrow, YOU'RE FIRED!!!" He yelled before going back into his office.

His words echoed in my ears. If I get fired, how would I be able to cater for my eight kids.

I let out a deep sigh before I went to work.

I worked as a waitress at one of the most famous restaurant in town.

After my shift was over, I went to pick up my kids before heading home.

When I got home, I got a phone call from an unknown number. Usually I just let it ring if it's an unknown number, but I finally gave it and picked up the phone after the person kept calling for like up to an hour.

"Finally. Khloe, it's me, Hannah" the voice from the other end said.

"Who?" I asked hoping it was not who I thought it was.

"What do you mean 'who'. It's me your sister" The person said.

Meet my sister, a backstabbing witch, liar and a literal devil. She's the reason I'm a single mother right now. She stole my husband from right under my nose.

"What do you want from me Hannah?"

"I was you to watch my kids for the weekend"

"And I would do that?"

"Because you're my sister and also Henry and I are going to a party this weekend"

"Wow, so you're going to turn me into your babysitter while you are going to a party. You're such an irresponsible mother. Why don't you just hire a Nanny or watch your kids yourself!!!!" I yelled before hanging up the phone.

After I hung up the phone, I blocked her number, before going to prepare dinner for the kids.

After dinner, I tucked my kids in bed before going to my room and fell on the bed after a long exhausting day, while thinking about my life as always, before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, I slept in because it was the weekend, but I wish I hadn't. Because when I went downstairs, the house was a mess. Toilet paper was everywhere, flour on the floor and in the air, Jill eating more cookie dough, Jake running around the house naked and Joseph using his muddy hand to touch every piece of furniture in the house.

"Enough!!!!!" I yelled.

"Jake put on some clothes, Joseph go get yourself cleaned up and Jill please put down the cookie dough" I said angrily.

"And the rest of you, get this place cleaned up" I said before walking towards the couch and slumping on it.

After cleaning up, Judith came up to me and said, "We are sorry for making such a mess, we just wanted to surprise you for your birthday"

"My birthday?" I asked then I realized that it was my birthday. I had been so tired lately that I forget my own birthday.

"That's so sweet and thoughtful of you guys" I said while embracing Judith in a tight hug.

"Yeah, but it was ruined" Judith said while her expression and tone changed into a sad one.

"Don't worry about it. Being able to see your faces everyday is greatest present I would always ask for and I wouldn't ask for anything more or less. I love you guys so much" I said while almost in tears.