
Chapter 2

(Meanwhile, somewhere in another country)

"I just found out he has an ex-wife, named Khole Grimlin. We can find some details about him from her and we can finally put him where he belongs" a woman said.

"Racheal, I would need you to go undercover and bring some evidence that he stole some important government files" the woman continued.

"Says here that the woman has eight kids. There is only one person that I think you can go undercover as."

"Who" Racheal asked.

"Their Nanny" the woman replied.

"No,no,no,no. You know I don't do well with kids"

"That's an order, or you will have your badge taken away from you." Said the woman sternly.

Racheal took the next flight to V-country. An apartment had already been prepared for the mission. Then the next morning, she went to Khole's house disguised as a Nanny.

(Back to Khole's life)

I took the kids to the amusement park and bought a lot of things for them. When we got home, they started fighting. Before I could break up the fight, I heard the doorbell ring. I was surprised, I haven't had a visitor in years.

"Who is it" I asked but I got no reply.

"I said who is it" but still no reply.

I slowly opened the door and saw a woman standing outside.

"Who are you if I may ask" I said

"My name is Jones(Racheal's undercover name) and I'm your new Nanny." the woman said.

"A Nanny? I didn't hire a Nanny because I don't need a Nanny" I replied sternly.

"But i---

Before she could finish what she was saying, I slammed the door in her face.

"We have a problem" Racheal said to the person at the other end.

"Go on"

"She didn't let me in"

"Okay, moving on to Plan B"

"And what is that supposed to be" Racheal asked looking confused.

"Um, just find a way to plant some cameras and microphones everywhere in the house"
