
The Mortal wants to Ascend

Embark on a journey into the heart of chaos; A tale where worlds burn, monstrous forces emerge, and cosmic entities cast their shadows. As chaos unfolds, heroes rise, navigating the unpredictable odyssey ahead. Join our protagonist in this riveting narrative where inner strength and cunning intellect pave the way to triumph over unimaginable challenges. Awakening in a world on the edge, what will you do? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/344113/fictions

Ian_Diakor · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


Astor's threads extended towards his companions, their touch gentle and soothing. An ethereal glow surrounded each member of the group as Astor's healing sigil worked its magic. The wounds and fatigue from the battle began to dissipate, leaving the companions in awe of the mysterious power at play.

"Good job, everyone. We fought well," Astor commended, his voice resonating with a mix of pride and authority. As the healing continued, a sense of rejuvenation spread among the group.

Darian, always eager to voice his concerns, couldn't contain himself. "Where did you get this healing power, Astor? I've never seen anything like it."

Elowen, enigmatic as ever, interjected, "Darian, there are things beyond our understanding. Astor has his reasons, and we should respect that."

Lucien, perceptive and cautious, added, "Indeed, rushing to conclusions won't do us any good. Let Astor reveal what he deems necessary in due time."

Astor, finishing the healing process, withdrew his tentacles. "This is just a small part of what we can achieve with sigils. There's much more to learn, and each of you has the potential to unlock incredible abilities."

Darian, still grappling with his curiosity, mumbled, "I just find it strange. We're here to learn, but Astor seems to know so much more."

Fin, intrigued by the healing power, chimed in, "Astor, how did you create such a sigil? Can you teach us?"

Astor chuckled, "In time, Fin. Right now, let's focus on surviving the initiation. We'll explore the depths of our abilities together."

After the intense battle with the striders, as the companions regained their composure, Tygus and Leon took Astor aside, their expressions a mix of curiosity and something more sinister. Tygus, with an air of authority, spoke first.

"Astor, your abilities are exceptional. I can't help but see the potential for a mutually beneficial partnership. Join my group, and I'll ensure you're rewarded handsomely. There are vast resources at my disposal, and you could have anything you desire."

Leon, not one to be outdone, added, "Tygus makes a compelling offer, but my group also values talent. Join us, and your skills won't go unnoticed. We're willing to pay generously for someone of your caliber."

Astor, ever composed, respectfully declined. "I appreciate the offers, but my path lies with my companions. We're a team, and our goal is to navigate this initiation together. I'm afraid I cannot accept your propositions."

Tygus, his eyes narrowing, questioned, "Are you sure about this decision, Astor? You could have unimaginable wealth and influence."

Leon, with a hint of arrogance, added, "Don't underestimate the benefits of being associated with those at the top."

Astor, unfazed, replied, "I have my reasons, and wealth and influence are not my primary motivations. I wish you both success in your endeavors."

As Tygus and Leon rejoined their respective groups, a tension lingered in the air. Astor's companions, having observed the exchange, shared glances of both concern and curiosity. Darian, never one to hold back, remarked, "What was that all about? They offered you a fortune, Astor!"

Astor, maintaining his calm demeanor, explained, "Sometimes, the cost of accepting such offers is higher than any reward they may bring. Our unity and trust in each other are more valuable than any material gain."

As the wearied group settled down, Astor took charge, issuing an order for everyone to rest and recover. The exhaustion was visible in their eyes, and the prospect of sleep was a welcome one. Astor, however, had other plans.

While the others found their beds and prepared for a much-needed rest, Astor set to work with a practiced efficiency. His octopus-like tentacles, a manifestation of his threads, moved with fluid precision as he skillfully skinned the striders and harvested their meat and essence cores.

Darian, despite his fatigue, couldn't help but watch in awe. His inner monologue reflected a mix of admiration and competitiveness. If Astor can do all this with such ease, what does it say about my own abilities? I need to step up my game.

Lucien, the reserved and observant one, analyzed the situation. There's more to Astor than meets the eye. His control over his essence is beyond what I've seen before. Is he holding back, or is there something he's not telling us?

Elowen, the enigmatic figure among them, observed silently. Astor's skills are remarkable, but there's a mystery surrounding him. What is he hiding? And why did he decline Tygus and Leon's offers? There's more to unravel.

Drake, always straightforward, was more focused on the practical aspect. Those striders' meat looks good. We should cook it properly tomorrow. Astor's skills will make this journey a lot more interesting.

Quillon, compassionate and gentle, couldn't help but feel sympathy for the striders. It's a cycle of life and death, but seeing Astor handle it so efficiently doesn't make it any less heart-wrenching.

Kael, the narcissistic one, seemed uninterested but couldn't help but sneak glances. Astor might have some tricks, but nothing I can't surpass. I'll show them all tomorrow.

Fin, the curious one, was intrigued by Astor's abilities. What is Astor's true strength? Those tentacles are incredible. I wonder what else he can do.

Alars, the empathetic soul, couldn't shake off a feeling of sadness. The striders had to die for us to survive. Astor's actions, while necessary, weigh heavy on my heart.

As the group lay down to rest, their thoughts lingered on Astor's mysterious skills and the unfolding events. The night held secrets, and the forest whispered them to those who dared to listen.

Tygus, ever calculating and ambitious, found himself deep in thought as he observed Astor's actions. Astor's skills are impressive. If I could have someone like him on my side, our chances of success in this initiation would skyrocket. I just need to find the right leverage, something that will make him see the benefits of joining forces with me.

Meanwhile, Leon, the charismatic leader of his group, sat in a lotus position surrounded by his four female companions, each exuding the strength and elegance of lionesses. As he focused on recovering, his mind wasn't far from the recent encounter with Astor. This initiation is proving to be more challenging than anticipated. Astor's abilities are intriguing, and his refusal to join us adds another layer to the complexity of this journey. We must tread carefully.

The forest, with its ancient trees and mystical aura, became the backdrop for the unspoken strategies and contemplations of these two groups. As the night deepened, the air became charged with an undercurrent of competition and hidden motives. The initiation had not only set nature's challenges before them but also stirred the currents of ambition and rivalry among the students.