
The Mortal wants to Ascend

Embark on a journey into the heart of chaos; A tale where worlds burn, monstrous forces emerge, and cosmic entities cast their shadows. As chaos unfolds, heroes rise, navigating the unpredictable odyssey ahead. Join our protagonist in this riveting narrative where inner strength and cunning intellect pave the way to triumph over unimaginable challenges. Awakening in a world on the edge, what will you do? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/344113/fictions

Ian_Diakor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


The night erupted in a symphony of chaos as the striders encircled Astor and his companions. Twenty pairs of luminous eyes glared menacingly, reflecting an eerie glow in the darkness. The air crackled with anticipation, the tension palpable, as Astor stepped forward, revealing his true prowess.

Astor's transformation was both mesmerizing and unsettling. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, a silent proclamation of a power far beyond the scope of a typical initiate. The thread tentacles materialized, each moving with preternatural precision, their fluid dance weaving a protective cocoon around Astor.

As the first strider lunged forward, Astor's response was a display of mastery that defied the laws of initiation. A swift rotation of his body sent one tentacle spiraling towards the strider, piercing its head with surgical precision. The strider collapsed, its essence core exposed—an emblem of Astor's undeniable skill.

Around him, his companions were caught in a trance. Tygus and Leon, seasoned warriors in their own right, exchanged uneasy glances. Their talents, once unquestioned, now felt dwarfed in the presence of Astor's essence prowess. Tygus muttered, "What kind of initiation is this?" Leon, more subdued, pondered the nature of their own abilities.

Lucien and Elowen, the enigmatic duo, exchanged a subtle nod. Their suspicions deepened, like detectives unraveling a complex puzzle. Darian, accustomed to being the prideful spearhead, felt a subtle sting of wounded ego. Astor's silent challenge threatened his perception of self.

Drake, ever the cheerleader, raised his fists in encouragement. "Go, Astor! Show them what you're made of!" Fin, the analytical mind, watched in awe, contemplating the depths of Astor's concealed powers. The magnitude of Astor's abilities motivated Fin, instilling a newfound determination.

The battlefield unfolded as a dance between threads and darkness, Astor's tentacles weaving intricate patterns of destruction. The striders, once a formidable threat, now fell like leaves before a tempest. Astor's movements were a seamless blend of offense and defense, a testament to a mastery that defied the boundaries of their initiate status.

As the fight progressed, Astor's companions were inspired, each reacting differently to the unfolding spectacle. Elowen's eyes gleamed with a newfound curiosity, while Lucien observed with an intensity reserved for unraveling mysteries. Darian, his pride momentarily overshadowed by respect, found himself unable to look away.

Quillon, the compassionate soul, winced at the striders' demise but acknowledged the necessity of the fight. Zeph, the silent observer, absorbed every detail, contemplating the implications of Astor's reveal. Alars, with a hint of sadness, recognized the harsh reality of survival in this world.

In the midst of the battle, Astor's voice cut through the night. "Stay vigilant, everyone! We must endure!" His words, a beacon of leadership, resonated with conviction. The striders, reduced in number but undeterred, launched a coordinated assault. Astor, unwavering, continued his dance of mastery.

The peanut gallery's reactions intensified. Tygus and Leon, recalibrating their perspectives, exchanged a silent acknowledgment. Lucien and Elowen, their suspicions cemented, exchanged a knowing glance. Darian, pride rekindled, joined the fight with newfound determination. Drake cheered louder, and Fin, inspired, analyzed every move for future reference.

As the final strider fell, Astor stood, the essence cores scattered around him like fallen stars. The night, once fraught with danger, now bore witness to a revelation—an initiation that transcended the conventional norms. Astor's companions, in awe and introspection, faced a new reality—one shaped by the extraordinary abilities of the initiate who defied the expected.

Under the moonlit canopy, Tygus and Leon stood side by side, armed with nothing but sturdy wooden spears. The striders circled them, eyes glinting with predatory hunger. In a silent exchange, the two warriors shared a nod, acknowledging the challenge that lay before them.

The striders, sensing an opportunity, lunged at the duo simultaneously. Tygus and Leon, relying solely on their agility and physical prowess, braced themselves for the impending clash. The forest floor echoed with the thud of the striders' powerful strides.

Tygus, with feline grace, sidestepped the first strider's lunge. He thrust his wooden spear toward its flank, aiming to divert its attention. The strider, momentarily deterred, growled in frustration. Tygus danced around the creature, his movements fluid and precise.

Meanwhile, Leon, the embodiment of earth's resilience, faced the second strider head-on. Planting his feet firmly, he used his wooden spear as a barrier, intercepting the strider's assault. The clash of wood against the strider's claws echoed through the forest, creating a rhythmic symphony of battle.

The striders, undeterred, adjusted their tactics. Tygus expertly weaved between the relentless strikes, utilizing his wooden spear as an extension of his agile movements. Leon, displaying unwavering determination, parried the strider's attacks with calculated precision.

As the battle unfolded, Tygus and Leon demonstrated a unique synergy despite the simplicity of their wooden spears. Their coordinated maneuvers kept the striders at bay, showcasing a remarkable understanding between the two warriors. The forest, a silent witness to the dance of survival, seemed to hold its breath.

In a strategic move, Tygus baited the first strider toward him while Leon created an opening with a forceful jab at the second. The striders, momentarily disoriented, found themselves vulnerable to the counterattacks. Tygus and Leon capitalized on the opportunity, delivering swift and well-timed strikes.

With a synchronized effort, Tygus and Leon aimed for the striders' vulnerable points. Their wooden spears struck true, targeting key areas that weakened the creatures. The striders, now visibly fatigued, began to retreat, sensing the growing threat posed by the duo.

Tygus and Leon, standing victorious, watched as the striders retreated into the shadows. The forest, once filled with the tension of battle, returned to a tranquil stillness. The wooden spears, simple in their construction, had become instruments of survival, and the bond between Tygus and Leon had weathered the crucible of the night.

Amidst the moonlit forest, Zeph, Drake, Darian, and Fin found themselves facing a trio of striders. Armed with wooden spears, the four companions braced themselves for the imminent clash, their eyes locked on the approaching creatures.

The striders, sensing potential prey, circled the group with predatory intent. Zeph, a whirlwind of agility and precision, took the lead. He twirled his wooden spear with finesse, creating a defensive barrier as the striders closed in. Drake, solid as the earth itself, stood beside Zeph, ready to provide support.

Darian, the embodiment of fire's intensity, gripped his spear with determination. His eyes, ablaze with the desire to prove himself, met those of the striders. Fin, ever the analytical observer, assessed the situation, positioning himself strategically to exploit any weaknesses.

As the first strider lunged, Zeph responded with a rapid series of strikes, using his wooden spear to deflect and parry. Drake, standing steadfast, delivered powerful jabs with his spear, aiming for the strider's vulnerable joints. The forest echoed with the rhythmic clash of wood against strider claws.

Darian, fueled by the fire within, executed swift thrusts and spins, creating a protective barrier of flames around him. The striders, momentarily repelled by the searing heat, hesitated in their attack. Fin, with his keen observational skills, sought openings in the striders' movements, preparing for a strategic assault.

The battle unfolded with a dance of agility, strength, and elemental prowess. Zeph's acrobatics kept the striders off balance, while Drake's stoic defense absorbed their attacks. Darian's flames flickered with controlled fury, and Fin's calculated strikes aimed for the striders' critical points.

In a coordinated effort, the companions exploited the striders' vulnerabilities. Zeph targeted the eyes, momentarily blinding one of the creatures. Drake, seizing the opportunity, struck with precision at its exposed flank. Darian's flames intensified, creating a barrier that forced the second strider to retreat.

Fin, recognizing an opening, delivered a well-aimed strike that weakened the third strider. The companions, fueled by teamwork and determination, worked seamlessly to dismantle the striders' coordinated assault.

As the battle reached its climax, Zeph, Drake, Darian, and Fin stood triumphant. The striders, now in retreat, disappeared into the shadows of the forest. The companions, catching their breath, shared a moment of silent acknowledgement. The wooden spears, once simple tools, had become instruments of survival, and the unity forged in battle solidified their camaraderie under the moonlit canopy.