
the monarch

What if you spend your whole life like a vegetable in a hospital bed? Only being able to speak and listen. Just that. Would you go crazy? Unbalanced? What if it was all the fault of a degenerate madman looking for his parents' inheritance? Would you be angry? Would you be mentally broken? That was Kayden's life for 20 years and as quickly as it started, it ended, but luckily for him, reincarnation existed and by some miracle, he still had his memories of it. And....his new world had...magic. In the first moment of consciousness, Kayden made a promise to himself, in this life, he would achieve everything, he would reach the height of power, he wouldn't give a damn about women or money, futile things that would condemn him to mediocrity, his focus was to have the power to rule his destiny, this time he would not be a slave to his own life, he would be a monarch. Image made by: Queen Frieza

Zetronys · Kỳ huyễn
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378 Chs

A city

At that moment, they were silent, no one was speaking a word as Eros thought. The demigod was pondering what he should do: kill Kayden or let him live. Eros's few interactions with Kayden were enough for him to understand a little of the boy's personality and... she was broken. Kayden wouldn't go against his promises but wasn't tied to anything.


"I want a promise of divine mana that you will never turn against me," Eros said. Just as Kayden was about to respond...




The world seemed to collapse when a strong enough force was able to alter the lucky world's orbit. For the first time in millennia, a race turned against dragons and invaded one of their planets. In the area where Kayden was, only the castle survived.