

Chris-As we went to check on the fire something got sent flying past me at high speeds. "Blair check on that I'll take care of whatever's up ahead."


Chris-As I got closer to the fire I could smell the burning of wood and the heat intensifying."Sir I'm going to have to ask you to stop shooting your fire."

Zuberi-"I have no quarrel with you. Leave now"

Chris-"No can do partner. I'm taking you in."

Zuberi-"Then burn."

Chris-He shot a fire blast at me. Engulfing me in fire. "Wow thanks for the meal partner. As my body began to absorb the fire."

Zuberi-"That's new. Yuri and Yvonne attack."

Blair-"Hey woman you all right."

Sarah-"Of course I'm fine. That bastard just caught me off guard."

Blair-As I looked at her to check for any wounds I was surprised not to find any wounds on her. "Here let me help you up."

Sarah-"Nah I'm good."

Blair-Once She stood up I knew this was the woman we're looking for. She was giant. 

Sarah-" If you're done staring. "

Blair-"Your height just got me by surprise. I knew how tall you were but just seeing it in person is kind of crazy."

Sarah-"You knew? Nevermind mind that let's go help that friend of yours. He looks like he's in a bit of trouble."

Blair-"Lets go then." I turned around to see a sniper shooting at Chris from a couple of buildings back. I turned to mist and flew over gently landing on the building

Yvonne-"Nice try." I turned around throwing some poison knife and shooting my sniper at her."

Blair-As the knives hit me it just bounded off. I then did a quick Dash to the left dodging her sniper shot.  I turned to mist and went behind her . I then tackled her to the ground. Putting her hands behind her back and pinning her to the ground.

Yvonne-"Let go of me you bitch." As I tried to shoot her with some ice spikes but she dodged them.

Blair-"That wasn't nice love. I put some more pressure on her wrist snapping them.

Yvonne-"You'll pay for that. She screamed"

Blair-"You know I haven't had a drink in a while. Since we're in this position, what about letting me taste you a bit."

Yvonne-"Don't I swear I'll make you regret it."

Blair-"I'm sure you will." As I smirked. I took out my fangs and  slowly crept on her neck. "I'm going to savor this." I whispered in her ear just as I bit her neck. She started to shake more violently trying to get me off but I just put more pressure on her to keep her from moving. As I kept drinking more blood I noticed she's slowly started to move less slowly passing out until she did. 

I then took out my fangs wiping the blood off my face. "Thanks for the meal love." As I picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder. Jumping off the building with her and pinning her to a wall with a metal beam from a stop sign I ripped off."

Chris-"Whoa there buddy. Why are you so angry."

Yuri-"Shut your mouth you southern bastard."

Chris-"Well that's rude." I was dodging his attacks until he hit me with a sneaky ice blast sending me flying against a wall. Dam I hate ice magic.

Sarah-"Hey there yuri." As I came from his side, sucker punched him, knocking him out. "Don't die on me buddy. I need you for my paycheck." I went over to check his pulse and it was fine. "Hey Zuberi. Maybe I can get a bonus for bringing you in as well."

Zuberi-"I don't have time for this. I got what I came here for. Shani got me and Yvonne out of here."

Shani-"Brother I can get all of you."

Zuberi-"You can but you'll put too much of a strain on your body and potentially die trying to get all of us. Just get me and Yvonne out of here now!

Shani-"Yes brother."

Sarah-"Oh no you don't you punk." I rushed him and as I was about to grab him he teleported. "Son of a bitch." At least I have Yuir to turn in. "Hey stranger you all right."

Chris-"Stranger? Come now Sarah, how are you going to call me a stranger." I said sarcastically

Sarah-"Wait is that you Chris."

Chris-"In the flesh and blood."

Sarah-"Come here you big goof ball." I came running over giving him a big bear hug.

Chris-"A little too tight Sarah."

Sarah-"Oh sorry sorry. It's just been so long since I saw you."

Chris-"Yeah I know sorry about that being busy In Little barrow."

Sarah-"Oh alright cool cool. So what are you doing here? Never thought I would find you in Norvale."

Chris-"Yeah I know but Serious talk I came here to ask you for a favor."

Sarah-"I'm down for whatever. I own you big time. So what is it."

Chris-"I need you to join a friend of mine team to save the world from a future alien invasion that is going to happen in a couple of days."