
The Plan

Sarah-"Ok for sure."

Chris-"I thought you wouldn't believe me"

Sarah-"Nah. My kind used to be in a lot of wars with other species. You forget that my kind was way more advanced than humans. Ever since we got ships that could explore the cosmos we've settled on other planets. Which you know causes problems for other species that want a certain planet. So yeah we went to war with a lot of aliens. Just the way it was until our species got tired of fighting and we went to live in another dimension."

Chris-"Oh ok."

Sarah-"By any chance did this group of yours tell you who invading."

Raphael-" The Druucors."

Sarah-"The Druucors. Yeah those are tuff son's of bitch's. We came into conflicts with them a couple of times over some planets. How do you know they want to come to earth and how do you know they're coming."

Nadura-"Because they're looking for me and if you know anything about the Druucors. It's that once they go to war with a species they will either enslave them and or kill them."

Sarah-"That's true. How did you escape."

Nadura-"I took a ship and used hyper speed to escape. Before I used hyper speed I used the EMP on the fleet so they couldn't follow me and I encrypted my coordinates. It's  only a matter of time before they crack the code and hype speed themselves to my coordinates."

Sarah-"Smart. Also wow it's been a long time since I've seen a Zranda. I never thought I would see one on earth. Man you're hot.'

Nadura-"Uhh thank you."As I looked at the ground nervously. "So I'm curious about when you discover my species."

Sarah-"Dam It had to be like 10,000 years ago. You Zranda's we're as advanced as humans are now at that time. You humans were still living in castles and villages."

Nadura-"How old are you Sarah because of the way you're describing it. It was like you were there when it happened."

Sarah-"Just turned 20,000 this year."

Nadura-"How is that even possible."

Sarah-"It's simple my race can naturally live one thousand years. Due to a lot of scientific advancement and physical enhancements. We can now live up to a hundred thousand years. My race is a very old one. We are also very Advanced so yeah."

Nadura-"What are you doing  on Earth then instead of being with your people."

Sarah-" I got banished. when you get banished by my people they erase your memory of how to get back to the dimension we live in and a lot of your intelligence. When you get banished they let you pick what planet you want to stay on." 

Nadura- "Banished but that's a bit harsh what do you do."

Sarah-"I might have had sex with the queen which is strictly forbidden unless you're the king. So yeah. Anuff about me so do you have a plan besides this little group here you're putting together."

Nadura-"I do actually. Before I left I shrunk down a fleet Destroyer bomb. I'm working on my gun right now so I can unshrink it but pretty much we have to plant this bomb and the mother ship. 

Before you ask no we can't just throw a bomb at the fleet. The ships will  just shoot it down instantly or the mother ship will activate its force field to defend  the fleet pretty-much negating the explosion. If we can sneak into the mothership to deploy the bomb we can take out the leader and the mother ship causing huge problems for the fleet. 

Plus the bubble Shield generator will be destroyed so the other ships will not have any protection against the bomb wiping them out."

Sarah-"Two questions how are we going to sneak aboard and get past all the ships to get to the Mothership. By the sound of it that bomb will be a big explosion which will hit Helarnia causing a potential/99.999999% chance of a Extinction level  event."

Nadura-"I have plans for both. So to sneak abor."

Blair-"Wow really guys no help really. Well here are all the goons they left behind. Also don't worry about the blood I might have taken a few bites out of a couple of them."

Chris-"Nice job Blair. The cops will come in a bit so just leave them there. Also quite down Nadura is explaining the plan to stop the invasion."

Blair-"Sorry about that."

Nadura-" Like I was saying before. To sneak aboard the ship we need to make a ship with a stealth feature AKA invisibility of sorts and before you ask I know how to make the ship plus the invisibility module. I just need your guys's help to put it together and finally the resources to make it which should be easy enough. To protect the planet from the blast we're going to need a lot of top top tier Mages that can put up a barrier around the planet and on top of the magical barrier. I'm going to use an invention of my own, a bubble Shield of sorts. That will go around the earth protecting it along with the magical barrier."

Sarah-"Ok. The Mages you don't gotta worry about I know a lot of powerful ones friends and people that owe me favors .

Chris-" I know a couple of demigods they can help us with the magical barrier as well."

Nadura-"Good good."

 Sarah-"Also do you have a place we can go to start making the ship."

Nadura-"I don't actually I was hoping one of you guys had some space."

Chris-"I got a house in the underworld and a lot of space to boot."

Raphael-"How do we get in."

Chris-"Give me a sec." As he summoned a few rings. "Here wear this. Its a ring allows you to answer my property by saying ######."

Raphael-"What did you say?"

Sarah and Blair-"Yeah I didn't understand either."

Chris-"You have to put the ring on to understand. I'm speaking the language of the underworld. It's basically the language the dead use."

Raphael-I put the ring on as the rest do the same."Ok can you repeat what you said."

Chris-"Yeah. Its Shadow Isles. That's where I live in the Underworld."

Raphael-"So if we say that while wearing the ring we teleport to your house."

Chris-"Pretty much."

Raphael-"Ok good. Nadura give me the list."

Nadura-"Here you go."

Raphael-I grab the paper looking at it. This suft shouldn't be too hard to find. "Blair,Sarah,and me will go get the materials and meet up with you and Chris after we get all the material."

Nadura-"Ok see you guys in a bit."

Raphael-I nodded. "Guys lets roll out."

Chris-"You ready beautiful."

Nadura-"Of course.As I smiled running over to him to link my arm with him.

Chris-I smirked. "Shadow Isles." poof