
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Movies
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115 Chs

Chp. 81 Assessing...

[New Mexico]




A back part of a truck flew of as it seemed to be unable to pull out the item it had attached on.


"Did it work?" asked another old man with a mustache and tinted glasses.


But the crowd around a crater just laughed as they gathered around the item inside it.


Nearby a black SUV arrived and stopped by the edge of the gathering and Agent Coulson came out soon after looking over the crater. Taking of his glasses and turning around dialing someone on his phone.


"Sir, we found it." Said Coulson as he had just arrived after taking care of Stark who had a fight with Rhodey during his birthday.


Meanwhile in the small town nearby, Thor was putting on clothes while Darcy was watching him blatantly with hungry eyes.


"You know for a homeless person, he's pretty cut." Darcy said as her eyes followed the body of Thor walking out of his room.


"Hey, sorry I tased you." Darcy said to Thor who looked curiously at some items and picked some up.


"Excuse me, excuse me." Jane said in a hurry as she saw Thor just picking stuff up. She then continued to write on her book while she stole some glances on Thor now and then.


"What is this?" Thor asked as he showed her the shirt they gave him which still has the name of Donald Blake stickered on it.


"Oh!" Jane said as she saw the sticker and hurriedly took it off. "My ex, good with patients and bad with relationships. Uhm, they're the only clothes I had that would fit you."


"They will suffice." Thor said as he walked towards the table where Selvig and Darcy is sitting.


"You're welcome." Jane whispered to herself as Thor walked away.


"This form has grown weak, I need sustenance." Thor's words made Darcy look at Selvig who was still skeptical about him.



Another clone of Paul was there watching over them as they went on about their day following Thor. He had felt it earlier, that energy spike that sent Thor and his hammer to this planet.


The event was so quick he was not able to find the source of the Bifrost so he could know where Asgard was. So he stayed for the next moment someone arrives on Earth using the bridge but also any form of magic that Loki might use to communicate with Thor.


He had found many of those spatial cracks which leads somewhere else but he does not know which one leads to somewhere.


He only needs to find the one that leads to Asgard, he can follow that watchful eye on Thor too but that would be rather offensive to the one that is watching.


There is also another one but this was more ancient and powerful, probably Odin with his all seeing eye.


But recently this energy somewhat waned which means the Allfather has fallen into his Odinsleep.


Paul was musing whether he should make a way to have Loki stay here as punishment so as to prevent the chitauri invasion.


So he put on a tracker on Jane and Selvig as he was not sure if the two watching will notice it but thinking about it he will introduce himself anyways so he placed one on Thor.


Though only the much stronger watcher saw what he did but Paul did not mind, thinking about it Odin might have already known he was here.


He was the King of all the Nine realms so it is understandable for him to know his presence early on.


Though he also took a peak under the hood of Thor's mind and found how much of a lazy kid this guy was.


He found the times when he was a teenager and are studying the magic of Asgard as well as its history but Thor did not listen one bit as he just slept like a bored teen not listening.


Yet even then the memories were still there and Paul copied the words said into a corner of his mind, there he found how much advanced the Asgardians were in terms of technology that it seemed very weird for them to still have a rather medieval way of living.


But it seems understandable that traditions are hard to leave when all your people are long lived beings.


Paul then assigned another clone  to study the Asgardian Magic and he prioritized the enchantment of weapons using runic writing imbued with Magic.


He also found many times where Thor went from world to world fighting and even saw the moment he had sex with a wolf girl on a large wolf.


Even the moment Loki stabbed him in the gut when they were kids, though it seems that what he knew in the movies were slightly different.


Sure Thor is a thousand and five hundred years old but the Tonsberg accident happened in around 465 AD not 965 AD which also coincided on the time the Norse religion appeared in Earth.


Paul learned a lot of stuff as things went on as he trailed to young Asgardian prince.


It was then he found that Coulson was taking apart Jane Foster's lab and research that he felt he should at least make an appearance but there was Agent Sitwell on the vicinity.


It seems HYDRA was also interested in this the Mjolnir, but Paul waited as he wanted to talk to Coulson in a private place where no HYDRA is listening.


Not that they can even listen to him, but better to be safe in case those nutjobs had a way to tap in even with magic in place.


But he checked the temporary base they were building and found that there have no such thing present and Mjolnir is giving of energy disturbances that equipment are barely working around the base.


So  he teleported besides Coulson and waited by the side of the rather giddy guy whose thoughts are totally leaking out.


'When will Steve Rogers thaw out?'

'Will he like the design of the suit I made for him?'

'I hope he'll sign my near mint trading card collection.'


Even in this mission Coulson cannot take off his mind on the fact that he can possibly meet Captain America himself.


"Agent Coulson, do not react as I am currently invisible besides you and only you can hear me." Paul said making Coulson flinch a bit.


"Coulson you okay? You seem like you've seen a ghost." Agent Sitwell saw Coulson's actions but cannot see the tall man floating besides Coulson.


"No I'm good, just a bit under the weather." Coulson said as he looked at Sitwell.


"He's a HYDRA agent, so don't talk too much about anything to him." Paul said as he looked at the bald guy. He squinted his eyes as he saw him walk to the corner, smirking he looked at the rather loose corner of the plastic wall.





"ArgH! What the hell was that? Who made this wall?" Sitwell said as he suddenly felt a strong slap behind his head but it was just the plastic wall ripping apart after some strong winds blew by.


But in reality Paul got tempted and made it look like the plastic ripped apart while he slapped the bald head a bit.


"That feels great, slapping bald guys really are interesting. Anyways do not look around, they can see me but they will not perceive me as I will appear as nothing in their eyes." Paul said as he looked at the confused Coulson by his sides.


"Is there any specifics you are here Mr. Esteban?" Coulson whispered quietly but he knew Paul can hear it.


"Remember when I told you this planet has a landlord right? Soon the landlord's son will try to take back this hammer stuck on the ground. But do not show preferential treatment at all, you just need to watch and assess this person since he is a future Avenger." Paul said not caring about the spoilers.


"Really? You said that I should look into myths and legends about many countries, will this one include that criteria." Coulson looked at the people around and just whispered to himself while his coms were turned off.


"Yes, it does fall into mythology. Norse Mythology to be precise, I'll be frank that they are totally much dangerous that you should at least prepare to clear out the small town nearby." Paul looked at the sky as the clouds rumbled as thunder gathered in the atmosphere.


"I'll have some men work on that, anything else?" Coulson knew that Paul will be billing Fury later but since this somewhat involved things that they have no knowledge off then maybe it is best to splurge a little.


"Just have Hawkeye on the lookout, do not draw his bow at all and have him help you assess the skills of this person. I'll have you note that they usually are stronger that they can lift a fully loaded truck themselves but this young prince is being punished and tested by his father so he has at least the body of a human." Paul looked at the horizon where he can see the van of Jane Foster and Thor going towards this place.


"I see, so in other words you want me to not do anything? What if this person kills one of my men?" Coulson said as he looked at the people present.


"Good ones will be protected by me." Paul only said that as he floated like a balloon following Coulson anywhere he goes.


"And the rest are bad ones? Hmm… I'll just chalk it up as an incident." Coulson knew that Paul was talking about HYDRA and he kept quiet.


"Other than that is there a real reason you coming here Mr. Esteban?" Coulson asked as he looked down the crater seeing Mjolnir on it.


"The energy surge you all felt, that was a bridge. In other words the Bifrost, a rainbow bridge that could send a whole army from one place to another in a blink of an eye." Paul's words made Coulson stop his tracks as he then stared intently at the hammer on the ground.


"Also a weapon that if left on then it can pierce through the planet and destroy it, that is how powerful our land lord is. So thinking that the Earth will be in danger of alien invasion is unnecessary since they'll be there guarding us." Paul continued as he saw Coulson's eyes shrink as he slowly got a gist of how powerful their guardian is.


"So gods exist huh? Then the thing you said about Santa, was it real?" Coulson asked as he felt curious about this.


"Yeah, I even found his place but he still seemed closed up. World war II did a lot of things to him, maybe you all should plan on how to cheer up the jolly red guy." Paul sat on the edge of the platform they were on as he said this.


"Will do, would he be angry if we come unannounced?" Coulson said as he seemed concerned about this part.


"Hmm, maybe tell me once you have a plan in motion." Paul smiled as he looked to the east. "Seems our prince is here, you'll know it is him with just a look but please do not tell him anything that you know about him. Just play it by ear."


"Very well, let us see this future avenger." Coulson said as he heard alarms going off and called for Hawkeye to perch atop his bird's nest as rain started to pour.


Soon they watched as Thor did short work of experienced agents one by one and saw how the hammer sent out more surges of energy that it seemed too much for their equipment.


"Barton talk to me." Coulson said to the coms as he received reports from the people working.


"You want me to slow him down, sir?" Clint asked as he drew his bow back while looking at Thor beating down agents.


"Or are you sending more guys for him to beat up?" he looked at how agents specially trained got man handled left and right by Thor.


"No… just assess him for me." Coulson remembered Paul's words making Hawkeye retrieve his arrow in confusion.


"Okay…" Clint was confused just as some agents who were watching including Sitwell.


"Well he seems well trained and experienced in fighting but… just not in the way any kind of regiment I know of fight. It seems to be rather instinctual rather than a trained set of moves, it's like he's been fighting for his whole life in the field." Barton said making those listening raise their brows.


"This sounds more like a mercenary to me." Sitwell said this as this was only what he can think of from that assessment.


Coulson on the other hand was silent since Paul just informed him that Thor is 1,500 years old.


"Just remember Coulson, never show that you already know who he is. When you take custody of him later just ask him like how you will ask a mysterious well trained stranger that handled your agents like your everyday mall cop." Paul floated around as he watched the fight between Thor and the large Agent.


"Hmm, he seems good. And he's not HYDRA, keep that guy close to you and train him more in fighting. Also there will be Dr. Selvig trying to get him out later with a fake Alias but let him take Thor but also send someone to watch over the guy." Paul was musing as he felt around a bit in a wide area trying to find where Loki will turn up.


"Better call for it Coulson, because I am starting to root for this guy." Barton smiled as he looked at Thor walking inside all muddied from the battle.


"Mjolnir, Coulson. The Hammer is Mjolnir, that was made with a thing called Uru metal that is quite conductive to Magic and this particular weapon is enchanted eons ago by using the essence of a space Storm that was the size of a Galaxy…" Paul's words made Coulson flinch a bit but luckily no one was there to see it.


"Seems cool isn't it, a race of aliens that were physically stronger and much advanced in technology than humans. Thousands of years ago they were rather violent being such a strong race that they went planet to planet waging wars that they were feared across the cosmos…" Paul started story telling as he also showed what was happening here and other places to the Man-cave.


"Last chance sir?" Barton asked as he was ready to draw his arrow and shoot.


"Wait, I want to see this." Coulson said as he looked at Thor down the crater.


"…but their King, Odin Borson, the All father of the Norse Gods. Grew weary of war and saw how much death it brought to his people, waking up he became responsible to the deaths he had caused and became the protector of the nine realms. That includes Midgard, which is Earth but they will only protect us from external threats." Paul looked at the despairing Thor who realized he cannot lift his hammer.


"Alright, shows over. Ground Units, move in." Coulson said in the coms as he felt that there is no more to witness from Thor for now.



"Does that also mean that we are safe as long as they are willing to protect us?" Coulson whispered as he was able to take this from Paul's words.


"That is right, they will protect earth as long as they are willing. So just let things be for this man, because he is the Prince of Asgard. He will be one day our protector as he is heir to the throne but right now he is being tested for his worthiness for the Throne." Paul watched as Thor did not even resist one bit as he looked forlorn at the weapon he now cannot wield.


"Worthiness? And who is to judge this?" Coulson looked at the men carrying Thor towards another corner of the camp.


"The Hammer, magic is just Science that no one understands yet agent. There are a lot of cool things within this world alone, so what more to the cosmos beyond and realities further." Paul looked to the North where a ripple in space appeared and Loki was there also looking to the encampment where Thor is.


"Found it." Paul smiled as he finally have a way into Asgard and marked that place with a mental marker.


"Arthur C. Clark, did he not write science Fiction novels?" Coulson said as he seemed confused.


"Am I science Fiction Agent?" Paul asked back making the agent realize that there was indeed a rather magical person on his side.


"Touché" Coulson then went to the other agents and talked if they found anything on Thor.


He wanted to keep up the act that he knew something about this person who is really is an Alien Prince from space.


And just as in the movie, Coulson talked to Thor but this time it was a show for the HYDRA agents as he did not want to show he knows something HYDRA does not.


Then he left as Paul told him too making Loki appear in the room while the others cannot see. But he let Coulson see as an Illusion of him went to talk to the Phone with Paul's help.


He dialed Fury and he did talk but also watch and hear what is happening within the room as Paul wanted this guy to be aware of this Trickster.


"Why can't my men see this person?" Coulson asked as he watched.


"Because of magic Coulson, he casted a spell that deludes the sense of those around him and only those he wanted to show himself will be able to see him or those much more powerful and adept in the means of magic." Paul said as he listened to Loki lying about Odin's death.


"Also remember, he is Loki the God of Mischief and Lies. Skilled fighter, master of illusions and great magic user. His words have meanings within other meanings so be prepared, in SHIELD only Fury and Natasha has the skill set to hoodwink this person." Paul then let Coulson get in the room as Loki just left making him able to her Thor's last words.


"Goodbye…" Thor said as soon as Coulson arrived but Coulson acted oblivious.


"Goodbye? I just got back." Coulson said so naturally that Paul was impressed at his acting skills.