[Come on! Don't tell me that you believe that the expert on that island is Mr. Guardian?'] Al chuckled at Alex's thought.
['I don't want to believe that it is Mr. Guardian, but what if it is?'] Lex chipped in.
['Come on guys, think about it! it can't be him, maybe it's some knock-off expert that's residing on that island, but it shouldn't be Mr. Guardian, he wouldn't alert people or make them know of the whereabouts of the Midas petals. And the no-fly zone placed above the sea has been there for a long time. If not, why would the prisoners remain here and know nothing about the island for a long time?'] Al finished.
['Your argument is viable, but what if it isn't? You can't claim to know Mr. Guardian that well to say what he would do and wouldn't do, after all, he did let us take the Midas petal when we aren't seed carriers and said that it was fate's doing. What if it is the same for the prisoners too?'] Lex argued.