

Laid on the mattress in the room that Al rented, was Jojo. She had passed out a few minutes ago. On random parts of her body were red marks that Al left on her body with his mouth. He gave her quite a few hickeys.

Al used the blanket on the bed to cover Jojo's nakedness.

"Now that the acting is over, it's time to get down to business," Al stated.

He grabbed her hand and picked her hairpin up from the floor. Al then used the tip of the hairpin to poke one of her fingers.

She flinched when he poked her finger but didn't wake up. Al applied pressure on the finger that he poked and brought out the transformation pill that he got from Xiao En. He then used the pill to touch her blood.

As soon as the pill touched her blood, it absorbed the blood and the yellow pill developed another color. Now it had the color red, mixed with the yellow.

"Here goes nothing," He whispers and throws the pill into his mouth.