
Seas Aren’t Fun

Shi Chijing looked at his roommate's phone to see a reminder for him to watch <In Another World With My Smartphone> and deeply cringed, the cringe was so deep that it rivalled the Mariana Trench and could have even gone lower. I mean, who even watches that show apart from lowly garbage Shi Chijing thought, slowly shaking his head while thinking of ways to get a new roommate with actual taste, because everyone knows, the best anime is <A sister's All you Need> but that chat was for later.

Shi Chijing turned on the news only to see the reports on the new cultivation foods that can improve your skin and increase weight loss, which appeared every day and as Shi Chijing watched TV regularly he knew all of them, but Shi Chijing wanted nothing to do with cultivation, not since that day, the day that a cultivator spoiled <Attack on Titan> for him.

Shi Chijing decided it was time for some fresh air to calm down after that painful memory that had ruined his life. He went to cross a road, and as he was crossing got impaled by a Core Bearing cultivators flying sword.

The sword cleanly impaled him and one could hear the 'thud' when the hilt hit his body. Shi Chijing collapsed looking at the face of a cultivator and that was the last thing he saw.


Shi Chijing woke to the sound of the wind whistling and a falling sensation, the peacefulness of the situation made him think he was in heaven. That was, until he opened his eyes.

The wind was crashing into his eyes and all he could see was a stretch of dark blue... And he was heading straight for it.

Then he heard a voice saying "Welcome to the Messed Up System Shi Chijing, right now you are in the Eastern China Sea and you're in the Qi Refining cultivation stage. To earn Messed Up points please, mess up. That's all and have a nice flight"

Shi Chijing suddenly started hearing elevator music on his way down until he collided with the water with a 'thump'.

Oh, unlucky for Shi Chijing who just messed up badly, have 1000 Messed Up points.

Shi Chijing cried, and ask himself why the system was so cruel, why couldn't he gain points from anything else! His body was broken and now this, it was as if he'll had come to him.

He asked the system to heal him and it replied with "Use your own Qi!"

Shi Chijing spat blood, what on earth. This system was acting all cocky and telling him to heal himself, how would he do that, he thought.

The system replied with "With your core Qi dumbass", so Shi Chijing used his core Qi to flow through his broken body, healing it of every damage that he had received; except, he had used up all of hi core Qi and needed to wait for it to recharge before he could go anywhere so he decided to check his profile.

Host: Shi Chijing

Cultivation Stage: Normal Human

Experience Points: 0/200

Messed Up Points: 1000

Skill Path: None

Occupation: None

Status: Failure

What, failure, is that what I really am in this system! Shi Chijing thought as he aimlessly drifted through the sea.

As the hours passed and Shi Chijing still waited for his core Qi to come back, he became one with the ocean, the waves lapped against him and he was smothered by fish of all kinds along his journey to the nearest island which was Taiwan.

When Shi Chijing arrived at Taiwan he fell to the ground on the golden sandy beaches and checked his stats again.

Host: Shi Chijing

Cultivation Stage: Normal Human

Experience Points: 0/200

Messed Up Points: 1000

Skill Path: Water Deity (100% Understanding)

Occupation: None

Status: Failure

Water Deity, what was a Water Deity Shi Chijing asked the system.

"Water Deity is a person or thing that has spent enough time in the ocean interacting with the animals and nature there, this becoming one with the sea."

Shi Chijing went up to the shallow waves lapping against the beach and as he stepped in he felt the ocean, he felt every wave, every fish that resided in the watery world.

"I suppose this is what it's like to feel powerful" Shi Chijing shouted?

"Powerful my ass" Shi Chijing got as a reply, as a man walked along the beach to him "Your only a human and haven't even broken through to the foundation stage yet, have you"

"Who... Are you?" Shi Chijing questioned as the man stride across the beach to him.

"I am Wang Ke" was the reply he got

As Wang Ke came closer to see that he was a fit, man in his prime with a grisly beard.

"Let me give you a Qi refining pill to get you up a stage so that you can actually do something" Wang Ke said earnestly, pulling out a pill and giving it to Shi Chijing.

Shi Chijing swallowed it and felt more powerful than before and the system said

"One Qi refining pill taken, giving 1000 Exp

And then continuous dings happened inside his head."

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 1"

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 2"

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 3"

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 4"

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 5"

Shi Chijing felt the Qi rushing through his body and his power level go up, he was sure it was over 9000. Very sure.

"How do you feel after that?" Wang Ke asked with an amused face.

"Powerful" Shi Chijing replied

"You've barely scratched the surface"

"I know, but this is the most powerful I have felt in my life"

"Very nice, I'll give you another two just for pity" he said handing the pills over and then disappearing into the earth.

Shi Chijing was astounded but gratefully downed the pills with gusto

"Two Qi refining pills taken, giving 2000 Exp

And then continuous dings happened inside his head."

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 6"

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 7"

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 8"

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 9"

"Ding, Congratulations on Qi Refining Stage 10"

"Ding, Congratulations on reaching Foundation Building Stage"

"Ding, Congratulations on Foundation Building Stage 1"

"Ding, Congratulations on Foundation Building Stage 2"

Shi Chijing, cried in joy, he had reached a new cultivation stage, it was now time to get some OP[1] gear.

Shi Chijing looked in the shop and was caught by surprise