
The Messed Up System

Tác giả: BaobabTree
Eastern Fantasy
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What is The Messed Up System

Đọc tiểu thuyết The Messed Up System của tác giả BaobabTree được xuất bản trên WebNovel.Systems, systems, systems. They’ve all be done am I right. All of the endless possibilities of systems but this system is just messed up.Shi Chijing gets struck by a modern cultivators sword and reinc...

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Systems, systems, systems. They’ve all be done am I right. All of the endless possibilities of systems but this system is just messed up. Shi Chijing gets struck by a modern cultivators sword and reincarnated into, not China full of cultivists, but the East China Sea, which surprisingly, did not have any cultivists. Follow Shi Chijing’s adventures in the world of ancient cultivation and see what becomes of him.

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