
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Tranh châm biếm
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325 Chs

You've Been

/3rd POV/



The two groups stood still as they looked at each other with some varying amount of caution. Well, the occurrence could only be called true for the bigger, and seemingly more well prepared group as the other group was simply one man.

Said man was holding on a burger and fries as he hen consumed his meal. (Mm, yeah, I like myself some Japanese sometimes but there are other times that I crave for more Western stuff.) he said as a green haired man then readjusted his eyeglasses as he then spoke to the man.

(So will I be taking that as a no to you being arrested?) he said as the man who just finished the burger just started to chuckle at the man. (Oh Nighteye, you shouldn't be drowning yourself in alcohol, your very own employees are questioning about how effective you are under the influence.) he mocked as Nighteye then grit his teeth at what the dungeon master said.

(There isn't enough booze in this entire world to drown out the sight of that head that you cut off. He was everything to the world, to society!) he said with enough fervor and anger that it made him look like a tyrant. (Oh calm the hell down will you? And what about that society indoctrination bullshit are you going on about? You know for a fact that this world needed a fucking cleanup and I brought it.) Frank said as he then motioned to the area around him.

(Look around, all of these monsters were once people that nobody gave a shit to try and find, they could be children, they coul be fucking families. And you know what? You're "society" isn't anything different from the fucking jungles! No wonder this shit is called the concrete jungle, the laws never fucking left.) he said as he then shook his head.

(Am I the good guy? Fuck no, I'm out here killing millions by the fucking day. But do I try to hide it behind some sort of tarp of goodwill? No! That's pointless! I have the capability to help myself to being bad. And I actively gave people the choice and ability to go against me. But do you know what they did? They simply squander my gift and constantly use it for bullshit campaigns. My job is to unite the world against me, I'm trying to become the objective, and not the subjective.) he said as Nighteye still had a stoic look to him as he then clenched his hands once again.

(If I get branded as the bad guy, then fine! It's not like it never happened before. But know this, I'll be so fucking bad, that yo won't have the time to even consider trying to be selfish.) he said as he then cracked his knuckles as he then pulled out the exact same sword that he used to kill both All For One and AllMight.

(So now's your choice idiots, it's either you let me finish up my deal, or you all go down trying to scratch me.) he said as then twirled the blade around in a mildly well done arc. Nighteye didn't really know what exactly was going to happen, since he didn't use his ability just yet due to the possibility of seeing what would happen to the dungeon master.

(I would like to have a bit of suggestion.) he said as he then cleared out his throat. Frank then tilted his head and rested the blade on his shoulders. (If I may, is it possible for me to see your future? I assume that you know what my Quirk is, and how useful it is.) he said as Frank then returned the request with a bit of chat.

(Oh your Future Vision sort of Quirk? The one that needs twenty four hours between the last divination and the next? Buddy let me say this, but your Quirk only works whenever somebody's fate is sealed. And I don't really think that I would want mine to chafe all that much.) he said as Nighteye was shocked that the man in front of him didn't want to know bid future.

But what shocked him even further was the first thing that he had said about his Quirk. (Pardon me, but what exactly do you mean by a "sealed fate"?) he asked as the dungeon master obliged. (Well you see, there's actually a thing like fate, and it really is a fucking bitch, and due to certain things occurring, somebody's life could go straight down into a shithole.)

And once he said that, Nighteye tried to talk more about it until a very specific white haired hero went and tried to attack the dungeon master. (Luna Fall!) she said as she then jumped up as high as she could before getting into the correct position of attack.

(Mirko NO!) Nighteye said as it was too late for them to try and stop her. The sheer amount of damage that she would've caused at impact would tear the complex apart. So they closed their eyes and hoped that the damage wouldn't be too bad. But after five seconds, there wasn't any seismic boom that happened.

No, the only thing that happened was that thy heard a thud and uncovered their eyes to see something that they didn't anticipate. It was the dungeon master holding up the attack of the rabbit hero as his arm seemed to get more veins popping out of it before it soon went away.

But what was left was his arm with a red hot look to it. (Well isn't that a little rude of you to hurt somebody while they're having a conversation?) he said as Mirko was still shocked from the fact that he just caught her attack with little effort. (Also, you train a lot, I can see that from your musculature, you've done a good deal for your legs to be this strong.) he also said before he then put his other hand on her leg and started to tighten his grip.

(Did you know that the human body is capable of taking so much power out of itself that it could quite literally break itself down? It's always the adrenaline that kicks the most ass.) he said as the rabbit hero soon started to attack the man with her arms, swinging out as many punches as she could but the tightness was still coming.

He then stopped and removed his left arm from the leg and soon pulled her near his face by the hair. (I've killed more people than you could ever try to save in your lifetime, so why exactly do you think that I'm weak enough to get hurt by your moves, aren't you scared of me doing something to your Quirk?) he then removed his other arm as he then opened his palm to show them a strange dark flame.

(Nighteye, I assume that you've seen this little thing in action before, so I'll be the one to say it again, call them off, or they live their lives as crippled heroes who could only hope to become either vigilantes or any of the such.) he said as he then closed his palm again before he used the same fist punch the rabbit hero straight into the gut.

The pain that radiated form the attack almost made her faint. But she held on as best as she could as Nigheye then grounded his teeth. (I know you're all that sad to think that you have a good chance to fight me, but look at the battlefield will you?) he said as he then motioned to the dead bodies all around them.

(You see these bodies? All For One's little super gremlins. He made these guys from the bodies of both Quirk users and Mana users, so don't tell me that I'm the only bad guy here, which I technically am since I killed All For One.) he said as he then showed them the sword that he used to kill All Might.

(This baby's blade has tasted the blood of both the hero and the villain, what makes you think that you'll be able to handle anything that I'm gonna do to you if I wanted to kill you? Don't say that you can fight the guy that defeated the guy who killed eight generations of the best heroes in this world.) he said as he then put the blade back as he then started to walk towards them.

(I would suggest that you just all walk away, it's the best option, and the only option for you all.) he said as he patted the shoulder of the bespectacled man. (Oh yeah one more thing.) he said as he then turned to Endeavour. (You're still on my shit list flamehead.) he said as he made a throat slitting motion as he got covered up in light and disappeared from them all.



/Frank POV/



Well then, I suppose that went better than I could ever possibly ever get it. But seriously though, that shit that Mirko tried to pull was ridiculous, and truth be told I don't think that I want to see that girl ever again.

She's a prideful person who believes in the same idea of rule of the jungle. Well I believe in the same thing, but I get tired of it as well. But then again, fuck her, because she's not someone that I would like.

Nonetheless it was pretty good that I was able to give them a show of power to them all by catching her attack. It was actually pretty damn good for a dropkick on me since I had to make use of the Argent within me to handle that one, albeit the amount used wasn't all that much.

But the things that I said about realities and fate though . . . bah I won't worry all too much about all of that. I have other issues to go and resolve for now. The first being the fact that I need to go and see Eresh, the second being trying to hire Stain into my gang of crazy.

And so, I'm just over here in the 100th floor just walking voe to her room and there she was, in her glory playing some sort of Happy Wheels knockoff. (Hey there Eresh.) I said as she then turned around when she noticed my voice.

(Frank!) she said as she then failed the bottle run that she was in and just went to hug me. (Hey hey hey, aren't you going to finish that little bottle run there? You do know that it's really sucky to pull off if you don't do it right?) I said as she then shook her head.

(I have the time to do that later. Right now, I could tell that you're here to have a break. So tell me, what exactly is it that you've done this time?) she asked as I then sighed. This was like a mini interrogation that she would have on me every time that I've done something fucked up.

(Well, it's gonna take a long time, so I suggest that we get ourselves comfy so that there won't be that much anger coming off of you.) I said as I then got into the bed and started to cuddle with her as I told her how my experience went.



/Back at Tartarus/



The current air within the area was an odd one, since there was a very obvious idea that murdering the dungeon master was a good idea that should be done, until the very moment he went and showed that his strength wasn't something to actually scoff at.

(What the hell were you thinking Mirko?!? You attacked somebody who was capable of killing the man who stole so many Quirks both by himself and with the help of dozens within an organization that was loyal to him! Not to mention that he also took the man's Quirk as well?!) Nighteye berated the rabbit hero as she grinded her teeth from annoyance.

(Shut the fuck up you four-eyed idiot! You know that he was a complete pushover and I know it as well. That move of his was just a fluke to get us scared you know that right?!) she said back as she then pointed at Nighteye'd chest. (And why the hell did you even entertain him with a conversation?! He's our target remember? Or did you lose all that swagger of yours after the alcohol came off?) she insulted him as he then got mad and slapped the female hero's hand away.

(Don't lie about his strength you battle junky! Just because you can't find someone capable of fighting you amongst the villains and the heroes doesn't mean that you go out of your way to get yourself killed by attempting to kill the man!) he said in retaliation as she then clicked her tongue and got up from the ground.

(And where do you think you're going? The fight's been called off, we can't hurt him!) he said as Mirko just looked back and said (We can't hurt him, but we can hurt someone close to him.) she said as she was about to leave until she was stopped by a very specific detective.

2233 words. Well, once again this is currently my longest chapter that I've written so far. There isn't all that much that I have to add up on this aside from the fact that I'm probably going to have school really soon. I'm writing this in July, so it's gonna be about a month or so til this gets sent out. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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