
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs


/Frank POV/



Well then, there's been so many things that we've been doing inside of the dungeon that I think that multiple days have already passed. Remember that time that I gave Hephaestus survival mode? Well she's been experimenting with how far she could take enchanting.

There want all that much to her aside from the usual small talk and business talk. However, there's also another reason for me being here. I'm here to help the Xenos finally go and take their place in society! Well, society in the sense that I'm gonna have to make sure that they don't get killed by racist people.

Well, that's why I'm going to the nearest village to give them the news. Hopefully they take it nicely and don't go bat shir crazy over it. (Domain, bring me to the closest village, I need to go and start their migration process.) I said as I then thought of the multiple threats that could hurt them.

First one being nuclear, thankfully I could always have multiple clusters of Ork bases in the countries that have said power. The second could be the UN eventually forgoing the agreement we made so I guess we need a bit of a secondary ultimatum to really hammer it in. The third could be the people themselves, well, segregation isn't always the best plan due to eventual tensions but I have the Orks who'll take care of them.

Well, I do plan to keep Dagg with me since he'll be a fine Warboss just in case. Plus, I wanna have a bunch of tests to see what cultivatable energy does to an entire Warband. Well that's for the future, I gotta make sure that nothing goes balls to the walls once I leave this world.

\Very well Master!\ it said as I then got covered by the white light and then got teleported to the village that the three big shots were in. And there they were, all three of them just being happy amongst their people by helping and talking. Well, time to break the news to them.

(Hello there you three!) I said as I waved to them. They then saw me and smiled as the came over and greeted me with a good amount of warmth to it. (Well then, I suppose that we should take this conversation of ours into your home shall we?) I said as Ray, Gros, and Lyd all agreed and soon went into their nice little home that was very cozy and all that shit.

(Is there something that you wanted to say to us Franku-san?) Gros said as I then looked around to see the little kitchen that they had made. (Well there's something that I wanted to tell you three, since you're about to make a big decision.) I said as I then sat down on the floor of the house as I then got into a serious expression.

(This next decision of yours is going to affect all of the Xenos that decide to leave this place, and I have to give you all of the possibilities that could occur should you go on with your choice.) I said as the three of them got visibly worried. (The first problem is the possibility of the group I made a deal with deciding to forgo and go attack you all. Naturally that little problem is going to get fixed by itself.) I said as they then got a little more relaxed from the tension that I started out.

(The second thing is that there's a problem with the possibility of coexisting with the humans above, they hate me, and that may affect all of you. I know that segregation is not the best way to go about this, but it's the most viable one so far since it removes the possibility of you guys being subjected to hate crimes.) I said as I then sighed. I think I may or may not have gone overboard with the things that I've done to this world.

Well, fear works wonders if you know how to use it right. Unfortunately I uses it shittily and now I have to try and fix as many mistakes that I could before I send the guys out into the larger world. (I know that I promised to give you all a world where you can walk freely. But the circumstances just aren't right enough. If only I had another choi-) I was speaking until I thought of a very good idea.

(Change of plans everyone. I think I have an idea that can help you all over the years.)I said as the tree of them were confused. {Why did I not think of that? Of course there's always a different strategy to go about this!} I thought as I then consulted with the Domain about my idea. And when she said that it was possible, I was smiling from ear to ear.

(Alright, I may have another idea tht could work, but then this idea requires you all to not be able to meet the humans for many and I mean many years.) I said as I then explained my plan. It was a very simple one and I think that we could possibly put it to work if we do it right.

(Well then, what do you all think? Is this a go? Or a no go?) I said as I then watched as thy all deliberated with each other. (The Orks are a good bunch of warriors. They're strong enough to make things out of random items and they could keep you all safe if necessary. This plan requires them to make it work. We need the oxygen on there just so that you can all live there. And it's not like you guys can mate or anything, all you guys really need is enough space, a couple of those nightmare chickens that you've seen and the Orks. So is this a good plan or is it a good plan?) I asked with a smile on my face as the three of them wondered for a moment before the three of them nodded.

(We thank you for looking for us Franku-san, and tis is by far the greatest plan to help us that you've made so far. And if you are capable of doing it, we will be forever in your debt.) Ray said as the other two nodded along to her words. (Guys come on, you've been stuck in these walks for years upon years. Of course I'm gonna want to help you out. I may be the bad guy in many sense of the words, but I try to take care of my own.) I said as the three of them looked at each other, nodded, and bowed to me.

Truth be told I don't really like it whenever people be since it deles weird but this is their way of saying thank you. I can't use ruin that because I feel awkward. (Okay then, I'll take this as a yes. I'll call up the Orks and they'll make the things needed to start the project. It'll take more time, but knowing them they'll make it as a competition for who can do everything the fastest and safest. Well, more along the first than the second.) I said as I then got up from the floor and dusted my asscheeks.

(If you all need me, just call up the Domain and you'll be able o reach me whenever I'm available.) I said as I then nodded to them all with a smile. (It's been a damn long journey with you all, and I'm damn happy to have had your people with me along the way.) I said as they smiled back at me.

I then went out of their home and felt a little somber since I was going to miss those bastards, but there was nothing that I could do that wouldn't restrict their freedom. This was the plan that they wanted, and this is what I would give. I made a deal, and I'll finish it.

Damn, I need to go and get myself a root beer, this shit was sad as fuck.



/Little Skip for the Good Times/



So, it's been a couple days since my little excursion to Tartarus. I'm not gonna lie, I honestly wanted to have the battle between me and All For On in the ocean as we float on the sky against each other. Well, not everything is gonna go my way so it's just best to let things be how they went.

So, I'm currently at the 100th floor with the gods tht are still somehow pissed at me.I do not have a single fuckin clue as to why they still have a grudge over the fact that I'm treating them like shit. I mean, they're gods, of course I'm gonna treat them that way. Well, at least treat the ones who I believe to be bad.

Hestia, I know for a fact isn't terrible, she just wants to keep Belle safe. Take, despite the things that he may do, I still made a deal with that guy, and if he does eventually get his third strike, then he'll be out. {Alrighty then, what is it they'll complain about now?} I thought as as the gods were still fidgeting in their seats as they had off expressions on their face.

And when I mean odd, I mean they seem to be very uncomfortable. (Okay then, why exactly did all of you call me up here. I know for a fact that you all still hate me, that's fine, I get that part from all of the cursing that the Domain has reported back to me.)😐 I said as everyone then got a little jolt of awkward as they coughed from the tension.

(So, is there something you want? Is it your freedom again? Or do you want to send out your best child to try and "best" me in battle, because if you all called me up here for something as pointless as that, I'm going to skin you alive and have an acidic snail eat you.) I said as the gods soon got a little scared as Take and Hestia were both still frowning.

(Okay I'm getting a little tired of the two of you always having an angry, sad, or just plain depressed face. I made a deal with you two for shit's sake! I'm not a businessman but I understand the need for this to be. Get over the fact that if you fuck with me, you'll get fucked back already!!) I said in complete exasperation as they then got confused of why I did that.

(I get the fact that you'll hate me to the end of time for what I've done to your friends, but let's be fair here. It's easier to be a villain in a lot of cases, rather than a hero. I can be good and it'll shock and confuse people since everyone knows I'm bad. But the very moment that a good guy slices a bad guy's head off, they get labelled as untrustworthy.) I said as the two of them were still confused.

(My point here is that it doesn't matter what you do. People are people, and sometimes they suck ass. Does that make sense?) I asked at the end as I smiled a little as they nodded. (Good, so what's on the itinerary for this little meeting of ours?) I said as I then looked at the paper that they put in front of me.

Well, isn't this a little interesting. (Hey guys, I've noticed that there's been a large drop in your food supplies. Is there something that you need to explain to me?) I inquired as I then rapped my fingers on the table waiting for their answer. And you wanna know what they said to me? They said that there are children here as well.

(Well then, this is an odd little addition to the possible bullshit that could occur. I don't think that this is a good idea.) I said as I then thought of what could happen. I f I let them meet Eri and the other children here, there could be many, and I mean many things that could go badly, they could call me a monster in front of the girls' faces and make me look bad.

Well I am bad but that's beside the point. I need to get something done here as well. (Well I have a possible plan that I could make use of since it could make something good happen, and it's related to the Xenos.) I said as they then asked what it was, which I promptly explained to them.

2144 words. Well, I've noticed that my word count is getting bigger and bigger by each time that I write. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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