
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Kỳ huyễn
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119 Chs


At this moment, Jin Ling, who was in a coma, suddenly sat up.

In front of the two of them, he stumbled up from the ground with his eyes closed. Wei Wuxian wanted to see what he was going to do, so he didn't move. I saw him slowly walking around himself, taking one leg out, stepping into the wall again, and standing back to the place where he was buried just now. Put your hands flat by your sides, even the posture is exactly the same as before.

Wei Wuxian pulled him out of the wall again, it was funny and weird, and he was about to tell Lan Wangji that he shouldn't stay here for a long time. Suddenly, he was startled by a burst of furious barking from a distance. The black-maned spirit dog had been sitting obediently at the entrance of the cave wagging its tail since they entered, waiting anxiously and pitifully for them to bring its owner out. It didn't bark again, but now it roared more fiercely than ever before.

Lan Wangji said: "There is something strange outside the fort."

He reached out to help Jin Ling, but Wei Wuxian picked him up first and said, "Go out and take a look!"

The two quickly returned the same way they came. As soon as they got out of the cave, they saw the black-maned spirit dog with its back to them, facing in one direction, and a low purring sound coming from the bottom of its throat. Although Wei Wuxian bravely came over, he couldn't bear to hear such a sound, so he couldn't help but take a few steps back. The dog turned its head and saw that Jin Ling was carrying Jin Ling, spread its legs and pounced on him. Wei Wuxian screamed and was about to throw Jin Ling out when Lan Wangji stumbled and stepped in front of him.

The black-maned spirit dog stopped immediately and tucked its tail again. It didn't stick out its tongue because it had something in its mouth. Lan Wangji stepped forward, bent down, took out a piece of cloth from between its teeth, and handed it back to Wei Wuxian. It seemed to be a piece of clothing. There must have been at least one person wandering around or snooping around here just now, and acting suspiciously, otherwise the barking of the black-maned spirit dog would not be full of hostility. Wei Wuxian said, "The man hasn't gone far yet. Chase him!"

Lan Wangji said, "No need. I know who it is."

Wei WuXian said, "I know it too. Those who spread rumors, released corpses, set up mazes, and built stone fortresses in Xinglu Ridge must be the same group of people. There are also those knives. But if we don't catch Xing Xing now, we will try to catch him again." That's troublesome."

Lan Wangji said, "I'll chase you. You and Jin Ling?"

Wei WuXian said, "I will take him down to Luling and back to Qinghe to find a place to settle down. We will meet at the place where we met the doctor before."

This conversation was going on very hastily. Lan Wangji only paused for a moment before Wei Wuxian said again, "Go ahead. If you're late, you'll be gone. I'll be here!"

Hearing the words "I will come," Lan Wangji took a deep look at him, said no more, and turned to leave. The black-maned spirit dog tried to pounce on him again, but Wei Wuxian quickly screamed: "You Wait wait! Take the dog away! Take the dog away!!!"

Lan WangJi had no choice but to turn back and glanced condescendingly at the black-maned spirit dog. The dog did not dare to disobey, and followed Lan WangJi with howls, chasing after him, and looking back at Jin Ling from time to time. Wei Wuxian wiped his sweat, looked back at the group of white stone castles, picked up Jin Ling on his back again, and headed down Xinglu Ridge.

It was almost dusk, and he was carrying an unconscious young man on his back. Both of them were covered in mud and looked quite embarrassed, attracting the attention of passers-by. Wei Wuxian returned to the street where Jin Ling chased him with the dog during the day, found an inn, bought two new sets of clothes with the money he got from Lan Wangji, and asked for a room. First, he asked Jin Ling He took off a Jin Xing Xuelang family robe that had become wrinkled after being buried in the soil, and then pulled off his boots. Suddenly, the movement stopped.

There seemed to be a shadow on Jin Ling's calf. Wei Wuxian squatted down and rolled up his trousers, and realized that it was not a shadow, but a black bruise. And it's not bruises from injuries, but marks from evil curses.

The evil curse mark is a mark made by the evil spirits on the prey. Once it appears, it means that the person has collided with something extremely evil. It leaves a mark and will definitely come back to you. Maybe it will take a long time to come, maybe it will come tonight. It can range from taking away some of the limbs that have marks on them, to simply killing you.

Jin Ling's entire leg turned black, and the marks were still extending upward. Wei Wuxian had never seen an evil curse mark that was so black and spread so widely. The more he looked at it, the more serious his expression became. He put down Jin Ling's pants and unbuttoned Jin Ling's shirt. He saw that his chest and abdomen were smooth and clean. The evil curse mark didn't spread here, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Jin Ling opened his eyes.

He was dazed for a while, his body naked and exposed to the cold wind. He suddenly woke up, jumped up, blushed and roared: "What are you doing!"

Wei Wuxian smiled and said, "Oh, you're awake."

Jin Ling seemed to be greatly frightened. He closed his shirt and shrank to the corner of the bed, saying, "What do you want to do! Where are my clothes?! Where is my sword?! Where is my dog?!"

Wei WuXian said, "I was just about to put it on for you."

His expression and tone were as kind as an old grandmother who wanted to give her grandson some cold clothes. Jin Ling's hair was disheveled and he said against the wall: "I am not a broken sleeve!!!"

Wei Wuxian was overjoyed and said, "What a coincidence, I am!!!"

Jin Ling grabbed his sword beside the bed, and he had the fierce aura to kill him and then commit suicide to keep his innocence if he took one step forward. Wei Wuxian finally stopped laughing and laughed: "Why are you so scared? It's just a joke! I I worked so hard to dig you out of the wall, but you don't even say thank you."

In the midst of his busy schedule, Jin Ling raised his hand and smoothed his disheveled hair until he looked more respectable, and said angrily: "If it wasn't for this reason, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, dare to take off my clothes, I, I, I have already let you Die ten thousand times!"

Wei WuXian said, "Don't. It's painful enough to die once. Okay, okay, put the sword down."

In a daze, Jin Ling put down the sword as he was told.

During the interrogation, although his soul had left his body and he could not remember everything clearly, he vaguely knew that the man in front of him dug out him and carried him all the way down the mountain. After being buried in the wall, he was still awake for a period of time. His heart was filled with fear and despair, but he didn't expect that the person who broke the wall, broke the fear and despair, was the person he hated at first sight. His face turned white and red at times, feeling dizzy and embarrassed, and his thoughts were still wandering and could not be settled down. Suddenly he glanced out the window and saw that the sky was already dark with a few stars, and he was startled. Just as Wei Wuxian bent down to pick up the new clothes scattered on the floor, Jin Ling jumped out of bed, put on his boots, grabbed his robe and rushed out of the room.

Wei Wuxian originally thought that he had suffered such a serious crime and would languish for a while, but little did he know that young people are full of energy and can jump around again in the blink of an eye, and disappear like a gust of wind in the blink of an eye. Thinking of the nasty curse marks on his legs, I quickly shouted: "Why are you running away! Come back!"

As he ran, Jin Ling put on the muddy and wrinkled family pattern robe and shouted, "Don't follow me!" He was agile and had long legs, and he rushed downstairs and rushed out of the inn. Wei Wuxian chased him for several streets, but was unexpectedly thrown out of sight.

After searching for a while, dusk fell and the number of people on the street gradually became sparse. Wei Wuxian felt his teeth tingling: "It doesn't make sense. This kid really doesn't make sense!"

As a last resort, just when I was about to give up, a young man's angry voice came from the end of the long street ahead: "You ran away after saying a few words to you. Are you a young lady? Your temper is getting louder and louder!"

Jiang Cheng!

Wei Wuxian hurriedly ducked into the alley. Immediately, Jin Ling's voice also sounded: "Didn't I come back fine? Don't miss me!"

It turns out that Jin Ling did not come to Qinghe alone. No wonder, Dafanshan Jiang Cheng helped him out last time, so how could he not come this time? But it seemed that the uncle and nephew had a quarrel in Qinghe Town, so Jin Ling went up to Xinglu Ridge alone. He was running away in a hurry just now. Jiang Cheng must have threatened to look good on him if he didn't go back before dark.

Jiang Cheng said: "Is everything okay? It's like rolling in a mud ditch. Is it okay? Isn't it embarrassing to wear your school uniform? Go back and change your clothes quickly! Tell me, what did you encounter today?"

Jin Ling said impatiently: "I told you, I didn't encounter anything. I fell down and my trip was in vain. Ouch!" He shouted: "Don't drag me like this! I'm not three years old!"

Jiang Cheng said sternly: "I can't control you anymore! I'm telling you, even if you are thirty years old, I can still pull you. Next time you dare to run around without saying hello, I will serve you with a whip!"

Jin Ling said: "I went alone because I didn't want help or management."

Wei WuXian thought to himself, "If nothing else, Jiang Cheng scolded him for having a young lady's temper. It's really good."

Jiang Cheng said, "So what now? What did you catch? Where is the black-maned spirit dog your uncle gave you?"

He was driven away by Lan Zhan to an unknown nook and cranny. Just as Wei Wuxian thought this, two familiar dog barks came from the other end of the alley.

Wei Wuxian's expression suddenly changed, his legs moved spontaneously, and poisonous arrows rushed out like chasing after him. The black-maned spirit dog ran from the other end of the alley, passed Wei Wuxian, pounced on Jin Ling's legs, and swept him with its tail very affectionately.

Since this dog appears here, it means that Lan Wangji has probably caught the snoopers near the stone castle and went to their designated place to return. However, at this moment, Wei Wuxian had no time to think about this.

With this rush, he rushed right in front of Jiang Cheng, Jin Ling, and a large number of disciples of the Jiang family.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a moment, and Wei Wuxian silently turned around and ran away.

After running a few steps, he heard the sizzling sound of electricity, and a purple current wrapped around his calf like a poisonous snake. A numbness and pain spread all over the body from bottom to top, and he was pulled back and fell to the ground immediately. Afterwards, my chest tightened, and my heart became aroused after someone picked up my clothes. Wei Wuxian reacted quickly and went to explore the spirit sac, but was snatched away first.

Jiang Cheng carried him and walked a few steps to the nearest store door, kicking open the half-closed door panel.

The store was about to close, but suddenly a handsome young man with elegant clothes and a bad expression kicked in the door and walked in. He was also holding a person in his hand, as if he wanted to disembowel the person in front of the public. I was so frightened. Dare to speak up. A disciple came up to him and whispered a few words to him, stuffed him with money, and he hurriedly hid in the back hall and never came out again. No need to explain, several Jiang family disciples dispersed in an instant, surrounding the store inside and out.

Jin Ling stood aside, his eyes filled with hesitation and uncertainty. Jiang Cheng said to him fiercely: "I'll take care of you later, just stay here!"

Jin Ling had never seen such a look on Jiang Cheng's face since he could remember. His uncle, who took charge of the Yunmeng Jiang clan, a prominent family in the Immortal Sect, at a young age, has always been cold and gloomy, unwilling to show mercy or to accumulate virtue. At this time, although he was trying his best to suppress unnecessary expressions, his eyes were terrifyingly bright.

That face that was always filled with arrogance, sarcasm, and gloom, every aspect seemed to be vivid, and it was hard to tell whether it was gnashing of teeth, hatred to the bone, or ecstasy.