
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Kỳ huyễn
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119 Chs

Elegant coquettish-II

That brand took all of Wei Wuxian's attention, making him wonder if he had seen something wrong. He didn't even have time to look at the other person's face, and his breathing was erratic. Suddenly, his eyes turned white, as if a curtain of snow had fallen, and then the snow curtain split open, and a blue sword light came towards him with an icy air.

Who doesn't know that Lord Hanguang's sword "Bi Chen" is so famous? Damn it, it turned out to be Lan Wangji!

Running for his life and hiding from the sword Wei Wuxian was familiar with the road. He rolled out on the spot and narrowly escaped him. When he rushed out of the cold spring, he still had time to pluck a blade of grass from his hair. Like a headless fly, he bumped into a few people passing by on night patrol. He was caught and scolded: "Why are you running around! It is forbidden to run fast in the deep clouds!"

When Wei Wuxian saw that it was Lan Jingyi and the others, he was overjoyed. He thought that now he could be beaten down the mountain by random sticks, so he hurriedly sent himself up: "I didn't see it! I didn't see anything! I definitely didn't come to steal. Watch Hanguang-Jun bathing!"

When several juniors heard this, they were stunned by his audacity. Lord Hanguang is not a famous person who can be looked up to and cannot be blasphemed. The younger disciples of the family respect him even more. Watch Hanguangjun bathing near the cold spring! Just thinking about this kind of thing is extremely sinful and unforgivable. Lan SiZhui was so frightened that his voice changed: "What? Hanguang-Jun? Hanguang-Jun is in there?!"

Lan Jingyi grabbed him angrily: "You damn Duanxiu! Can you peek at this, this, this?!"

Wei Wuxian struck while the iron was hot to prove his guilt: "I didn't see Lord Hanguang without any clothes at all!"

Lan Jingyi said angrily: "There is no three hundred taels of silver here! And he said you don't have it. What are you doing here sneaking around if you don't have it? Look at you, you are so embarrassed that you can't even see anyone!"

Wei Wuxian covered his face with his hands and said, "Don't be so loud. Noise is prohibited in Yunshen."

In the midst of all the excitement, Lan Wangji, wearing a white coat and with his long hair loose, walked out from behind the layers of orchid grass. In just a few words, he was fully dressed, and Bichen had not yet been sheathed. All the juniors saluted quickly. Lan Jingyi hurriedly said: "Hanguang-Jun, this Mo Xuanyu is really hateful. You brought him back for the sake of helping him in Mojiazhuang, but he...but..."

Wei Wuxian thought that this time he would be kicked out of the mountain gate unbearably. Who knows, Lan Wangji glanced at him lightly, stayed silent for a moment, then put Bichen in his sheath with a clang, and said: " It's all gone."

Three words that were plain and indifferent, but under the influence of his power, he said nothing, and everyone immediately dispersed. Lan Wangji calmly picked up Wei Wuxian by the collar and dragged him all the way to the quiet room. In his previous life, he was similar in stature to Lan Wangji, only slightly shorter than him. Both of them were rare slender people. When they stood together, the one-inch difference seemed to be negligible. But in this life, he woke up in a different body. Although he was tall among ordinary people, he was still more than two inches shorter than Lan Wangji. He was holding it in his hand, and there was no room for struggle. Wei Wuxian staggered about to scream, but Lan Wangji said coldly: "No one who makes noises can speak."

Throwing him down the mountain is a wishful thinking, but forbidding him to speak is a sign of insensitivity. Wei Wuxian was puzzled: when did the Lan family become so tolerant of the shameless crime of spying on celebrities bathing in the family, and could they tolerate it? !

Lan Wangji carried him into the quiet room, went straight to the inner room, and threw him on the couch with a "thud". Wei Wuxian groaned when he was thrown and couldn't get up for a moment. He wanted to say something sweet, but it gave him goosebumps all over his body. When he raised his eyes, he saw Lan Wangji holding the Bichen Sword in one hand and looking down at him.

He was used to seeing the second Young Master Lan with his forehead tied up and his long hair, strict and meticulous, but he had never seen this look with his black hair loose and thin clothes. Wei Wuxian couldn't help but take a second look. After some dragging and falling movements, Lan Wangji's originally tightly closed collar opened a little, revealing the clear collarbone and the deep red mark under the collarbone.

As soon as he saw the brand, Wei Wuxian's attention was drawn again.

He also had this brand on his body before he became the ancestor of Yiling.

At this moment, the piece on Lan Wangji's body was exactly the same as the piece on his body in both position and shape, and he couldn't help but feel that it didn't look familiar or strange.

What's strange is not only the brand, but also the more than thirty bruises on Lan Wangji's back.

Lan Wangji became famous at a young age and has a very high reputation. He is the most orthodox celebrity of the immortal sect. He has always been one of the two treasures that the Gusu Lan Sect is proud of. His words and deeds are all regarded as immortals by all the elders. A benchmark for outstanding students. What unforgivable mistake did he make that warranted such a heavy punishment?

More than 30 lash marks, basically beating him to death. Once the whip marks are applied to the body, they will never disappear in this life. The purpose is to make the punished remember them forever and never commit the crime again.

Following his gaze, Lan Wangji lowered his eyes slightly, pulled up his collar, covered his collarbone, and concealed the scars. It was the frosty Hanguang-Jun again. At this moment, a deep bell sounded from outside.

The Lan family has strict rules and rigorous work and rest schedules. They rest at Hai hour and rise at Mao hour. The sound of the bell is a warning. Lan Wangji listened intently to the sound of the bell and said to Wei Wuxian, "You can sleep here."

Without giving Wei Wuxian a chance to reply, he moved into the quiet room, leaving Wei Wuxian leaning on the couch alone, confused.

It was not without doubt that Lan Zhan had guessed who he was. It's just that this suspicion doesn't make sense either emotionally or rationally. Since sacrificing one's body is a forbidden skill, very few people must know about it. Most of those that have been handed down are fragments and cannot be used. In the long run, fewer people will believe it. Mo Xuanyu didn't know where he got the secret scroll before he recalled Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji couldn't recognize him just by the broken flute he played.

He asked himself that he did not have any unforgettable friendship with Lan Wangji during his lifetime. Although they were classmates, had adventures, and fought side by side, they were always like falling flowers and water, coming and going in a hurry. Lan Wangji is a descendant of the Gusu Lan clan, which means he is destined to be both "elegant" and "righteous", which is quite incompatible with Wei Wuxian's temperament. Wei Wuxian felt that their relationship could not be said to be bad, but he was embarrassed to say that it was good. It is estimated that Lan Wangji's evaluation of him is the same as others: evil spirits are rampant and righteousness is insufficient, and one day he will become a big trouble. After Wei Wuxian rebelled against the Yunmeng Jiang clan and became the ancestor of Yiling, the relationship he formed with the Gusu Lan clan couldn't be said to be small, especially in the months before his death. If Lan Wangji had determined that he was Wei Wuxian, they would have been beaten to a coma by now.

But the current situation makes people laugh or cry: in the past, Lan Wangji couldn't bear anything he did casually, but now Lan Wangji can tolerate it even if he tries his best to make trouble. Should it be said that this is great progress and gratifying? !

After staring for a long time, Wei Wuxian turned over and got down on the bed, moving very lightly to the cubicle.

Lan Wangji was lying on his side on the couch, seeming to have fallen into a deep sleep. Wei Wuxian leaned over silently.

He still refused to give up, and was ready to touch it to see if he could find the Tongxing Jade Order that he had been trying to find for a long time. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his hand, Lan Wangji's long eyelashes trembled slightly and he opened his eyes.

Wei Wuxian was heartbroken and threw himself on the couch.

He remembered that Lan Wangji hated physical contact with others. In the past, if he touched him, he would be thrown away. If he could bear this, then he was definitely not Lan Wangji. He will suspect that Lan Wangji has been taken away!

Wei Wuxian placed his entire body above Lan Wangji, spread his legs, and knelt on both sides of his waist. He supported the wooden couch with his hands, trapping Lan Wangji in the middle of his arms, and slowly pressed his face down. The distance between the two faces was getting closer and closer, so close that Wei Wuxian could hardly breathe, and Lan Wangji finally spoke.

He was silent for a while and then said: "Go down."

Wei Wuxian said shamelessly, "No less."

A pair of very light-colored eyes looked at Wei Wuxian very close to him. Lan Wangji looked at him steadily and repeated: "...Go down."

Wei WuXian said, "I don't. If you let me sleep here, you should have expected something like this to happen."

Lan Wangji said, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"..." For some reason, Wei Wuxian felt like he had to think carefully about his answer.

Just as he was about to raise his lips, his waist suddenly went numb and his legs went weak. Immediately afterwards, the whole person plopped down on Lan Wangji.

The corner of his mouth froze in a desperate attempt, his head pressed against the right side of Lan Wangji's chest, and he could not move any part of his body. Lan Wangji's voice came from above.

He spoke low and deep, and his chest vibrated slightly as he pronounced the words:

"Then you can do this for one night."

Wei Wuxian never expected this outcome. He moved to get up, but his waist continued to feel sore and weak. He could only cling to another hard man in an embarrassing posture, his whole body was numb. Senseless.

What happened to Lan Zhan these years? How did he become like this?

Is this still the same Lan Zhan as before? !

He was the one who was taken away, right? ! ? !

He was in a state of turmoil when suddenly, Lan Wangji stood up slightly. Wei Wuxian thought he could bear it no longer, and his spirits lifted. Unexpectedly, Lan Wangji waved his hand gently.

Lights went out.

Warning: The memory killing ahead begins. This article contains a lot of memories. The author loves memories of killing, that's it! !