
Waking Up

He wakes up under a few rocks, his mind distorted it seems as if he lost his memories. The only Things he has now is his clothes, scythe and mask. The scythe and mask that his adopted father gave him when he died. Its still unclear what the mask and scythe mean. While the scythe is long and sharp it has a weird design with a spike at the top and two blades coming from the spike on either sides while the mask has a line down the middle, one side is Laughing while the other is Crying. He speaks in a low, dark voice

"Where am I?"

He asks himself, he gets up and starts walking. He realizes something is Infront of him

"What is this thing? It's like a system, Though I can't really remember where I know what a system is"

Infront of him is a screen it's saying "Proceed with the game? Yes or No *Pressing No shall kill you instantly"

"It doesn't seem like I have a choice in this"

He presses the "Yes" button and another screen shows up it seems to be showing his stats as if this is game

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure the world I just woke up in works as a game. Does that mean I can check my items that I have currently? Maybe this scythe is worth a lot it does look pretty powerful."

He checks the scythe "The Primordial God's Scythe, ? Rank Description not yet unlocked"

"So I guess it is pretty good if it was a god's and especially the Primordial one, though it seems I have to level it up or awaken this for the description to unlock, Better check the mask too"

He checks the mask "Primordial God's No emotion Mask S+ Rank description yet to be unlocked"

"I guess the mask is really good, I wonder why it's called a no emotion mask though? It clearly has two emotions on either side. Well I better put it on I guess.

He puts on the mask "Gained +50 durability, +50% Health increase and +100 Strength increase"

"Alright the mask is definitely Overpowered But the scythe isn't showing its stats. Maybe I can see the stats when I Unlock the description"

He begins to walk wander around the city, There are monsters it seems like but he avoids most of them until another screen pops up "Defeat the Monster Rewards: 500 Experience and C+ Rank clothing"

"Well I guess it's time to test out the scythe"

He swings the scythe, He doesn't know how to use it but it seems like his muscles do. The monster practically instantly dies "E Rank monster Defeated Rewards Given" He instantly got his rewards and leveled up to level 3, He was also given some clothes as mentioned. The clothes looked like some random black coat and white pants

"I guess that wasn't bad, the scythe is pretty good I think. Oh I got 2 levels I better use my stat points"

He puts them in Strength as soon as he realizes where he can use them. A random girl seemed to be watching him. The girl had long white hair, wearing a lab coat

"Huh, your the first person I've seen to Kill one of those things" Said the Girl

"I just woke up, How long has this "System" been here?"

"Eh, it appeared about yesterday"

"Hmm, well then do you know anything about the system?"

"Nah, I barely know about it either"

"Alright, Well then gotta go"

"Wait, your the strongest guy I've seen. Let me join you I'm sure I'll be of your use"

"Nah, I'm not the type of guy to just accept a girl in his party"

"Wait, then what's your name?"

"I don't really know... Just call me Adrian"

Adrian leaves the scene going for some shelter where he can rest, event he finds a subway station and goes in it

"Well the trains are obviously not working but it seems like there are more people hiding here"

The subway's packed with people which ran away from the monsters outside, Adrian tryed to find a spot that nobody was sitting beside.

"Here seems good enough"

He lays down his scythe on the ground

"Hopefully I won't be bothered here"