
Chapter 1 - What a beautiful day!

It is a beautiful spring day. The warm air is fragrant and easy to breathe, the grass is swaying mesmerizingly as the breeze blows coolly over it, and our main character, Alo, is looking up at the ceiling of his jail cell after getting the fanagle smacked out of him since he hesitated in giving up his desert at lunchtime. In this moment, he is replaying the embarrassing moment in his head for the 10th time. As he remembers the muscley guy's expression that said, "do sum'm about it" and the guys around that laughed at his misfortune, anger and sadness simmer within him. This is only his second day being locked up and it's already like this.

At this time, Alo's cellmate named Fliz walks in.


Alo slowly wobbles his head up and down in a beta manner, indicating yes.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Didn't I tell you to lay low and not get in anyone's way? What happened?"

"I think I might have a problem…", Alo says.

He tilts head down slightly as he begins to recount what happened to the eagerly listening Fliz…

A few hours earlier at lunchtime:

Alo nervously enters the dining hall. When he enters, he desperately tries his best not to look like a newcomer as his cellmate Fliz advised him before.

He looks around to figure out where to go to get food, but whenever he makes incidental eye contact with someone, he quickly breaks it and continues on with his business. This is what Fliz DIRECTLY instructed him to do.

But, you know that strong urge you get to do something that you are intentionally trying very hard NOT to do? Like, if I said, don't think about an elephant, it would become the only thing you DID think about. Yea..that urge comes to Alo while he tries to avoid awkward eye contact in the dining hall filled with many wild, unprovoked criminals.

When this urge hits its peak, his eyes meet with an individual eating at a table. At this moment, Alo immediately regrets ever coming out of his mother's womb. When their eyes meet, the vibe it gives off, if you were to look at them, is like a mentally handicapped zebra looking at a ferocious, angry lion. At the point in time when the gaze lingers for one instant too long, the wild-looking inmate abruptly stops chewing his food. At this moment, even without the alarm bells blaring in his mind, Alo looks away extremely fast. He then speedily finds the line for food and half-runs-half-walks towards it.

He quietly disdains himself while walking to the line. 'Oh my gosh...how ferocious…I need to chill out and create absolutely zero waves like Fliz told me.' But, as Alo has that thought…..the unthinkable happens…..the same urge reemerges.

It begins with a thought.

'Is he still looking at me?…NO!….I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT LOOK!...gosh I know he shouldn't still be looking at me right?' Alo deliberates. Then, being unable to resist the pressure, his mind spasms…and he turns and looks.

When he sees a pair of eyes looking back at him, Alo's soul feels as if it fell into the 7 pits of hell. 'NNOOOOOOOOOO!!!' he thinks. Never in his life had he ever seen such a blatant look of sexual arousal. Alo almost stumbles as he turns and walks away at a lightning pace. 'fffuuuuck' he thinks to himself.

When he gets to the line, there are about 30 inmates in front of him so he goes to the back and this gives him time to relax. Fortunately, Alo is able to get his food without incident. Afterwards, he sees a table with only one person sitting there and takes a seat .

"Hey" Alo greets.

"Sup Brody. You new?" the guy asks.

"...Yea...It's obvious huh?"

"A little bit. I'm new too though, I've only been in for like a week and a half. I'm Zeke."

"Alo. You don't look as 'off' as alot of the others here."

"Yea alot of the folks in this area are gang affiliated, killers, or done enough time to make them super hardened. I just got caught with 40 pounds of weed and a gun that I stupidly modified. What about you, what you in for?"

"...I was framed for murder." Alo replies hesitantly.

"Framed eh? You know, if I go by how you look, I almost kinda believe you hehe. What happened?"

"Well it's kind of a long story…"

Just as Alo was about to continue he hears a loud voice behind him.


Alos head snapped around and he saw that this command came from none other than the guy that he idiotically made eye contact with before.


Looking at the tray of food in front of him, Alo meekly responds, "B-But that's the best part"


Alo feels a smack as sharp as a thousand needles crash onto his face. While Alo is disoriented, he hears a voice yell, "WHAT THE FUCK MAN HE WAS GONNA GIVE IT TO YOU!!" This was Zeke.


Zeke then recovers from the initial shock and his eyes settle on the intruding party.

He sees that the guy who committed the assault looks like a human sized version of the hulk. He had tattoos all over and the most disturbing of these tattoos was on his forehead which depicted a male genital organ with a heart around it. Next to him stood a guy in a blonde wig and pink shoes, and he was holding on to the assaulter's inside-out pocket. Besides that, there were 2 other guys with them.

"I was just sayin" Zeke responds meekly.

"STOP SAYIN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!!" the assaulter says as he menacingly moves toward Zeke.

When Alo sees this, a deep, dark emotion begins to well up inside of his heart and it coaxes him. '...He is going to cause harm to someone who didn't do anything wrong…' The feeling intensifies. When Alo was slapped, when he had his desert taken, or even when he was framed, Alo accepted it. But now that he sees someone about to suffer unfairly, a particular instinct takes hold. Alo is all too familiar with this instinct as it has been the root of 99% of the problems throughout his life. This was the drive to protect all innocent, no matter the cost.

Anger and urgency ignite within Alo. In a panic, he grabs the apple off his tray, then shoots it straight at their assailant's head.


The soft, tender apple explodes on impact and the inmate stumbles to one knee, not knowing what just happened. But after a moment, he realizes, and he slowly turns his head towards the direction that the apple came from. Fortunately, Alo had already used the bathroom in his cell right before coming here. So when the inmate's eyes lock onto his, and Alo's urinary tract gives way due to the abject terror he is experiencing, only a couple of droplets of pee dribble out. The inmate begins trembling uncontrollably from anger. And, as Alo looks into the eyes of this horrendous individual, he sees a pure, unjoking intent to murder.