
Chapter 2 - 3 Months...

In that moment, Alo knows he only has one option. Fortunately, he gives zero fucks about his pride or street cred, and so he spins around and darts at top speed. "GUAAAARDS!! PLEASE HEEEEEELLP!!" Alo screams hysterically. He runs for less than 5 seconds before he feels the tank-like creature crash into his back, tacking him to the floor.

"Mmm. It's been a long time since I've cracked somebody's neck" The inmate calmly states while slowly gripping Alo's head. It is clear from his tone that he is fully possessed by evil and his mind is blank. Alo half-faints in that moment, a zebra caught by the lion. All he thinks in his final moment is, 'Well, at least Zeke is okay.'


"STAND DOWN INMATE!" booms a guard holding a shotgun loaded with rubber bullets. The assailant violently twitches at the sound of the gun being cocked. This intense reaction shows that this wouldn't be his first time getting shot by one of these; he snaps back to reality. Springing off of Alo, he immediately cries out, "He hit first!" Then, the guards look at the frail-looking Alo who is still half fainted on the floor with his butt poking out. When he stands up, clearly frazzled and traumatized, they notice that the crotch area of his jumpsuit is slightly damp. They look back at the monster-looking inmate."Three months solitary confinement.", the guard states indifferently, while directing the other guards to apprehend him.

"WHAT!!!?" The inmate exclaims.

The guard sighs.

"Inmate, you're lucky I'm so lazy, or you would be catching the charge for attempted murder. However, I can add that too if you don't pipe the fuck down bud." The guard says with an air of impatience.

The reluctant inmate adopts a ready-to-resist demeanor as the guards approach closer.

**CHIK CHIK**, The shotgun sounds.

The inmate's attitude immediately changes and he resigns himself to his fate. Then, remembering what happened, he tensely turns towards Alo. "Imma see you in 3 munts…" he says simmering with anger. He is then calmly escorted away.

The crotch area of Alo's jumpsuit becomes ever so slightly damper than it was before. 'FFUUUUUCCKKK!!!!!' he thinks.

Due to this traumatic experience, Alo is very jittery and visibly shaken, and he uses his old speed walking skills to get back to his cell.

'Whoa…That. Was close…' a mysterious observer says. But, no one could hear or see this man…

This is where the story began.

Alo finishes retelling the incident to Fliz

"What. The. FUCK!?? I told you exactly what TO and NOT to do before you left here. Does shit just go in one ear and out the other?"

"I-I don't know what haaappened…"

"Shit…..Wait. Did you say he had a dick tatted on his head? With a heart around it?"

"Yeah. Why? You know'im?" Alo asks.

"Shit....yeah that guy's name is Boondee. People call him boondee the lover of boodie. He's been locked up for a looong time. Legend has it, when he was first locked up, he was only supposed to be doing 5 months. But during this time, he discovered his eternal, undying love for men. That's why after he got out, he purposely robbed a liquor store to get caught; all so he could come back and do what he loves doing most. He's a very dangerous ghoul especially since doesn't care about if time gets added to his sentence. He would kill without a second thought…If there w-"

Just in that moment, Zeke walks in.

"BROOOOOOO! Why the FUCK did you do that? That was the dumbest shit I ever witnessed. If you wanted to commit suicide, stabbing yourself would be easier. Like, why the FUCK just happened???"

"I don't know what got over me…I lost my temper..." Alo says. Then Alo notices Fliz's confusion at the newcomer and says, "Oh. This is Zeke the one I was telling you about and this is Fliz my cell mate."

"Yo" "Sup" they greet.

Zeke continues, "You know what he's gonna spend all his time in solitary thinkin 'bout right? Before we coulda gotten away with just a ass beating at worst, but now he's literally probably gonna kill you."

Alo takes an involuntary hard swallow.

"W-what should I do guuys?" He asks while suppressing his urine.

"What CAN you do?" Zeke asks rhetorically. "There's not alot that would be enough to quell his anger after getting put into solitary for so long." He continues.

"What if I pay him? I should be able to come up with something good in these three months." Alo asks with hope.

"Mmm…even if you try to pay him to stop, even give him a hundred or sum'm, he'll eventually keep coming back for more. Then it'll get pretty bad if and when you can't deliver" Zeke says.

Alo, unwilling to give up asks, "C-can't I just snitch to the guards again…?"

"Hell nah…" Fliz chuckles offhandedly, seemingly thinking about something.

Zeke adds, "Man these guards don't care about anyone in this area of the jail. They'll just see you as a 'dangerous criminal' in the 'dangerous zone' who just wants to go to a better area. They get a dozen false complaints a day."

When Alo starts becoming dejected, Fliz who was silently lost in thought looks up.

Well...there might be sum'm you can do, but I don't know if YOU are capable of doing it. Plus, it's not guaranteed to succeed." He says hesitantly.

"I can do it! What is it?" Alo asks with determination.

"Well…You gonna have to try to shank his bitch ass."

"WHAT!??" Alo exlaims.

"I know man, but that's the way an extreme situation like this gets handled around here"

Alo swivels his head, looking back and forth between the both of them. "But- But-…"

They know it is a serious situation, and the goofy expression displayed by Alo, plus the thought of his chances of escaping the evil Boondee, brings them a trickle of sadness to their hearts.

"It sucks that a guy such as yourself has to go through this, but that's how it goes in here. The demons will continually bully the good/weak ones until they turn into demons too…or have a sad ending."

When Alo hears that particular statement, the dark emotion that slumbers within him opens it's eyes.

"Oh really?...Well maybe I SHOULD shank the fuck outta that bitch. Where do I get one?"

Zeke and Fliz look at each other wide-eyed and incredulous at Alo's sudden change of demeanor.

The mysterious observer, that no one can see or hear, laughs. "Haha! Look at his energy fluctuations. Wow this guy really seems to have a super intense hero's soul, and it seems like it has caused him to undergo some sufferings. How typical…most like him are usually dead by this age" he ponders for a second, "…maybe it's about time to take a final disciple before my time in this world is up…"