
The Man With A Golden Eye

A boy who's being stalked by some figure. And some people think that he's crazy. Very Interesting story this is trying not to spoil this.

ElizabithEStray · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 The library

After the bell rang, I ran quickly to the library. The Liberian looked at me through the window of the door with her droopy face, her foggy glasses stared at me with her pink eyes like a disease. I walked through the door and The Librarian just stared at me..."What do You want?" she said taking a book and checking it in. Knowing that we weren't really friends. I always felt like she despised me.

"Mrs. Pulmer?" I asked," Where are the books about the figure?"

"What figure?" she answered looking at me like I did something wrong.

"The figure with a golden and red-eye or...known as the man with the golden eye."

"Ahh, follow me and stay silent. You mean the creature that follows," she said standing up from her chair. When she walked from her desk. I followed through the bookshelves past the shelves' monsters and fiction sections.

"Tell no one," she says whispering. she opened a small door behind one of the bookshelves. She picked up an old book that almost likes a necromantic book. It has a symbol of three silver circles in a triangle shape with an eye that is golden iris and a red pupil and a special lock on the book that needs a special key.

"What is that?"

"Shhhhhh...It's..."rumbling throw some things "... a book about the figure the key will come to you when its time and a name will come to you. "

"But Mrs. Palmer, what are you talking about."

As Mrs. Palmer was rambling about something that happened in the past but then a tarot card fell from the chest with a grim reaper-like figure and the word death bolded and on the top. So I ignored it.

Ten minutes later she found what she was looking for, a jar with some green liquid, and in that green liquid was a goat's horn.

"What is that?" I said looking disgusted.

She handed me the jar and said: "When you see the figure throw this at it."

"Why and how do you know this?" I asked scattered.

" Ahh, here's a book about the creature or what you say a figure."

As she opened the book. I saw some weird-looking creatures it was almost mythical but what I have seen didn't really change surprise me.

"What are those?" I asked.

"sshhhh" she replied.

Mrs. Palmer was flipping through thew the book where the figure might be. All 4 pages about it were ripped and the only letter that I saw was the letter y.

"Follow," she said: "I'll tell you my story".

So, I did follow she led me down the stairs, past the cafeteria, into a small door underneath the school. There was an old rusty latter, and it leads to a dark smelly tunnel. The tunnel smelled like months-old food and you can hear the dripping of the water. Luckily, I had my phone to shine a light, but I did not need it. She grabs the lantern, light a match, and shined the light towards a golden arrow. The golden arrow led us to three separate tunnels. So, I checked my phone.

"No service"

Luckily, the time was 3:50.

"I know where I'm going," she said quietly like were still in the library.

"Do you know why you are helping me?"

As we were walking throw the tunnels she said" I saw you... You spoke to the figure. I never knew it spoke, but my family has been hunting it since my grandfather. He cut it horn in goat form. It turned into a mouse and started to run away screaming I will come back and kill you, so he did as a mountain lion on my grandfather's hunting trip. Luckily, I was never there but my father saw it all when he was just eight."

"Ohh, I'm sorry for your, lost," I said confusingly still don't know why she is helping.

Then, I followed her in the last tunnel then there was a dead end. She faced the right and pushed an oddly shaped stone, the whole tunnel started to shake. We walked down the long hall; we see a tinted light that almost looks like fire in a door frame. We walked towards the light and she used a skeleton key to open the door and there it was an old office looks like it is from the 1800s. The office had old rifles and revolvers from the civil war times. The walls are all stone. A skull of a deer on the inside of the door jars of the same weird creatures from the book was on the shelves.

"This office was my Grandfather's office and bunker where he hunted the creature..." she said with a tear falling from her face"...We are right now under the church, but I brought you here because you saw the figure and lived."

"Wait, so the church what about this church is special".

"My grandfather was friends with the priest ...My grandfather built this in the 1860s... Ever since my father died in your house."

"What?" I said confusingly.

"Back when I was eleven in the seventy's the figure came into my house and I heard rambling, my mom was shopping, my father was in the office. He had paper stacked trying to find out what is the figure. Then I read this letter from a woman named lady red from 1641."

As Mrs. Palmer was talking, she grabs the letter that is torn up missing half of the paper from the drawer it says:

Dear ..., February 11, 1641

Wherever you are please be safe and stop hunting that beast...

But on the back there some old, dried blood dripping and said: From Lady Red.

As she continued her story about what happened to her father who died in my house. I felt a cold breeze from the door.

"How do I get out of here to my house my mom and dad will mad when it's past five"

She opened the door that looked like a bookshelf and said, "The Church's Garden is through here."

I hear footsteps echoing throw the tunnel.

"What is, that," I said wondering should I run.

The footsteps stopped. Then a loud bang hits the door, Bang...Bang...Bang. There was a grizzly bear shining his red eye at Mrs. Palmer. Mrs. Palmer rain like I never seen be for toward the bear. I turned around and grabbed the Jar with the goat's horn and threw the bookshelf door. Once I got into the church, I thought I was safe but then the grizzly morphed into a deer shinning his yellow eye with something dripping from his mouth.

"Run," said deer.

So, I did, I ran to the bus stop. Luckily, the bus wasn't far from the stop. So, I got on the bus and took the bus home.

Night fell and I got home I checked my phone and the time said 6:15 I knew I must have been late getting home.

I went up the stairs snuck past my mom who fell asleep with my dad on the couch. I walked up the squeaky stairs pasted my sister's room I saw it. I saw the figure again but this time I was an owl my messy room was still messy at the time and I saw the golden eye. It lights up bright yellow. I turned my head and saw a snake. "That's not my fear" I muttered. Then the snake opened his mouth and long sharp teeth sprung out light needles, ten spiders came out of the eye sockets. And then a clown came out of a snake's mouth. The clown had a terrible screech that sounded worse than a demonic scream. I ran to my bed and put the covers over my head and could not help but scream. I screamed and screamed until my voice went out, by doing that I woke up my mom and dad and my big sister.

My mom ran up the squeaky stairs, my dad followed, and my sister did not care. Mom sat with me on my bad took the covers from my head.

"What's wrong?" my mom said worried out of her mind.

"I saw a monster, clown," I said crying and snorting. I wiped my eyes, and my tears were blood. I screamed.

"Why are you screaming," dad said curiously and worried.

"I'm bleeding blood."

"Go to sleep," mom said singing me a lullaby.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but once my mom and dad left the room, I overheard what they were saying.

"He needs to go to an asylum."

"He's just a kid."

"So... He needs to go... To Be Safe...This has been going on for three days."

I closed my eyes and cried.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! lol

But Chapter 4 will be up soon

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