

Mal had gone to his workshop to figure out how the rings that his mother gave him would help us. It had been a few days that passed but Mal couldn't find anything.

"I don't understand why she gave these to us" Mal said in frustration "Their only communication rings"

"I'm sure she has her reasons" I said trying to comfort him "How do they work anyways?"

"You tell the ring the person you really want to talk to and it'll allow for you to talk to each other" he explained

The rings were a simple silver band with inscriptions on the inside.

"We should keep them on. Just in case" I said


"Blue! Not orange! Blue!" Mal yelled

"You said Rosemary." I yelled back

"So why would you add in Anise?" He asked

"They both look the same" I said

I looked down at the mess we made. We tried to make an invisibility potion but made a goo.

"I'll clean this" I said

"I'll help" Mal offered

I got the cleaning supplies and said "I'm sorry. It's my fault for not paying attention"

"It's also my fault for not explaining more thorough" he said as he grabbed the broom

"It's been two weeks. We are still learning" I said

During those two weeks, we have been training each other. It wasn't easy since neither of us know how to teach well.

Mal is so experienced and is used to the complicated words. He also knows every spell by heart. I, on the other hand, have never even known magic was real until I was reincarnated. It's hard for him to dumb it down for me.

I have also never held a real sword until the sparring section with Sebastian. At night, though, I keep having dreams about the real Hero fighting. I learn through those memories and practice in real life. But since I am new to swinging around a sword, teaching Mal was difficult.

At first I would have Mal watch me as I practice the sword but that didn't work. Mal would always be too distracted to understand how to even hold the sword. When I asked him what he was distracted by, he would blush and avoid answering.

I had finally taught him how to hold the sword and how to hold his posture. Don't ask me how because I have no idea how that happened.

Thinking about the book, there was very little time until the heroes find this place.

I look over at Mal. "So, say if we were ever to be attacked. Would you think we are prepared?" I asked

He looked over at me, "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering" I said

He looked down at the mess and said, "No. Not at all"

I nodded "I figured. In that case, I'll work harder"

"As will I" Mal promised

The next few days we spent training. We both had gotten better at the sword and magic. Until one day…

*knock knock*

"Were you expecting someone?" I asked

Mal looked up from his work. He walked to the door but before Mal could open the door, he turned and yelled at me. "Hero, hide!"

I looked over in surprise when I suddenly felt a presence behind me. I turned and saw Sebastian. "I finally found you!"


I threw a nearby potion at him and ran towards Mal.

"Mal! They found us!" I yelled

Mal had been pinned to the ground by the guards who had busted in through the front door.

I ran towards him but was blocked by a sword held up to my neck.

"One step further and POP!" Sebastian said "Off with your head!"

I turned back at him and asked "Why? Aren't I your friend? So why would you kill me?"

He laughed "Why? Because you were meant to be with me!"

*Confusion overload. Hero, do you know what he's talking about?* I asked him in my mind

*Not a clue* he replied

"I had always admired you-" he said

"Dude! We don't have time for this. Just grab him and let's go." Ezekiel yelled from the front of the tower

"Quite! This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't wanted the damn princess for yourself!" Sebastian yelled back

He looked back at me and said "As I was saying, I had always admired you. You were ruthless with no mercy. I spent so long trying to get closer to you." He turned towards Mal "But you! It took less than half the time for you to get so close to him!"

The sword was inching its way closer to my neck. I tried to pull back but Sebastian grabbed my hair and kept me still.

"I asked you once before but...who are you?" He asked "You're not MY Hero!"

There was a giant explosion that came from where Mal was. It surprised Sebastian so much that he let go of the sword.

I ran towards Mal who was under a dome.

"Are you okay?" I asked when the done came undone and he nodded

"No! Don't ask him that! That's not like you!" Sebastian yelled "I don't know who you are, but we can fix this"

I turned back and said "Even if I go back to normal, the Hero you know would never love you"

*Amen to that* Hero said

He smiled and said "That's the point! He would never love me! No one should love me!"

He picked up the sword that he dropped and came closer to Mal and I. "I think it's him. Ever since he came into the picture, everything has changed"

I tried to shield Mal with my body. "I won't change or go back. I would rather be with him than you.

He got angrier and lifted the sword. "He can't have you! No one can! Only me!"

The air felt heavy. The world was in slow motion. I could see everything clearly but I was as slow as the world. I turned to Mal who had tried to jump in front of the sword and pushed him down. The sword slowly pierced my heart. I lay on Mal who came face first with the sword covered in my blood.

The world was fading but I heard Mal yelling and a flash of white emitted from him. Then, silence followed by the darkness.







I groaned and swung my arm around trying to find the source of the sound. Cold metal touched my hand. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar yellow glow of the lightbulb.

I tried to sit up but was pushed down. There were voices but I couldn't hear them. I was in a hospital.

I was back on earth.