(Completed) I have been reincarnated into the hero. Everyone loves me. I should be happy. Umm...where can I change my character? I want to be the villain instead. (Will be bl)
"He is not the villain!" I screamed "I am!"
"No. You're not! Stop pretending. You're the hero!"
"Like hell I am." I got down on my knees while holding my hands up in the air dramatically. Tears streaming down my face. "Let me live my life!!!"
Damn. I can put on a really good show.
Hold on. Let's rewind a bit.
I wasn't always this crazy. Insane, yes. But not crazy.
I lived in a world called Earth. I had a normal life. Everything was normal. But then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. I wish. I was actually ran over by a truck. How cliche, right?
"How?" You may ask. Well I was reading a book. It was so cliche. The hero defeates the villain and gets the girl. How boring.
As I was judging- I mean reading this gosh awful book, I heard a honk.
I looked up and saw a pair of headlights. "Oh shit." Yes, my last last words were about the solids that come from our netherworld. What a way to go.
But when I opened my eyes...opened my eyes?
If you guessed that I was reincarnated into the exact book I was reading when I died, then congrats. You're right!
"Hero! Are you okay?" A guy asked me from above.
"God? Is that you?" I asked
"Ha! Good one!" A girl behind the guy said while laughing.
I sat up and looked around. We were in the middle of a forest with three other people around us and some horses.
"Where am I?" I asked
"Did you hit your head or something?" Some one asked
"You passed out and fell off your horse. I thought we were under attack so I sent a guard to check for anything suspicious in the woods." A girl said "Do you need a doctor?"
I felt my head for any injuries. I hissed in pain when I touched the side. When I brought my hand down it was covered in blood.
"Umm...I think I hurt my head." I said
"Yeah, hitting your head will do that to people. Just walk it off." The girl who asked if I needed a doctor said.
"I think I will die from blood loss. That also happens when you get hit and bleed" I said sarcastically
She looked at me strangely for a while. It was making me uncomfortable. So a laid on my side and posed for her to make her uncomfortable as well. It must have worked because she looked confused.
"Who are you?" She asked
"I have no idea" I said "I don't know where I am or who any of you are."
"Hmm...You must have gotten amnesia when you fell off the horse" she concluded
I debated whether to tell her that I have reincarnated from another world. On one hand she might know what happened to me. On another, she might think I'm crazy and put me in the loony bin. I decided not to tell them because the main characters in renarnation stories never tell the people around them who they really are, so I won't either.
"We need to get to the castle and figure out how to heal you" the girl said
"This is really bad. If anyone finds out then the whole city will go into a panic." A guy said
"It'll be worst if Hero never regains his memories. He IS the hero after all" another girl said
"Hold on. Back up." I said "Hero? Me?"
"Yes. You. You're the hero who fights monsters and saves people" alone guy said.
Well Fu-(beep)!!!