
The Luna Of Pearl and Silver

Cain have been sent, by the village elders to go search for their missing Luna and bring her back,as soon as possible because the fate of the pack was in her hands. But how easy could it be when he gets there and discovers that the Luna, is his mate and worse, her wolf side was magically tied up? How will she be able to help her people in danger with no power?

Ifeanyi_Deborah · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

"You are a very good student of this school Annabelle. This is why I've overlooked your mistake, and only gave you mere punishment. An extra two years in the school. If you ask me that's way better than prison, where you should have been for your crime" Mrs Blackwood finished, not even looking up from her phone the whole time she was talking.

"But Mrs Blackwood....." I began

"Now Miss Snows, you should be grateful that we didn't involve the Law in the first place. Shouldn't you?" The Old principal said with a cold smile, finally looking up at me

"Of course Mrs Blackwood. I'm very grateful for that. I really appreciate" I mumbled with a hidden hint of sarcasm. The only reason the woman didn't involve the Law was to ensure that I was never out of her sight.

"Atta girl. Now run along. I have things to do, other than listening to you whine about your unfortunate situation"

With a sigh, I turned to leave the room.

When I came in here, I didn't expect for a moment that the principal would grant her request. I knew I was asking for an impossible favor.

Well looks like I'm stuck here for another two years

"Annabelle" Mrs Blackwood called, making me stop on my way out. "You are a very special girl, trust me on that. You are unique in ways you can't imagine. And your difference is the beauty of you"

Grateful that she could not see my reaction, I rolled my eyes in disgust.

_Special my ass_

All my differences have brought me were suffering and all sorts of pains. Without another word, and not waiting for the principal to start a speech on how unique I am, and how I'm meant for greatness, I opened the door and rushed out, to see my best friend waiting for me.

"Well, how did it go? What did she say?" Rose asked Shaking my shoulders.

"Uhmm...Rose? I'm very sure that the Principal can hear you." I said, "so how about you quiet down? Let's get to my room first "

Rose nodded and we turned to leave, freezing instantly when I saw the three girls approaching us

"Uh oh..." Rose muttered, folding her arms. "It's Muss devil and her minions"

I gave her an admonishing glare as Rachelle and her little crew approached us with a mischievous smile.

"Well well well, if it isn't the town weirdo" Rachelle sneered, stopping a few feats before me. It's always a shame that someone so pretty could be this shallow.

Till now, I still can't understand what I did to Rachelle to deserve the amount of hostility she dishes out to me on a regular basis.

"We are in a hurry Rachelle" Rose said, grabbing my arm. "So take your two clowns with you and look for someone else to bully. Since you have nothing reasonable to do with your time"

I hid a smile as the two girls behind fumed in anger, but didn't say a word. Clowns indeed.

"Stay out of this Rose. Since when did you become this freak's bodyguard?"

"You don't have to be shocked that not everyone is as stupid as you are Ray." Rose retorted and Rachelle did a double take. "Because here's the thing, Ann is my friend. You are very silly if you think I'm gonna let you bully her in my presence. You should focus on improving your school grades"

"You bitch!" Rachelle said, raising her arms to hit Rose. But even before Rose could dodge it, my palm was holding Rachelle's wrist and squeezing it tightly.

She turned to look at me, face and eyes very red.

"Let me go, you psycho human being" She stuttered, struggling to get her hand out of my hold, but I held on tighter trying my best to hold in the anger that was already rising inside me.

I hate violence.

"You heard Rose. We don't have time for your bullshit at the moment Rachel. And honestly I'm not in the mood to receive your insults that are results of your insecurities" I said and dropped her arms.

Rachelle's eyes grew wide and she opened her mouth and closed it again, obviously taken aback. I've never said a word to her before, but I really wasn't in the mood for her crap.

"Let's go Rose"

Rose gave the trio a grin before she followed me down the hall .


"So does that mean you are staying here for another two years?" Rose questioned, after I told her the result of my visitation to the Principal's office earlier.

"Yes, I guess so" I replied with a shrug and she frowned deeply. "I mean, she was right. I really should be more grateful. Two extra years is better than jail. I've been serving all my life, I can serve for another two years"

"Annabelle, listen to me. This isn't right and you know it. You are an adult, you should be free. This is bullshit"

"Rose, someone died. An innocent student died by my hands. I repeat, staying here for two more years is way better than going to jail. I'm grateful that the Principal didn't involve the Law, honestly" I said, hoping that Rose would understand.

What I want in this situation doesn't matter. The Principal have been amazing since I got here

Feeding, sheltering and clothing me. I had to be grateful for what I have. I stared at the wall of my room. An abandoned room in the basement when I got here, that I had turned into a comfy lil home over the years

"Someone died. But it wasn't your fault Annabelle. It was an accident, remember? Why would she blame you for that?" Rose asked again, shaking her head.

Only, it was not an accident, and I wasn't going to tell anyone that, not even my best friend.

Joan's death was not an accident. I had dragged her down that hall myself, beat her up myself and pushed her down the window with my own hands.

Even now, I could still recall the look in her eyes, the moment she knew the fate that awaited her. That look had haunted my dream for months. A hopeless look.

I shudder at the memory and shake my head a little. Whatever happened that day, was what I'd love to find out. That wasn't me. I have never ever in my life been violent. In fact I despised it.

But that night, it felt like another being entirely was controlling me. That rage, the burning anger I felt was something I've never felt before. And since that night, it has always been there, deep down waiting to break free.

"It's okay though Rose. Don't worry about me. It's just two years, I'll be fine"

"I've been wondering...." Rose came to sit beside me on the bed "Why is the principal insisting on keeping you here? It just does not make any sense."

I've wondered the same thing too. But not just that, why did she cover for me, when she obviously knew that Joan's death wasn't an accident.

"I have no idea," I responded. But then I recalled what she told me that night

_"What you are is one of a kind Annabelle. You are different and should be treated with a certain amount of care"_

What had she meant by "What I am?".

I turned to stare at my reflection in the little mirror beside my bed. My eyes were something that caused whispers in the school for months after I got here.

The different coloured eyes... blue and green is a very rare occurrence but not impossible, according to Mrs Blackwood.

And then, my strength and speed, which no one around me has ever possessed too.

The rage, the voices in my head since I turned eighteen. The different mood that comes, every full moon.

That wasn't usual or a coincidence. There had to be a mystery behind it.

A knock came at the door, interrupting my thoughts.

"Annabelle Snow, you are wanted in the Principal's office" Someone said from the door, and I heard retracing footsteps.

Principal's office?

Rose's brows lifted a little. "Do you think she has thought about and finally decided to pardon you?"

I scoffed. That's very unlikely.

"Guess I have to go find out."

"Yeah, I'm going with you...let's go"