
The Luna Of Pearl and Silver

Cain have been sent, by the village elders to go search for their missing Luna and bring her back,as soon as possible because the fate of the pack was in her hands. But how easy could it be when he gets there and discovers that the Luna, is his mate and worse, her wolf side was magically tied up? How will she be able to help her people in danger with no power?

Ifeanyi_Deborah · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

How can the late Alpha's daughter still be alive? Everyone in the family was brutally murdered by the hunters and they had carefully searched for injured ones before they left.

If she was alive, how on earth did they miss her? And where has she been?

"I know, it comes as a shock right?" Mary, another woman in the council, spoke up gently for the first time.

I just nodded in response, honestly not knowing what to say.

"We were shocked too when Esther told us," Kai added, shaking his head. "It sounds impossible. But then the moment we saw her picture, we couldn't deny the fact anymore. She is a splitting image of her mother"

"You saw her picture?" I asked with a frown.

"I'm a witch Boy, I came up with her picture myself, and her location too"

"Okay wait wait,"I said, throwing his hands up. all these is crazy

"This is unbelievable first of all. Then secondly, what has that got With me? No offense but what exactly does the council want from me?"

Joseph glanced at Esther and gave her a little nod.

"Well, Beta...I also discovered something else important. Obviously our Luna has no idea who she is, so we have to find her. The fate of the entire pack lies in her hand" Esther explained and paused a little, taking in his expression.

"And the person who has to go get her is you"

I blinked at the old woman and shook my head.

"Why me though? Why not send one of the soldiers?"

"I'll let you see for yourself, the reason I chose you." Esther said, then waved to one of the soldiers in the office, and he brought a plate of water to her

I watched as she took the place with her frail hands and placed it carefully before him.

"Look closely child, you will know once you see" She whispered as she stirred the water with a finger.

I watched closer as the water changed into a blurry image, before the picture of a girl appeared on the plate.

For a very short moment, I almost thought it was the late Luna, except this lady here was younger and her green eyes were just like that of the late Alpha's. She looked lost, and sad.

I felt a purr rising from his chest, but I ignored it, still staring at the image dumbfounded.

The purr kept rising, and I could feel tingles all over his skin.

"MATE!" My wolf roared in his head and I threw his head back and laughed humorlessly, because you've got to be kidding me.

"Oh Hell No" I muttered and turned to look at the elders that were now observing me carefully.

"Fucking shit!" I muttered again, running my palm across his face.

"I know it's a shock, Cain. But, we thought there is no one better to convince her but her mate" Aurora said

"Well this is a shock. Just a few hours ago Nana was telling him about marriage, and now I discovered that my mate is the Pack's Luna. Wow, Grand ma would be fucking thrilled.

"We don't have much time left. We have to get to her first. We must make sure that those hunters won't discover that she's alive, they have their way of getting information" Joseph said in a low whisper.

"That's right. Obviously she doesn't know who she is, or where she's from so it will be a lot of work. But you have to get to her first Cain".

"Wait a minute. Hollup. Y'all can't just heap this on me and expect me to put on my Krypton Ammo immediately to go save the missing princess. I need to think about it"

"There's no time to think Beta" Kai roared, slapping a palm on the table and I almost jumped.

"We don't have time for you to think, you have to get there fast."

"Calm down Kai" Mary said "The poor boy has a point "

"He's not a child, Mary, he knows damn well the dangers we face. So maybe he should think about those hunters getting to his Mate first and killing her before he gets there"

A roar tore out of my lips at the thought of my mate in danger. No one touches her.

Aurora nodded with a smile

"I'm glad that this has to be you. You are the bravest and strongest Beta I've ever seen in my years of living. You will do a great job I'm sure. Just do what's needed, Cain. A lot is at stake here"

"Okay, so what do I have to do?"

"Atta boy" Joseph grinned, slapping my back.

"Esther please fill him in"

"On it. Now Cain, Luna's location is in a missionary school in Florida. We have no idea how she got there and for now we don't care. You are to locate her and bring her back as soon as possible " Esther explained

"Yeah sure, that would be easy as fuck" I murmured but Esther ignored me

"I'm sure you will face lots of dangers on the way, because the Hunters will surely know of her existence soon. So I made a protection charm for you and her. It will protect you" She said and dug out two bracelets made from sea shells from her pocket.

"Thank you Esther," I said, taking them from her.

"When do I leave?"

"Now" Kai said and I frowned.

"I'll have to go talk to Nana and say goodbye to her then."

"That won't be a problem, I will speak to Jane. You have to leave as soon as possible" Aurora said with a very serious expression.

"Oh my God. She's gonna be so worried . Won't I pack my clothes too?"

"Don't worry about that love"

I groaned as Lora waltzed into the office with a bag in her hand. "I already did that for you"

Lora was Aurora's daughter and my ex girlfriend, before she got claimed by her mate and broke my heart

"Hello Lora"I greeted standing up to give her a hug

"Hello there stranger. Your things are all packed, momma spoke to me about what was going on" She said placing the black bag on the table

"What will your husband say, knowing that you were digging around another man's stuff Lora. Don't you have any respect for privacy, young lady?"

Lora rolled her eyes and moved to hug her mother.

"You know you need me to do some stuff for you before your mate gets here. Everything is there , toothbrush, towel, clothes, underwear and most importantly, your books"

I gave her a grin

"You know me so well darling "

"That I do".

"So now you have everything ready " Aurora said interrupting them and frowning at her daughter "I think it's best you be on your way. don't worry about Jane, I'm sure Lora and Anthony would love to take good care of her "

"This doesn't make sense please. I still have to freshen up . Just give me a few hours, and I'll be on my way"

"But....." Kai started

"Now Kai, you don't expect him to go without a shower do you?" Mary said placing her hand on Kai's back and he gave her a sweep frown

"You can go get ready young warrior. Talk to your Nana if you need to. Just don't waste much time" Mary said again and I thanked her.

"I'll be on my way soon. Esther text me the exact address now. I promise that I won't fail you all and I won't fail this pack"

"We know you won't Beta" Aurora responded with a smile. "You were chosen for a reason "

And with that i exited the room, leaving them alone.