
The Luna Bond

LunaNightShade2023 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter Five: Betrayal and Heartbreak

The Manor was completely quiet. I guess that meant that everyone had went to bed already. I would have to apologize to Xavier for disappearing like that. I smile down at the ring on my finger. He was my pair bond but there had always been a connection to him. I shake my head at my sappy thoughts. I freeze mid-step outside of Dad's office as I heard voices coming from it.

"Well, it seems to me that your plan is right on track." That was Dad's voice. Who was he talking to?

"By this time next week Astra and I will be married, and her power will be mine. Then I can finish what your wife's brother started." Xavier? A pit forms in my stomach. What was he saying? Uncle Gus? But he had killed the Lycan Prince's Mate...My hands began to tremble slightly.

"How did you even come across the bounty from The Blood Moon Pack." I hear Xavier chuckle darkly.

"They are my dead Pair bonds family after all, and they have a very powerful supporter backing them. That wants the Heir to The Lycan throne destroyed. And with him stuck in his wolf form for the last six months Kiran doesn't stand a chance." My heart stopped as I cover my mouth.

At the time I had never put two and two together until this very moment...The Lycan Prince and the man I had been dreaming about..They were the same person. Tears burned my vision. This was the man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with? Someone who was talking about aliening with someone to start a war between the races?

Anger was boiling up inside of me. They were going to put my people and my family in danger! Rage swirled in my chest, and I was about to bust the door down when the next words made my blood run cold.

"Our Deal still stands. Astra dies?" Dad? Tears burned my vision, and I felt my heart break. I loved my father and I had done nothing but be an obedient daughter. I did what was asked of me and more!

Xavier chuckles lightly.

"You are so cold to your own daughter Vance." Vance scoffs.

"She isn't my blood. Amira was already pregnant when we got married. She refused to tell me who the father was. But I can't sit and pretend to be her father anymore! She is making my children soft hearted cowards." I blink trying to clear my vision. She had lied to me..my whole life...

'ASTRA RUN! We will be fine! You aren't safe!' My head snaps around and Twins stood five feet behind me with shocked expressions. Aros held is hand out behind him and I watched shocked as a shimmering Portal appeared. I quietly ran to my brothers hugging them tightly fighting to keep my sobs inside.

'I'm coming back for you guys. I swear it.' Vince shakes his head and shoves me through the portal.

I stumble out the other side and land flat on my face. I let out a pained groan and lift myself up sitting on my knees. I glance around. I was in a wooded area that I knew all to well.

The Forest of the Fae. It was only called this because of The Great Massacre that happened here over a century ago. Hundreds of Fae were slaughter here. I inhale a deep breath. Grams and Grandpa Fletcher lived in a Manor out here. Well, half of the time. No one knew where the place was, and it was cloaked so No one could find it.

"Your Grams was wondering who portaled here. I'm not surprised to find out it was you." I let out a sob as I turn around and Grandpa Fletcher stood there.

His tall, slender frame was the first thing that I saw. Then was his deathly pale skin. I smile at his white long hair and matching white beard. His ruby eyes stare down at me. Worry etched into his perfect features.

"Grandpa. I'm in trouble." He sighs loudly and in one swift movement I was in his arms. The blood drained from my face, and I squeeze my eyes shut. I hated when he ran with me!

Grandpa Fletcher wasn't my mother's father. He was my Grams's second Husband and her Pair Bond. I never knew my Mother's Father and I was glad that I didn't. He was a cruel man from what I was told.

Grandpa had gone completely still, and I let out the breath I didn't know that I was holding, He gently sets me down on to my feet. I glance around and we were already inside they little manor.

Aryn and Grams sat on the sofa with worried expressions on their faces. Grams frowns as she looks at me.

"What did you do now?" I sniffle as tears burn my vision. Grams looks shocked before standing up and rushing toward me. She wraps her arms around me, and I take in her rosemary scent.

Grams looked like an older version of mom. But she was gentle and warm where my mother was hard and cold. I sobbed into her shoulder I wasn't sure how long I stayed there and cried. But Aryn had gotten up and wrapped herself from me from behind.

I could smell that someone was cooking...Grandpa Fletcher was making food. He did that when he was stressed out. Grams strokes my hair gently. I pull away and step out of both her and Aryn's hold. I knew that once what I heard was said again that there was no going back and I had already made up my mind about going to The Lycan King and Queen so that I could warn them about what was going to happen.

But right now I needed some answers of my own and Grams was going to tell me whether she liked it or not!

"Come on let's all go into the Kitchen and we can eat and talk." I nod my head at Grams and Aryn surprises me as she takes my hand holding it firmly in hers as we make our way to the kitchen. I huff a small laugh as I look at the table.

Grandpa had sat down steaks and homemade mashed potatoes. There was brown gravy and even green beans with bacon. I shake my head as Grandpa sets down a bottle of wine. I cut my eyes at Aryn as I sit down. Aryn rolls her eyes. She knew that I would get her little butt if she tried to drink that wine.

Grandpa makes plates and sets one in front of each of us. I knew that something else was going on.

"What's going on? You looked worried when I came in." Aryn inhales a sharp breath and takes a sip of her water.

"It has come to my attention that your sister's Pair Bond isn't just any fae. He's Fae Royality. The Young King of The Light Fae to be exact." I choke on my own spit as I eye Aryn curiously. She hadn't mentioned that little detail to me.

"What's the problem with that?" Aryn huffs.

"Other than the fact that once our parents find out that they will try to use that to their advantage?"

"What do you mean by that?" Aryn raises both her eyebrows at me as if to say

"Really? "I mean even you have had us all keep some of our abilities a secret from them. Because I think deep down you know that they would use it to their advantage." That wasn't why I had made them to keep it a secret, I didn't want outsiders to find out and assume that any of us were a threat.

But after tonight I wasn't so sure about them not using something to their advantage anymore...

"I have to tell you guys something."

So I sat there and explained everything that I had heard that day even what Victor was saying repeatedly in the Library. As much as it hurt to hear that a guy that I was falling in love with was going to kill me and that the man that raised me wanted it down...I felt completely numb to it.

I knew that I didn't look anything like my siblings or even my parents. I guess in some way I should have known but I didn't. Aryn Sat there silently staring back and forth between Grams and Grandpa.

"We have to tell her Love. We promised if she ever came to us asking questions...and with the fact that Vance wants her dead. She needs to know everything." My eyes widen as I stare at them. So they knew...Aryn moves over to the seat next to me and takes my hand underneath the table.

"I'm right here Big sister!" I smile sadly at her. Aryn was a good kid. But I knew that she was hurting too now...Her Father was a monster trying to have me killed and start a war with Xavier. Grams grumbles out a sigh and shoves away from the table and makes her way over to her herb cabinet pulling something from it. She sits back down and slides it over to me.

It was photo of my mother. She was pregnant but the man standing next her wasn't Vance. The man standing next to her shared the same silvery hair as me. The same nose and the same mouth shape. He was slightly muscular and a towering six-two.

He was smiling and had a hand on my mother's belly.

"This is Xander Nightshade. He is your father. He was a wolf shifter a powerful one at that. And your mother was his mate" My heart stopped for a fraction of a second and then my stomach begins to ache as my heart felt like it was being stabbed. This man was my father...where was he then? Aryn gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Where is h-he?" My voice broke at the end. I hadn't meant it to, but it did. Grams gives me a sad look.

"Your Mother banished him to the spirit realm. She was convinced that he murdered three witches from her Coven. But there was no telling her, and she even refused to listen to the Mate bond. Mates can't lie to each other..." I inhale a shaky breath as Grams became blurry.

She'd taken my father from me...She had to have known the truth that he didn't do it, but she still decided to get rid of him. How could she be so cruel...It didn't make any sense.

"Grams that doesn't make any sense...If mom had a mate and could tell if he was lying then she could have proved him innocent." My head snaps in Aryn's direction.

Grams lets out a clipped sigh and glances at Grandpa Fletcher almost asking for his help. Grandpa grumbles and shakes his head.

"It's because someone else said that they saw him do it and your mother has an unwavering sense of responsibility to her coven and is too trusting of her own people for her own good...We tried to make it to your father in time, but we were just too late." The tears feel freely now. SHE was a monster!!! She turned on her own mate. The person she could have trusted completely and without fail!

"That's why she is the way she is isn't it?" My chest ached at Aryn's question. It did explain a lot.

"Yes, sweet girl I'm afraid so. I am so sorry. To the both of you for her behavior. There isn't an excuse for it...Now I want to talk about this Xavier." I flinch at the sound of his name and slowly pull my hand from Aryn's grip. I place my hand of the table. Grams curses under her breath and takes my hand pulling it closer to her so she can get a better look at the ring.

"It was clever of him to use the mistletoe. It will dampen your powers and you cant remove it..." Grams begins muttering to herself and staring at the ring. Anger flashes in her eyes and she growls. I arch an eyebrow at her. Grams was usually so calm and collected about things.

"What? What's wrong?" Grams narrows her eyes at me and laughs bitterly.

"It can only be removed when you and your pair bond share a kiss." The air left my lungs. The room spun. why would he do something so cruel to me? Why would he put this thing on me knowing that it could never be taken off?

"I'll rip his throat out!" I couldn't stop myself from sputtering out a laugh. My mind went to Forest green eyes and then I blink several times coming back into focus.

"We need to figure out who he is working for and why they want the Lycan prince dead and why they think that he isn't so deadly in his wolf form." I shiver at her words and shake my head slowly and could feel my eyebrows crease...Why would they think that?!

There was only one thing that I could think of.

"He's stuck in his wolf form because he's grieving the loss of his mate. And worse his been stuck like that for six months now which means his wolf has most of the control. Most Lycans can withstand Wolfs bane. But not if he can't shift back because he's not in control."

Grams eyes widen. Grandpa was already on his feet and pacing back and forth.

"I'm going to make a few phone calls and see if I can get in touch with someone who knows The Royal Family. They need to be warned." I nod at him, and Aryn inhales a shaky breath.

"I have to go. Ryder is coming and can't come inside because of the wards." I hug my sister tighter.

"Don't go back to the manor. Make sure that you stay with your pair bond." She lets out a small sob and nods. I watch her leave the room and I could hear the front open close.

Sighing I look back up at Grams. She furrows her brow and sighs heavily.

"Come with me. I have a few things that I feel like we should talk about privately. Without your grandfather's super hearing." I snort and stand up and follow my Grams down to her basement office. Vampires couldn't hear very well underground. The whole Earth thing. They hated being underground. Grams used that to her advantage when she needed to get away from Grandpa.

The smell of herbs enters my air ways. I smile. It calmed me. I felt my body relax. I sit down on Grams's overly long sofa and she sat down at her desk. She was muttering to herself again.

"Can you still communicate with your siblings?" I arch an eyebrow at her curiously.

"How do you know about that?" Grams chuckles and shakes her head.

"It's because of the wolf blood in you. It's called a Mind-link. It happened when you bonded with them for the first time. When you started taking care of them." Both my eyebrows shoot up. WHAT?! So, it wasn't just a random witch ability? It was because of me?

"I mean I've never tried it this far before, but I might be able to." Grams nods and just stares at me...

"OH! You want m-"I inhale a deep breath and close my eyes.

'Aros? Vince?' I open my eyes and glance at Grams. I shrug my shoulders.

'DON'T come home! Everyone is freaking out and looking for you! Dad is livid. We took Victor and Victoria to Aunt Cas. But we are here! We will keep you updated.'

'Xavier is freaking out. He said the plan won't work if you're not with him.' My eyes widen as I look at Grams.

"What? What did they say?" I inhale a rigid breath at the fear of my siblings being in danger. They were my weak point. But maybe Vance would protect them. They were his blood after all.

"Aros and Vance moved Victor and Victoria to Aunt Cas's. They said that Xavier is saying that the plan wont work without me there." Grams curses and stands up walking over to her bookshelf and starts rummaging through the books.

"He wants to absorb your powers to amplifies his." My eyes widen remembering that Mom had half of my powers stored away...It meant that Xavier had access to some of my magic.

"Grams! Mom has half of my magic stored away at The Coven House and Vance knows about it." Grams lets out a frustrated scream and grabs a thick book and walking over to me.

She sits down and opens it up. The pages were cut out and items lay inside, my eyes widen. They were power stones set in jewelry. What in Goddess name was she stock piling this for?

"I'm giving you these for an emergency. They each have one good use in them. I want you protected, and you are going to need it." I gasp a little surprised as Grams puts an emerald amulet around my neck. An amethyst bracelet around my wrist and two fire stone rings on my right hand.

"Thank you, Grams." She wraps her arms around me tightly.

"I love you little moon." I bury my face into her collarbone. She pats my back gently and then pulls away giving me a smile.