
The Luna Bond

LunaNightShade2023 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Four: A Second Chance...or Not.

It had been a week since Xavier arrived and confessed his intentions to me and to my surprise it didn't stop there. I would wake up to notes magically appearing on my pillow saying good morning. To vases of flowers just appearing out of thin air wherever I was.

Aryn was even bugging me about giving him a chance. I had decided the best thing I could do was stay busy and stay away from him for a while. I needed time to think and being around him and his sweet gestures would only confuse me.

I sat with my feet in the lake staring up at the waterfall. I usually have to sneak out here when no one was paying attention. But everyone seemed so busy trying to impress our guests that they barely noticed me at all.

"I figured that I would find you here." I mentally curse at the sound of Xavier's voice..Damn it! I was doing my best to avoid this conversation. I didn't look back at him. Maybe he would leave me alone. No such luck though. He sat down right next to me sticking his feet into the water.

"You've been avoiding me..Is there some one else." My eyes widen as I look up at him.

"No. Why would you even ask me that?" Xavier chuckles and shrugs his shoulders.

"Because Astra you're beautiful and guys just stop to stare at you when you walk into a room." I roll my eyes.

"Liar." He arches an eyebrow at me and smiles curiously.

"Really you don't notice it?" I look down at my feet and move them back and forth in the water.

"Hey look at me." I peek up at him and I froze he was leaning so close that our faces were inches apart. my eyes flickered to his lips, and this made him smile.

"I'm afraid that I'm not who you think I am." The words just flew out of my mouth before I could stop them causing me to blush. Xavier cups my cheek and smiles gently.

"You are you and that is all that matters to me." My heart jumped to my throat as Xavier's lips pressed against mine. My whole body flamed at the contact and my mind turned to puddy. My body leaned closer, and I grabbed the front of his shirt pulling him closer to me and his mouth moved on mine.

Xavier smiles against my lips causing me to pull away and give him a confused look.

"You've gotten better at kissing." I roll my eyes and shove him lightly.

"Okay, mood's over." He laughs harder this time. Then snags me around the waist pulling me to his side.

Another week passed and there I was puddy in his hands again. I was humming softly as I made Victor a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Strong arms wrap around my waist from behind causing me to smile as lips press against the back of my head.

"Well, Good Morning beautiful." I snort and cut the sandwich in half and place it in front of Victor who is glaring at Xavier. I turn around in his arms and wrap mine around his neck smiling up at him.

"Good Morning." He chuckles and kisses my forehead before leaning down to my ear.

"I can't wait until I wake up with you in arms." Blush consumes my body. He was saying that a lot lately. But I didn't mind it. For once I was happy. Xavier groans and let's go of my waist. I drop my arms from him just in time. My parents enter the room. They looked between Xavier, and I smiled. Xavier was weird about being affectionate in front of my parents. So, we stayed a safe distance apart when they were in the room.

"So are we going to be planning a wedding soon or not?" I openly gawk at my father. Why did he have to be so blunt all the time?!! When I didn't comment the whole room fell silent and Mom smiled at me.

"Astra. You didn't object this time..." I shrug my shoulders only to have Xavier turn me around so that I could face him. He was smiling and his eyes glowed a little.

"Are you saying yes?!" I sputter out a giggle. It was cute that he was so excited.

"I guess I am." I gasp as Xavier grabs my face and kisses me. So much for distance. I couldn't help but giggle. Xavier takes my hand and places a simple black band on my ring finger. I couldn't help but beam up at him.

Witches had a thing with black. But this ring I didn't mind because it was from him/

"I have to call my parent and let them know that you said yes." I smile and watch him leave the room. I shake my head a little and turn toward my parents who were both smiling. But I noticed that Victor was frowning and didn't touch his sandwich. I huff a sigh and make my way upstairs. Aryn would just love this.

I knock on her door softly and slowly open it. Shee stood in the middle of the room. Her breathing was coming out in shallow pants and then she let out a pained cry. SHIT! I rush forward grabbing a hold of her as her legs gave out from under her. She clung to me for dear life and tried to slow her breathing.

I waited a good twenty minutes, once i knew that she was calmed down I pull her away from me. Her face was pale, and she looked scared.

"What did you see just now?" She inhales a rigid breath.

"I have to leave." Both my eyebrows shoot up. Leave? What did she mean by leave? Why would she leave?

"What are you talking Airy? Why do you have to leave?" She shakes her head and then hugs me again.

"Because my pair bond is hurt and needs me." My heart ached at the thought of my seventeen-year-old little sister leaving home and going off on her own. But there was one thing that we all could do that gave me peace of mind, we could communicate with each kind of like a mind-link that werewolves can. No matter how far they went. I don't know why we had this ability, but we did, and I was grateful for it.

"Listen to me. Tell Mom that you are visiting Grams. Tell her that you want to learn poisons. She will buy it. When you get to Grams explain everything and she will understand." Aryn nods and lets out a clipped laugh.

"Why do I have a feeling all the times that you have visited Grams that it was just an excuse to get away from her." I shrug. Well, I wasn't about to deny it. It was the truth. I could relax when I was with Grams and didn't have to worry about anyone else but myself for a little while.

"Be safe little sister."

** ** ** **

Aryn was gone by the end of the day and it seemed like The Twins were avoiding me. I couldn't find them anywhere and I was worried that they were off somewhere causing trouble.

'Vince, Aros where are you two?' I waited about five minutes and neither one of them responded.

'Do NOT make me use a locator spell!'

'Calm down. We are in the library.' I smirk at Vince's defeated tone. Thats what I thought. I make my way through the Manor and down toward the basement where The Twins's library was. Yep, you heard correctly. The Twins had their own library.

I open the door and Victor was playing in a corner with his toys. I arch an confused eyebrow at him. Since when did the twins let him down here?

"Why are you hiding down here?" Vince looks up from his book and frowns.

"Dad's acting weird. Victor went to ask a question and he snapped, telling him to go away. So, we came down here so that Victor could play and not be yelled at." Weird. Dad yelled? That was strange he was usually levelheaded and patient.

"Daddy's thoughts were bad. He wants to hurt someone." I turn my attention to Victor. He wasn't looking at me when he spoke. He was just playing. I don't think he realized that he had said it out loud.

Aros growls out a sigh.

"He's said that five times now. Poor kid." Sighing I wave my hand to move a chair and nothing happened. My eyebrows draw together and my eyes narrow. That was weird. I try to pull at my magic, and I can feel it but for some reason I can't reach it. What was going on with my magic?! I wasn't going to panic because once a month on the new moon my magic did this. But I didn't think that The New Moon was tonight...How weird.

"What's wrong?" I blink and look up at Aros and shake my head.

"Nothing. Oh I almost forgot I said yes to Xavier's proposal." Aros makes face but it was Vince who looked surprised.

" "What about the guy you've been dreaming about?" Both my eyebrows shoot up! How in Goddess name did he know about that?! I hadn't told anyone and I made sure that my mind block was up at all times the last six months!

"How do you know about that?!" Aros chuckles and shakes his head.

"Because you projected it while it was happening! We may have put our blocks up but we know its been happening for a while." I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose. So they have all seen it...I run my fingers through my hair roughly and look around the room.

"Don't worry we haven't said anything. We can tell that it freaks you out." I nod and let out a long sigh. What was I going to do with them? They were all good kids no thanks to our parents.

I stayed down in the library with the boys and even had Sophie bring dinner down to us. Victor perked up after dinner and had me read to him. I shake my head as the shoves another book at me. It was going on eleven and this kid was still awake.

I made a pallet on the floor and cuddled close to him as read him yet another book. Then at the last page soft snores filled my ears. I glance down at my baby brother and smile. I slowly untangle myself from him and quietly leave the library. The twins were passed out in their chairs.