
Chapter 4

It is time for all the workers at our department to go home. As I am packing up my things and all the documents for me to continue at home, then I heard Adrian is in the bad mood as he hit his table harshly. "Why? Do you need help?" I ask as his table is messy and I really can't help but to offer a help. "Nora can you drive me home?" he ask while putting his hand on his stomach. I run towards him to see what happened and I'm super shock as he is sweating a lot. I take out handkerchief from my beg and wipe his sweat. "All right but before that I'll organized your table, ok?" and quickly putting his things on the rack. I ask about his car and he answer just let it leave here and tomorrow he just take a ride from me. I just agree and pick up his things and bring him to my car. It took us 17 minutes for us to arrive at our condo. He asked me to buy him a porridge and mineral water at the "MCDONALD" so I at the same time buy for my dinner. As I left condo to help him to go up with his things, I drive to there using the drive-thru service.

After that, I go to the super market to buy some groceries things so that it's easy for me to cook on our off-day. As I'm picking up some veggies, I realized that someone was following me from the steps I went out from my car. "Don't make crazy things happen now, I am on my period," I said it to myself. I keep on making it innocent by putting up things on my trolley. I am still nervous and realized that my hand is shaking but not because of cold at the super market, so I rushing paid and end up using one hundreds and fifty dollars from my allowance credit card. I whimpered and that guy disappear after I paid my things. Arrived at the condo, I bring all the 3 recycled-bag that is full all alone and the food that I brought just now all alone. I enter the door-pin and was shocked that Adrian is lying down at the sofa so I guess he is starving to death. I run in quickly put the things on the kitchen table and rushing to the cabinet to put the key on the table. "Um, Adrian, sorry I'm late but I already prepared the food for you, let's go eat," I invite him. He walked stagger and slow.

At 7.00 o'clock, we arrived at our office lot and bring his thing for him. We went in and he seat at his desk which is in the front of all of us and rest his head on it. He act weirdly from yesterday. I walk towards him to ask why but then our directors say that we must go to the place where we've got the location that the guy killed as he leave trace at the case happened. "Ah I see, perhaps he might leave it incidentally and that is really the best evidence we have got so far". That reject my intentions to go to him and pack up the things I needed later for investigating it. He seems weak as yesterday but it seems like he hide it. All he do is just smiling and talk the important things like "Ok, Nora lets go there," that's all he said. As we go there, it was empty and well of course it a false lead. After we check the surrounding, we guarantee that the psycho really fool us with this, so we go back at our office. As soon as we arrived, Adrian straight away when to the toilet running. "We rarely see him like this, what's wrong?" Detective Meissa curious.