
Chapter 3

As we opened up the file, a new text up at my phone saying that a new evidence have been found on the camera footage. "Capt, the camera footage of where Marilyn was murdered already found so here it is," as I clicked play and we see that the murderer is a guy at his 30th and it seems like the guy is related to Marilyn. I made some researched and scanned that the guy named is Andy. We decided to make a deep research about him. I was searching for his biodata while Adrian is taking water for both of us. I was in shocked as I found out that the guy named Andy had died 5 years ago due to high-blood pressure. "Capt, Andy, the guy that murdered Marilyn had died 5 years ago due to high-blood pressure. I assume that he must wear some kind of duplicate face mask using the death face," I said to him and another massage have come up. "Capt, I just got informed that Marilyn is still alive, so the dead must be someone else. This is giving me a head full mind," I left out a big sigh. "Don't stress out first, so we make plan first and then we will make it out later," and he pat my hair.

Today, we have got the test result from National Forensic Department. 'It is really true that the dead body is not Marilyn is her Girlfriend, in detailed they are 'Lesbian'. "So.. um, Capt this girl is the girlfriend of the dead body and we still need to make a warrant to search around their house. He just nodded and ask the girl to wait at the waiting room. He burst into laughing out loud "I have been holding the laugh since you say 'um' and it is very funny that you made your nervous face dear," and continue laughing. He put his head on my shoulder while patting my other shoulder and me, patting his head but laughing because of the funny incident just now. We forgot that we were at the National Forensic that they started to look at us at the very curious state and that's the moment we stopped and he took my hand and bring it to his back. "Um, can I see the result now?" he ask politely and he hand in the autopsy result to Adrian. "So you say that the murderer use needle to make her stop moving and kill her as soon as she refuse it with a fold knife and something is off here,"

I was walking towards Adrian and a girl push me to the wall and asked informally, "Is it true that Adrian is dating with you, prostitutes?" and raise her hand to slap me but Adrian ran towards us and stopped that bit*h hand. "Did you even call my 'girlfriend' prostitutes, isn't that yourself?" he asked back and let off that dirty hand harshly. He take my hand and and bring me to the pantries for a short-talk. "Listen Nora, starting from today onwards, you are my girlfriend!" and I just refuse it. "What the heck? seriously, you can't force me, Adrian!" I said fiercely. "Don't you think I'm blank about your rumors? You are still single because of your gay rumors right?" he teased me and I just rolled my eyes to him. "That's mean you accept it" he said and go back to his works. I sigh and make accidentally make a latte for me. "Shoot, why did I make this? I don't even drink latte," so I give it to Adrian as that is his favorite beverage and he just said thanks to me. "This is really making me crazy, I live at his house, I just do it but now this is over the line already, HIS GIRLFRIEND?!"