
The Lost Shard of Fate

Shortly after loosing her uncle and her home in a tragic fire incident, Hazel Troyanda finds herself facing severe charges in the Kragon kingdom. She had only been seeking refuge in a town near the border when she was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for attempted murder on the second prince of Kragon. With no means to defend herself and no evidence or witnesses to prove her innocence, Hazel has no choice but to serve her sentence. But five years down the line, the warden of the no-name prison strikes a deal with her. He offers to set her free, convinced that she's some heir to a very wealthy family in the kingdom of Algarve, in return, she has to reward him handsomely after she has claimed her rightful position. Hazel agrees despite the doubt about the warden's theory. Her goal is to find the person behind her family's demise and her false accusatory. On her search for the perpetrator, she comes across a claim on her as a supposed heir to the Algarve throne and a certain prince that turns her world upside down. He's the brother to the man Hazel has sworn to destroy and he would do anything for his family. Hazel has nothing to loose and is ready to chase after her revenge with everything she has, even if it means going against the royal family of Kragon. Will their oaths and beliefs turn against them as they transcend the path of undeniable attraction and romance, or will they betray their feelings and find their demise in revenge? ***Excerpt***

Arnaliva_Vale · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
51 Chs

Emphasis on duties.

Hazel stared wide-eyed, not even registering the tight grip around her neck or the prince's naked body against hers. She didn't even have the time to be surprised that her first instinct was to surrender instead of fighting back.

"Y–you…y–our…" she stammered, her voice shaking from both fear and shock. She couldn't formulate a complete sentence and her heartbeat was too loud.

"What. Are you doing here?" Leo snarled through clenched teeth, his chest heaving up and down as he was still reeling from the shock of his realistic dream.

Hazel's eyes were so wide that he could see the white all round, but he couldn't understand how the feisty woman was suddenly so fearful. He could feel her racing pulse under the hand around her neck and hear her pounding heart.

"You–your eyes," she managed to breathe out as her eyes darted between Leo's now red ones.