
The Lost Princess and the Power Stone

Kathena thought she was just a normal orphan living her dream of becoming a knight. Then the day came where everything she knew was turned upside down, leaving her to find a mysterious hidden kingdom across the Dead Sea to take what's called the power stone. Twists and turns test Kathena as she tries to discover who she is and save the hidden kingdom from others who will stop at nothing to take the stone.

Kaila_Ciesla · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter Two

Chapter 2

Kathena stood anxiously in front of the King and Queen, waiting as they spoke among themselves. "Kathena, we have a quest for you." she was surprised, as she thought for sure it was going to be something about her, you know, turning into a dragon. " A mission? what kind of mission?" 

"Well," the King started as he stood up, making his way towards her, " I'm sure you figured out you're not from this kingdom, but another across the Dead Sea." Kathena nodded.

" We need you to find the lost kingdom and retrieve the power stone." The queen answered impatiently.

"I'm sorry, I don't follow...a power stone? what is that?" Kathena said, questions quickly bubbling to the surface. 

It was the King that answered this time. " The power stone is what makes that kingdom flourish, giving the rulers powers to keep the peace and protect the kingdom." 

"Why would I take something that is protecting another kingdom? not to mention my home? I may not know much about where I'm from, but this can't be right." Kathena questioned, getting mad now. 

"Sweetie... you saw that battle today. There is only more to come. Worse battles where we lose more of our people, until there is no one left." The  Queen said, trying to put her at ease. 

"So?! why do you need a stone that doesn't belong to you?" 

"We just want to borrow it, show others that we are a force to be reckoned with, and then return it. Not to mention, the Dead Sea surrounds that kingdom. They are already protected."

"I-" Kathena started, but the king came up to her and knelt down.

"Please...we can't do this without you."

She sighed, trying to decide what she should do.

"I guess... I guess I can try. I will cross the Dead Sea, find my family, and ASK to borrow the stone." 

"Very well. We will make all the preparations. You leave at dawn." The Queen said, taking her leave.

The King looked at her and nodded gratefully, quickly following the Queen. Kathena was then escorted back to the knights quarters by the guards. 

Right as she laid down, her mother came to her side.

"Kathena, I heard about the quest. You need to be careful, there's so much you don't know..."

"Like what mum? I know the risks."

" Not all of them..." Kathena looked at her mother, confused. " Dear, the Dead Sea is dangerous yes, but you can't take that power stone."

"What? Why?" 

"It will drain the power of that kingdom...they will be defenseless. My guess is they are sending someone who will make sure you take that stone, and if you don't..." her mothers' voice faded and Kathena realized how much trouble she was really in.

"I'll protect them, keep them safe. I won't let anyone take the stone... I'll do whatever it takes to keep my kingdom safe." 

"I know you will. Just be careful." and with that her mother left, leaving Kathena with her thoughts. "What am I going to do?" was her last thought before drifting off to sleep.