
The Lost Legacy of Leon: From Ordinary Boy to Overpowered Demon King

Leon is a young boy who has lost all memory of his past. He lives a simple life in a small village, content with working as a farmer and going about his day-to-day routines. However, everything changes when he begins to experience strange and powerful abilities that he can't explain. One day, Leon meets a mysterious old man who reveals to him that he is actually the Demon King, an all-powerful being who has been dormant for centuries. The old man explains that Leon has been stripped of his memories and powers, but that they are now starting to return to him. At first, Leon is skeptical and refuses to believe the old man's claims. But as more and more of his powers start to manifest, he begins to realize that there may be some truth to what the old man is saying. He starts to see visions of a past life filled with war, destruction, and death. Leon is horrified by what he sees, and begins to question if he really is the Demon King and if he is capable of such atrocities. As Leon tries to come to terms with his true identity, he learns that there are forces in the world who are after him, seeking to use his powers for their own gain. He must navigate a dangerous and complex world filled with demons, sorcerers, and kingdoms vying for power. With the help of the old man, Leon sets out on a journey to regain his lost memories and understand the truth about his past. He meets new friends along the way, including a powerful sorceress and a demon prince, who help him on his quest. However, the more Leon learns about his past, the more he realizes that he may not be the hero he thought he was. He begins to see the demons he's fighting as individuals, not just mindless creatures, and he starts to question whether his actions were truly just. As Leon's journey comes to a close, he faces his greatest challenge yet: a final showdown with the demon prince who seeks to take over the demon kingdom and destroy the world. In the heat of battle, Leon must confront the truth about himself and make a choice. Will he continue to fight for what he believes is right, even if it means going against his own nature as the Demon King? Or will he succumb to his dark side and become the very thing he's fought against? In the end, Leon learns that he has the power to choose his own path, to be the hero or the villain. He decides to use his powers for good and to make amends for the mistakes of his past. He becomes a beacon of hope in a world torn apart by war and darkness, and the people come to see him not as the Demon King, but as a savior ------------------------------------- PS - Novel's Cover isn't mine This is my First Novel, Please Support me [A/N : This book is a work of fiction and all characters, events, and settings are imagined. Any similarities to actual people, places, or events are coincidental and not intended to be taken as real.]

Leon_Blair · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Demon King Revelation

Leon woke up feeling uninspired and unmotivated. He rubbed his tired eyes and looked at the clock, realizing he was already running late for school. He quickly got dressed, grabbed his bag and headed out the door.

Leon was a sophomore in high school who was an introvert and kept to himself most of the time. He was always wondering what his day would be like and if it would be interesting.

As he walked down the street, he saw an old man sitting on a bench. The old man was dressed in a long, dark cloak and had a strange, gnarled staff in his hand. He looked up as Leon walked by and called out to him. "Young man, I have a message for you," he said.

Leon stopped and looked at the old man, a little confused. "What message?" he asked.

The old man stood up, looking serious. "What am about to say is actually the truth and I'd like you to take this seriously " he said.

Leon Surprised said " O-okay"

The man looked around for anyone trying to eavesdrop and then he whispered "You are the Demon King"

'Demon King, and that's supposed to be serious? ' Leon thought

Leon laughed. "Come on, I don't have time for pranks" he said.

The old man didn't smile. "No, it's no joke. You are the Demon King, and you have a responsibility to your kingdom."

Leon rolled his eyes. "Sure, sure. I'm just a normal kid. I'm not the Demon King," he said, starting to walk away.

The old man grabbed his arm. "You don't understand. You are the Demon King. I have been searching for you for many years. You have the power to control the forces of darkness, to protect your kingdom from the evil that threatens it. You don't believe me because you don't remember,it seems you had lost memories of your true identity due to your encounter with "The Lost King "

Leon stared at the old man, feeling a little uneasy. The Lost King ? Was this for real? Or was the old man just crazy?

The old man let go of his arm. "I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise you, it's true. You have a duty to your kingdom, and you have to remember your role as the Demon King".

Leon shook his head. "Sorry, I can't help you. I have to get to school."

The old man nodded. "I understand. But please, just think about what I've said. Your kingdom needs you,Demon King Inferno."

'Inferno, seriously?' Leon thought while almost rolling his eyes. He nodded and quickly walked away, his mind spinning. What if the old man was right? What if he really was the Demon King? But how could that be possible? He was just a normal kid, wasn't he? Moreover Stuffs like that only happens in Fantasy Games, right?

As he walked to school, Leon thought about what the old man had said. It all seemed so crazy, but there was something about the old man's demeanor that made Leon think he was telling the truth.

When he got to school,As he was walking to his first class he saw a girl who he hadn't seen in the school before, he passed by her and he heard 'Found you'.

Leon was shocked,he looked back to confirm what she said but she was nowhere to be found. As he was rushing to class he didn't seem to think too much about it.


1st period came,Leon was still thinking about the man he had met earlier but his thought was cut short as he saw his teacher 'Mr Gallows' The History Teacher came in ,looking tired as always,as he was mysterious and quite strange,a girl was behind him,she was introduced by the teacher, and she said her name was Selena. Selena went over to Leon and sat in the vacant seat next to him.

'Wait, Has there always been a vacant seat there?'Leon puzzled, thought that there wasn't.

"Hey Leon, how've you been?" She said Smiling.

'C-cute' "H-Hi"Leon Said.

"D-Do I know you by any chance?" He asked.

"Don't you remember?,we went to summer camp when we were kids"said Selena.

"I'm Sorry but I don't remember you"said Leon

'Huh?,Summer camp I don't remember ever going to one' thought Leon

He was an Introvert indeed, He didn't even like gatherings or such,he liked being alone even back in his village.

As the day went on, Leon found himself spacing out in class, thinking about the old man's words. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important he was missing.

As It was finally time for recess, Leon was walking down the hall when he overheard two girls talking.

Their Conversation was quite weird as they were talking about Demons, Memories and other stuffs.

'Wait Demons, I wonder what this is all about? ' thought Leon as he was walking but he stops, as their conversation caught his interest he decides to listen in on them for a while.

"What do you think?" said Lily, talking to another girl.

"Hmm,It is him I can say that for sure but He really doesn't remember at all" said the other girl who seemed to be Selena.

"I even tried checking, when I had a conversation with him in class but there seems to be a relatively strong magic barrier embedded deep in his memories" said Selena seemingly annoyed and worried.

"It seems you've experienced what I told you by yourself because you didn't seem to believe me when I said I found him in the human world"

"I even tried using 'Memory Suggestion Magic' about going to camp together,it seems he still has his powers but they are buried deep within him" said Selena

'Human world? Magic? , what are they going on about' Leon thought.

'Wait, Then the old man?. was he? no not possible, right? '

"Well, well, well, looks like we've got a little eavesdropper here."


[A/N: Hey everyone,

Sorry for the delay in updating my story. I ran into some unexpected tech issues that made it impossible for me to post new content.

But guess what? I've sorted everything out and I'm back in action! I promise to add more chapters soon, so you can continue enjoying the adventure.

Thanks for being patient with me. You guys are the best!]


'Finally,It's Recess'

'Gotta stretch my legs a bit, perhaps a walk in the halls'

Walking through the halls,Leon overhears a conversation

'Wait Demons, I wonder what this is all about? ' thought Leon as he was walking but he stops, as their conversation caught his interest he decides to listen in on them for a while.

"What do you think?" said Lily, talking to another girl.

"Hmm,It is him I can say that for sure but He really doesn't remember at all" said the other girl who seemed to be Selena.

"I even tried checking, when I had a conversation with him in class but there seems to be a relatively strong magic barrier embedded deep in his memories" said Selena seemingly annoyed and worried.

"It seems you've experienced what I told you by yourself because you didn't seem to believe me when I said I found him in the human world"

"I even tried using 'Memory Suggestion Magic' about going to camp together,it seems he still has his powers but they are buried deep within him" said Selena

'Human world? Magic? , what are they going on about' Leon thought.

'Wait, Then the old man?. was he? no not possible, right? '

"Well, well, well, looks like we've got a little eavesdropper here."

I was caught off guard when I heard the voice behind me. I turned around to see Lily and Selena staring right at me with a mixture of surprise and annoyance.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop," I said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Selena looked at me skeptically before speaking, "It's fine. But, just to be clear, we weren't talking about anything you would understand"

I nodded, feeling a bit disappointed that I wouldn't be able to find out what they were really talking about. "Yeah, I figured. I'll just be on my way then,"

I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a nagging curiosity about what they were discussing. Demons, memories, magic, and the human world - it all sounded too bizarre to be true. But then again, I had recently met an old man who seemed to possess some kind of otherworldly power. Was there more to this world than I had ever imagined?

Shaking my head, I decided to put it out of my mind and focus on enjoying my recess. But I couldn't help feeling that there was something more to this strange conversation, and I couldn't wait to find out what it was.

Leon tried his best to walk away from Lily and Selena without looking too embarrassed, but the two girls weren't going to let him off that easy.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Lily asked, grinning mischievously.

"It looks like our friend Leon here was trying to be a sneaky little eavesdropper," Selena said, winking at Lily.

Leon tried to defend himself, "No, no, no! It's not like that. I just happened to overhear your conversation by accident."

Lily raised her eyebrows, "Oh really? So, you just happened to stand right behind us for no reason?"

Leon was getting more and more embarrassed by the second, "I-I didn't mean to. I was just passing by, and I overheard something interesting, and..."

Lily interrupted him with a laugh, "Oh, don't worry. We're just teasing you. But if you want to know about demons and magic, you'll have to be initiated into our secret society first."

Selena joined in, "Yeah, we can't just go around telling everyone our secrets."

Leon couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Are you serious? You're really in a secret society that deals with demons and magic?"

Lily and Selena burst into laughter, "No, silly. We were just joking. We were actually talking about the latest episode of our favorite fantasy TV show."

Leon couldn't help but feel a bit relieved and a bit silly for getting so worked up over nothing, "Oh, I see. Well, that makes sense."

Lily and Selena gave each other a sly look, "But who knows? Maybe there is more to our conversation than meets the eye. You'll just have to join our secret society to find out."

Leon rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but laugh at the girls' antics. It was good to have friends who could keep him on his toes, even if it meant being teased a little bit.

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