
The Lord Peverell

A story of reincarnation of an orphan boy of fifteen years who died due to cancer with only a vague idea of magic from watching Harry Potter movies once and reading one or two fanfictions being reborn as Harry Potter in an alternate universe to the Harry Potter universe.

ABHIJIT_KATTA · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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39 Chs

chapter 9

Harry was woken up from his slumber by a sudden coughing fit as he felt a weight suddenly jump on his stomach the air rushed out of his lungs in a burst. Upon opening his eyes he found out that it was his three little sisters Hyacinth, Nebula and Artemis sitting on his stomach and smiling at him. They immediately greeted him saying," Happy birthday big brother", before he started hugging them and tickling them till they started apologizing for jumping on him and then went with them after using the washroom and completing his morning rituals.

Harry descended the stairs and entered the kitchen to find all his family members already there and waiting for him to come. Harry was immediately hugged by all four of his parents who then greeted him and then Harry immediately ripped open his presents which consisted of an advanced potion masking kit from his mother Lily and a wand holster made of dragon hide , it was a wrist holster. Sirius and his dad had gotten him a nimbus 2000 . His grandmother and grandfather had gotten him a few books on advanced potion making as he had already perfected preparing all the potions taught in Hogwarts till the fifth year and had also made his own modifications to them much to the delight of his mother who kept gushing about her little potions prodigy. Granduncle Arcturus gave him a sliver chain with a small locket inscribed with runes which would detect any poisons.

Harry's parents agreed to take him to Diagon Alley on the weekend as all the members of the family would be free to come with them. After that Harry raced off to fly on his new broomstick and even took his little sisters for a ride on them.

Finally the weekend arrived and Harry along with his family had a quick breakfast and waited for Sirius and his family and after everyone was present quickly headed over to Diagon Alley via side along apparition and quickly headed over to Gringotts to withdraw some money to buy the school supplies and then Harry along with his mother went to Madam Malkins to get their school robes which went smoothly except when he had to hold himself back from breaking Draco Malfoy's teeth when he commented on his mother's blood status and even though he wanted to break Draco's face he decided to control his temper and exact his revenge more discreetly. After collecting his school robes they headed over to collect their trunks where Harry bought a top of the line three compartment trunk with a library, a potions laboratory and a wardrobe much to his mother's chagrin.

"Harry, what was the need to buy such a costly trunk ?" Lily asked her son, who just smiled and said, " Mom I have been saving up all my pocket money as I don't spend it on anything, so it was not really a problem ", Harry said pacifying her and then they bought the potions ingredients and cauldrons while Harry bought some other ingredients which were missing from or exhausted in his private stick of potions ingredients which he used to experiment with various potions. Then they bought quills and inkpots and rolls of parchment and finally headed over to Flourish and Blotts where they bought the required books for first years and while Harry and both his mothers were perusing the other books in the store James along with Sirius went to the quidditch store agreeing to meet up at Ollivander's in an hour. Harry bought some extra books on potions, charms, transfiguration, defense against the dark arts and runes which he was fascinated by. Finally after purchasing all the books he wanted they headed over to Ollivander's to buy a wand for Harry which was what was causing Harry to bounce on his feet in excitement much to Lily's amusement.

They met James and Sirius outside of Ollivander's and headed into the store and Harry was shocked when he suddenly appeared behind them and started talking,

" Oh, heir Potter I knew you would be coming to my store one of these days to acquire your wands like your parents and ancestors before, " and then rattled of the details of the wands of James, Lily, Amelia and Sirius before fixing his unnerving gaze on Harry and asked him about his dominant hand and Harry answered that he was ambidextrous and with a wave of Ollivander's wandva tape measure began to take Harry's measurements and while Ollivander was trying to find a correct wand for Harry, Harry was revelling in the sensation of pure magic all around the shop. When it was his turn Harry took nearly an hour to find a perfect match for him which turned out to be

a 13 inches wand made of Yew and with the core of a thestral hair which Ollivander said would be good for all types of magic. When Harry first saw his wand he was mesmerized by its beauty as it was a beautiful brown shade with an elegant curved grip inscribed with what looked like runes.

Then all of them went to Eeylops owl emporium to get pets for Harry ; Harry got a magnificent looking snowy owl he named Titania. The family then had lunch at the Leaky cauldron and returned home.