
The long lost Moon

The school's angel Vivian Blendic is from a wealthy family. Since she was little her life was perfect. She has a loving family and friends. A lovely boyfriend whom she'll marry. Little did they know that there's a side of her that she hides from everyone else. One day her mother got sick and had to stay at the hospital often. She and her husband grew stranger by day until he brought a misstress and his new daughter home and everything changed. Vivian was bullied by the new misstress. And her stepsister manipulated her to steal everything from her out of jealousy. Her father wasn't the warmhearted man she knew before and her fiancé cheated on her with her stepsister. In a world called Efidia ruled seven royal kingdoms.People call them "The Seven Elements" or "The Moons".The legend says that the one of the kingdoms invaded the most powerful one, but was defeated. Since they broke the rule of peace between the families, they were banned from "The Moons" and remain only in books these days. After the battle the victorious kingdom suddenly vanished and no one heard a word from them since. Into Vivian's school transfered new students who look familiar to her as if she knew them, even though she never met them in her life..

Cherry_Moon_Web · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs

Under a spell

"Say, Christine?" asked Vivian Christine who was sitting opposite from her.

"mhmm?" Christine looked at her from the phone taking a bite of her croissant.

"When you told me about the transfer students, how many were there?"

"Mm maybe four, why?" asked Christine.

"Just that I think those pople on the roof were the transfer students."

Why did he look si familiar to her? There was something off about him. Like a magnet. She never met him in her life, but there is this strange feeling in her chest whenever she thinks about him. Could he..

"Guess they don't know about profesor Phill yet." said Eric interrupting her thoughts.

"But we go there all the time. There's no way it's true." Said Christine.

There is a saying that on the roof of the school is a ghost of a dead teacher, who was teaching in the school. They say that he suicided when his wife a child left him at the same day as he lost his job. He decided to haunt the school to scare everyone as revenge.

Or maybe it was just a fake story to keep disobedient students from a forbidden place in the school.

"So what? It could be true." Said Eric.


The bell rang and everyone took their seats.

Vivian looked at the empty seat beside her.

That's weird. He was just on the roof earlier. Is he not coming to the class?

She doesn't even know what he looks like. But if all of them were on the roof then they are attending their classes too right?

The teacher came and the lesson started. They were having math.

"So who can tell me the answer?" asked the teacher looking through the class.

Christine turned quickly and whispered.

"Vivi~ Let's go shopping after school!" she looked at her excited like she already knew the answer.

She always does that when she wants something really bad.

Vivian leaned closer to her amd whispered back.

"Sure, but I have to take care of something real quick so I'll meet you at the park okay?"

"Awesome! Okay, that's totally fine." she squealed in exitment and turned around.

Vivian decided to go see Tom after school. After all she heard from Melissa she couldn't help but think if it's true. She always loved him, but..

"Vivian!" the teacher called her for the third time.

She looked up at the board and realized everyone was looking at her.

"Yes, teacher?" she said calmly.

"What is the answer to this formula?" he said pointing to the board.

"Umm, it's x equal to y sir" she answered.

"Right!" he turned around mumbling to himself that the kids these days are in no control.

Vivian looked at Christine who was relieved. Because the teacher caught them talking he decided to call both of them but it seems that only Vivian answered

Christine looked at her with a face clearly saying 'That was close..'

Eric who was trying to hold his laugh the whole time and whispered Christine that she should be paying attention instead of thinking about shopping.

She threw a rubber at him and that made him laugh even more.

Vivian giggled at their silliness and focused on her notes.

Suddenly there was a knock and the door opened.

Vivian didn't notice because she was too focused on how to solve the formula.

"Sorry I'm late. I got lost." A deep voice rang through the room making everyone look to the doors direction.

Vivian's eyes widened. She quickly looked at the siluete that was standing in the door.

It was him..

"Oh, it's you Aiden. That's alright, you're new here. It happens. Just make sure to have a guide or get to class at right time okay?"

He nodded.

Everyone was starring at him. The girls were comenting on how handsome he was and the boys couldn't look away either..

Vivian looked around the class.

She thought that he really made an effect in this class.. Everyone turned the attention on him the moment he showed up.

The teacher called on the students to get their attention back to him and continued the lesson.

Then her eyes locked with a pair of green eyes. There is always something about his eyes.. It's like they can see right into the soul..

He was walking towards her, but neither of them looked away.

Her heart was bumping in her chest. It was so loud she could hear it in her head.

It's this feeling again..

Her heart ached a bit seeing him walking towards her.

He stopped right in front of her for a second.

Her heart skipped a beat.


Then he broke the spell and turned around.

That snapped her. She realized they were still in the class.

What was she thinking??

Wait.. What WAS she thinking?!

He took the empty seat beside her and took out his notebook.


Right, this is his seat...

She looked out of the window to keep herself from staring at him.

Geez.. He totally caught her off guard..

When she heard the rustling next to her stopped she peeked at him only to find her locking eyes with him again.

Her cheeks turned slightly red but her face felt hot!

This time she looked away pretending to focus on the teacher, but she herself knew that she wasn't.

Aiden smiled and slowly turned the teachers direction as well.

"Different huh.."