
The long lost Moon

The school's angel Vivian Blendic is from a wealthy family. Since she was little her life was perfect. She has a loving family and friends. A lovely boyfriend whom she'll marry. Little did they know that there's a side of her that she hides from everyone else. One day her mother got sick and had to stay at the hospital often. She and her husband grew stranger by day until he brought a misstress and his new daughter home and everything changed. Vivian was bullied by the new misstress. And her stepsister manipulated her to steal everything from her out of jealousy. Her father wasn't the warmhearted man she knew before and her fiancé cheated on her with her stepsister. In a world called Efidia ruled seven royal kingdoms.People call them "The Seven Elements" or "The Moons".The legend says that the one of the kingdoms invaded the most powerful one, but was defeated. Since they broke the rule of peace between the families, they were banned from "The Moons" and remain only in books these days. After the battle the victorious kingdom suddenly vanished and no one heard a word from them since. Into Vivian's school transfered new students who look familiar to her as if she knew them, even though she never met them in her life..

Cherry_Moon_Web · Teen
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9 Chs

Familiar face

She walked quietly to the voices trying to hear what they were saying.

"How long are we suppose to be here? It's obvious she's not here." a high voice was heard. It sounded like a boy's voice.

"No way, my calculations say that she is here. In this school." another one answered with a little deeper voice.

"How can you be so sure?" a third boy asked. His voice was also deep but calm and full of tenderness.

"Remember what she said about being different so that they won't find her? Her personality is now different as well as her preferences. Anyone of us could be 'it' now. But that doesn't mean she's not herself anymore. Her powers were sealed so that she could rest until she's recovered. But I don't know where she got the idea of resting in her other self body." answered the boy.

"Shouldn't we look at the place she doesn't like since she's different?" asked the third boy.

"I'm afraid not. Not everything is exactly the opposite so it's not that easy to find her."

"I swear if she's always so cunning." said the boy with a tender voice.

"That's our queen for you" said the one with a deep voice agreeing.

Who are these people? Vivian was so exited to eat on the roof with her friends she didn't think that someone could be here. Normally no one comes here. What is she going to do now? Guess just wait till Eric and Christine come and she'll tell them that in the end they're eating in the classroom.

Now she just hides somewhere so they don't see her. It could be troublesome if she gets found out.

She took a few steps back from the group. Suddenly she bumbs into something really hard. She turned around with a hand on her head and messaging it and saw a tall figure. She looked up at the person only to lock with a pair of emerald eyes. The bright green eyes with a little of golden sparkle in them.

They stared at each other for a minute. Neither of them couldn't look away. But why? His eyes were piercing through her like he could see her soul. Why does he look so familiar? She never met him in her life. But she feels like she knows him really well. He looked shocked. What is this feeling? She feels like jumping into his arms and crying. It was like the whole world disappeared and only the two of them remained. The only one's in the galaxy.


Her phone rang and they both snapped.

"H-hello?" Vivian asked still a little shocked.

"Where are you?" She heard Christine's voice.

This time she was walking away not looking at him anymore. She walked nervously to the door.

"Right. I wanted to tell you that someone is already here. So we should eat in class." She told Christine.

"What?! How did they find that place! It's our secret lunch place. If it's one of the creeps following you-"

"It's okay. It's not them." Vivian said calmly now interrupting her.

"It looked like a group of boys eating lunch together. I guess they found the place just like we did."

Christine humphed.

"They better did because if they did something to my little baby."

"I'm alright Christine." She said calming her bestfriend. She was so greatful that she has someone like Christine in her life.

"Okay. Then we'll meet you in the class okay?"


They hung up.

She wondered who they were. She didn't even took the time to look at that person properly. They were just starring at each other the whole time..

But they've got to be students here, she's sure of it.

Normally the students wouldn't go on the roof just like that. Could it be that those were the transfer students?

Then she remembered how she was staring at the new boy and blushed.

By now she was walking down the stairs but the boy was still looking at the door she left through. He was so surprised he couldn't say a word at the time. Could it be...?

No way. She's just a normal girl.


"Hey Aiden! What are you standing there for! Come and eat with us, class is going to start soon!" A black long haired boy with a tender voice yelled at him making everyone sitting there look at his direction.

"Did you get the food?" Another boy asked him pulling his glasses.

"I'm hungry!" whined the yellow boy with a high voice said.

"Yeah, I got it." Aiden said still looking at the door.

The yellow haired boy quickly took the food from him and unwrapped one of the bags and started to dig in.

"What's wrong?" asked the boy with glasses.

"Did something happened?" asked the boy with the black hair.

"It's nothing." He turned around and sat down.

"Let's eat."